Tuesday, September 30, 2008

God's word for you

As Tears drop from an eye of pain,as clouds clear and the sun continues shinning,God reminds me, of the time, when i was hurt.He told me son, I am holding on to you and not you to me,He said, if you cry, come to me, I will hold you not matter what,if you're angry and you blame me, I'll take the blame that's what i did,wit the nails in the hands and the thorns in my head, I'll take the blame as i did before,Look at me child, and tell me you're ok?see these wounds I have for you.. I didn't do it to get recognition,I didn't do it to make myself great,I didn't do it to make you cry,I didn't do it so emotions over whelm you...No I did it for you and for who you are, I took your pains your hurts..Come out of the darkness you dwell, and step into the light and be renewed.
Remember that poem I asked you to write?how tears fall and a comfort stroke from me?remmeber how they fall to the ground, but as they fall I remmeber each drop?remember I told you I catch them in a cup? and I cherish them all coz I love you?My Dear child, lissten to my words. I am Love.. and that's my name.I am your Father, your shepherd.I won't leave you nor forsake you when your in the darkest part of the valley,always remember it's just shadow, it can't harm you..so you ask me? WHY is it that I did that.. why did i let you go in the darkness?then I asked you why don't you come in to the brightness?and as you sit there with streams of water, I look at you and feel your pain.I knew this day would come, and how i wish i never had to.look at me again. My little child, I love you much,and I havn't stopped loving you since the day you found me,look back into the foot prints of the sand. I love you, I most definatly want you, You are my prized possession.I've waited for over 1900 yrs to find you.. to this day.

What hurts now is just for a little while, For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you,plans for a great future. For even though you walk through the valley of shadow of death my rod and staff, they shall protect you,Most of all.. seek my kingdom, and dwell in my presence, and my peace shall be upon you,don't be anxious.. but come to me, with your prayers.
I love you my child, so I aks you the same as I do to peter, do you love me?

I felt like writing this.. and whoever reads this you know it is for you =)
God bless,


::life roads full of light, but some times there are mountains in the way casting a shadow, don't fret =) if in a shadow God's with ya all da way. even with a shadow, he'll shine and lead your path::

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New things!

As promised here are the pics of my new items~
Air purifier + IONISER! Wohoo:

The Ioniser air purifier~

mmm.. Fresh air just like the mountain breeze

Ionizer or purify air? OR BOTH :D
And of course~ drum roll! I GOT NEW SPECS! THANK GOD~ :D Porsche Design~

Whole set with the cool glasses cloth :D

*Nice eh?*

Here it is on me~ black n white~

me with glasses on. :D

okie~ thats all friends!

God bless

::Always show gratitude; Thank you God! ::


wonder why my blogspot doesn't have title option! any wayz~ let's get on with posting...

Actually I wanted to post on what i got from my mum, but I think I'll have to save it coz I didnt take a pic of it!haha! sooooooooooooooo I'll post whats been happening in my life colourfully.

1.WORK, working has been ok.. been trying to read and read.. but it seems I go through a stage of sleepy reading symptoms! so much so today I needed coffee to stay awake! >.<

2. Excersize, yeap.. been a while but the group got together to play basket ball! quite fun but unfortunately some one got injured n flew intot he air n smacked his head on the floor.. that was not covered smoothly with cement! ouch* hope your oki now~!

3. Church, yea, I went to chc on saturday, talked about Dreams~ goes through a few stages.. birth~delay~death~ressurection~sucession! But ultimately.. the thing I learnt was, to achive a dream is to help other's achieve thier dreams. Very touching message~ As for RLC, talked about Powderful prayers =) shakes heavn and earth... and sneaking into mose's secert chambers and seeing what he praye dto God~ What I learnt from this message is, Dwell in the presence of the Lord all d time~

4. Presents, Yea~ finally Florence's present has been completed thanks to our Dear brother william and the rest who chipped in ideas! a team effort as usual to bring about the most beautiful customized item we can give to our most appreciated, Shepherd *before multiplication* My Next project is... project 1 year~ haha! soon... also customizing.. this one is gonna take a lil more time as it requires a lot more glue =p~!

