Monday, July 02, 2007


some times.. I wonder if it is possible for any of us to over rule the blood of Jesus and over sin... but some how it's impossible... and I find it incredible how God is able to make such a decision to send His son, to die for us... even when he knows we are so evil...

But then.. could some one who continues disobeying God be a leader?... or even a teacher... still love God? can God be in them....? But what if this leader loved God.. and knew he had no more salvation, but because he knows God wants people in his kingdom... he goes out n brings them in... is that possible? aihs.. I dunno..

hwo can darkness and light dwell in the same place.. one must leave for the other to take its place.. but can one come back? hmm guess it could.. since is like the sun.. when it sets the darkness takes over when it rises the light comes.. oh well thats all I am pondering baout at the mo

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