Sunday, June 09, 2013

Cross Roads

when you're standing on a cross road, what do you do? you throw a rug out and ask God for an answer? if he gives you it, do you throw another? time is so short and a decision is to be made, yet it's so busy, what should I do?

I guess.. the best thing is to find a time to just kneel down and really spend some time with Father.


Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Tuesday Prayers

Well like I mentioned before, this is a blog hehe, so I'll blog :).

It's amazing, prayer. Seriously when all come together and agree, say amen at the end it makes a whole load of difference from praying with no agreement. I am very very happy for today, I don't know what it was my Father was just there. In the recent weeks, I've been having a different revelation, one I "knew" initially, but now I know like without the head but in conviction. I don't know if there is a word in english, but it's something like this, you know you're a man because you have a ding dong, like wise a woman when you don't have one. So in the same way we know we are God's children, thus it's not so much of "yeah, I knew that" but more of what you mean? of course I am moments.. hehe.

Well back to topic, todays prayer was fantastic, and my Father said a lot to me, now at the time I wasn't sure what was being spoken over me, but I know He was speaking through Ken and Peter, about prayer, about a need being met, about boldness, and some how it trickled down to me that, this convicition, knowing without needing to be told, or more like inhertence, whatever the word is, I'll just call it conviction, dawned upon me, and it was as if my Father was saying, that's it, this is the belief when you pray, and believe, to expect, to know, to be convicted. Rather than trying to convince yourself, focus on the faith than the doubt. So When it came to praying, He spoke to me, talk out to Andrew, touch him and tell him he is healed. I hesitated a lil, then he kept reminding me of peter, where peter said, Lord can I walk on the water? and Jesus said yes , come. Some how or another it made sense to me, that fine, if you want to doubt, but if I say you can, then you can and don't doubt. So I walked out in faith, and spoke in faith and right now in faith I will say, after today when he has drank his cup of water, and gone to bed, he will be well.

Now here's the truth, I did panick like peter, but I didn't walk first, I panicked first then walked later, I said WHAT IF it don't work Lord? WHAT IF? then He said Just go and reminded me of peter again. It's so fascinating when the Lord works like that, and so, I believe to walk by faith, to shred my unbelief at that moment and "Walk on water" per say, focusing on Christ alone. I don't know if He will do or ask this of me again, but I do know that He will be the one working it out my Father in heaven will work it out somehow or another, and that no glory is to me, but all to Him and His children.

Let amazing things happen Lord in all the world, let your light shine beyond all measure, we sing Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah! amen!