5. Bible truths, Well I was talking to a brother the other day, and it came about that we started to talk on tithes~ *mainly coz I was interessted in his views* Seems that tithes didn't appear in churches till much later~ actually tithes are not tools to get blessed ;) check it out in luke! in fact 10% if used to get~(favour.. blessings, popularity) it will not be benneficary at all! in fact tithes recorded to be given by moses~ and is also recorded to give the BEST. on top of that NEVER WAS IT MONEY.. haha check it out.. even in the new testiment it was crops =). Don't believe me? check this verse: Matthew 23:23 , Luke 11:42, Nehemiah 13:12 . ;) interessting to note eh? never the less I do not reject giving of tithes =), as it is a gift out of gratitude, tithes are giving in accordance to what God has blessed u (hence the bench mark of 10%) not of what you don't have =) just thought I'd note it down ^^~ P.s I found a verse where it said tenth of EVERYTHING :P sorry about my earlier note:Gen 14:18-20 but then again I remember JEsus saying, giev to cesar what is his and God what is God's... ah well lets just stop here then =)~ *note there was no money in abarhams time:P

Well I think I will stop here~

God bless


Friday, September 19, 2008


what do u guys think of these 10 red flags??


I was searching for scriptures about jealousy on http://biblegateway.com/ ... and I have come to realise... there's nothing against jealousy! in fact it isn't even in any of the laws being classified as a sin.. but more of suspicion, interesting to note aye? so that answers my question on why God calls one of His names jealous! so... it;s ok to be jealous in that case? I believe so.. first off let me draw a nice line between the difference of JEALOUS and ENVY..
The bible clearly states you shall not covet(envy) your neighbours wife, household, maidservants and what not(Deutornomy 20:17) This means, when you covet it is the fact you want some ones item...hence u always say I envy him coz he has a good car.. you are coveting over the car that the person owns... Basically, I want it, but they got it.. so I need to some how get it too! many many verses in the bible about this, I'll leave it to you all to search,... just type in covet! haha..

Now Jealousy is qutie the opposite.. to be jealous is to have someone take something that is rightfully yours away from you... so you become jealous.. e.g John was Jealous because Alexander took his promotion. whilst in this case john worked harder.. and deserved the promotion, Alexander who let's assume did nothing took the promotion instead. Another example would be.. You being jealous when your partner dates some one else.. or has an affair. This is NOT a sin... it could lead to a sin..(e.g killing the person.. or what not) but being Jealous is not a sin... Check it out, God's only jealous when you worship other gods or idols.. why? coz he is God and by your worship[ign something else is saying he is not God.. thus taking his status as God and putting it on someone else.. which ends in being jealous... it's interessting to note that one of God's name is Jealous~ check it out:
Exodus 34:14Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

Bet you never seen this verse before... so if jealousy is a sin.. it's punsihable by death(accordance with the law) so wouldn't that mean God should be dead? but you see it isn't in the law.. nor is it classified udner any ACT as a sin.. =)! So you ask(being off tracked) why did God kill so many people.. all I can say is Death penality... coz of all the sins.. you earn your part of the keep... which is death.. so u end up in death penalty basically...
Any howz, that's all i felt like posting for today! go search up on it in biblegateway.com >Jealousy & covet
God bless

::So many decessions in life, which are you going to choose? So many doubts, which are you going to believe? the best is still the truth, beyond all facts.. and hypothsies... if you find it prehaps you will enjoy life a lil bit more! ^_^::

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Time & place

I guess there's a time and place for everything.... seems that these days, I have been feeling I am in some sort of holiday, no idea why~ lol! but then when i look back i see liek I am distanting away from old friends. haha missed out on a lot of big events... and also loss of contact with fellow brothers and sisters.. .. .. NAH NOT REALLY! haha.. let's just say I don't talk much to any one i was close to any more.. i dunno why! (except maybe Karen :P this excludes my girlfriend too ;)) Prehaps it's just me xD...

I kinda miss Alexander for some reason (no I'm not gay :P) just seems like he was some one who really bothered to ask ppl out to yum cha at the right timing (yup right timing u read it right lol!) bleh... ppl are busy these days~ which is kind of a good thing! Means people are progressing~

Some random thoughts i wanted to post~ wonder what the progress in "The white hand's" present... Should I join MY got talent again? do a puppet show haha! poltics is going shabby~ I didn't really get into it till elections.. There's no more funny news or interessting news on msn~ WHY!? I need a small stone to carve writings on... I need to go shopping for some art stuffs... Wonder when I will be bother to make my comic come alive! I'm getting lazy o.O... I need to get out more! I wish malaysia was not reporting so many bad reports.. so I could go out haha~...

Interessting fact I learnt:

FEAR can cripple and control ones mind... FEAR can create unneccarry boundaries.. Fear projects a greater image of bad than good... if there were one million people in this world and one of them was a con artist (meaning the rest were trust worthy) Fear could make that one con artist the pioneer of distrust and loss of friends and families.. just by amplifying the acts of that one man! most news reported on bad things seems to be doing with less than 10% of this world? yet one black dot makes the whole world focus on it so much~ the stain grows~ haha... 2 ways to be famous/imfamous ... Both are literally the same.. in this mordern world.. Do some thing radical, something people wouldn't have ever thought of doing... and do it as bad as possible... scandals what not... OR if u want to be respectable.. then do something people will see most fit as rightoues and trustworthy.. but to be honest who in this world would trust you? haha! I do =p but I'm sure u dont trust me, which makes a lot of sense to my statement! =).

This is how I feel the worlds like.. beautiful.. but when something happens terror strikes hearts!
for all who cant read the guy says(some one stole my pen) the other guy says(run! this world's not safe anymore! some one is stealing pens!)

God bless
::Fear cripples, The more we amplify a problem the smaller the world gets~!::

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

My Heart

As this world fades, and the world gets darker, tears flood my heart..
As I see the world deteriorating and people slipping away I feel sad...
But when I see how God works I am filled with tears of joy.

I was pondering, wondering, thinking,
I saw the world filled with corruption taking innocents away...
Until I realised, God had not given up!

As I saw Celeberities drawing away.. as I see homeless left to starve,
and how useless I am and how I could not save,
I made a prayer when I was young,
And God moved His hand and today it was answered...

So what's all this all about you all wonder?
I am so thankful God helps celebrities and hasn't given up on them!
I wam so glad that there are churches in this world which accepts them regardless of who they are!
I'm so glad God really loves them.. when I heard about Chc setting up a church for celebrities so they can be built up and reached out... I was so happy! I tell you~ God isn't stopped by ANTHING be it you are a celebrity, a politician, or a just a plain old scum bag... God still loves you..

God sent Jesus to die for you...

Thank You God for answering..
Thanks God for helping
Thanks God for you amazing love!
Thanks God that you never give up on anyone
Be it famous or despised...
Thank You God for you love for me,

I am sorry for the stones I unrightfully cast,
I am sorry for the sending you so much pain,
I am sorry that I took the seat of judgement,
I am sorry that I doubt at times,

But I always thank you that you rebuke,
I thank you for your forgiveness,
I thank you for your guidence,
and I thank you for the answering...

Please God keep reaching out to everyone.. in the ENTIRE WORLD! be it UK Turkey Malaysia China~ Never give up on them...! I know you won't :)


::You may judge, cast the stone, and pick a bad point of some one just because they are one against the world, but before you take judgement, and cast the first stone, are you worthy for one second to cast it? or are you any better shall I say? ::

Friday, September 05, 2008

Been a long time

It seems that i have abbandoned my blog for a long while.. so what have i been up to? well mostly memory course... and work n sick.. lol! do you believe it.. I literally broke down coz of exhaustion.. lol! I wasn't a very happy boy at all~ I wanted to go emerge n i had to go get sick,... on a sunday too! right after church!!! AHHH hated it...

but good thing I managed to go on the saturday, I thought the message was great! talked about daniel in the bible how he was so concerned about defiling himself. Thus he wouldn't eat the food and all.. ~ BUT if u look what he didn't consider as defiling.:-Changing of his name-wearing the clothes of a babylonian-speaking the way of a babylon-learning the culture and living like a babylonian.- learning the arts of babylon (reading dreams n all)

Any wayz these points were valid~ and indeed daniel did not consider it anything as to be a defile. I believe God didn't either =).So what was it all about~ it just meant, when ur in ur working place.. dress appropriatly to your job (eg if ur in entertainment, please dont dress like a doll.. which has no entertainment in it) u get what i mean~. But what else was considered (in the world) would be.. pride. Greed, sexual immorality, LUST for power, LUST. lying.. stealing.. killing.. You see Daniel didn't do any of these =) I also believed the dream thing was a gift of God n not the dark arts that ps kong said :P sorry if I miss qoute u.. but I was hearing dark arts sitting there n I was baffled.. coz dark arts means u gotta deal with da devil n do some magic! WHICH GOD HATES IT IS A ABOMINATION TO HIM.. ah well~ any howz.. back to the point.
So what's the main point in all this? well it was all to mention upward mobilisation.. meaning u selected few,.. from the bottom move u to the top as quickly as possible as long as u do all those things.. learn language.. ect. But that;s not enoughto last as a righteous person.. Ps Kong mentioned one important key~ SD(SPiritual Dicipline) I loved this point that over saw everything.He said"You can be successful even if your not righteuos" but all this is like nothing.. and vaintiy.. and u will eb come "discontenteD" meanign always crazing for more power.. more greed.. and thats how a lot of those pop artist went.. from church going to crazy.. but there are those who are still spiritually diciplined~ eg marry J blige (she rocks haha) Ps Kong mentioned, To reach the top in upward mobility u must have it equal with spiritual dicipline (go church, pray, fast, read the word, worship, solidutity with God..etc) all necessary~ oh man! that rocked...
alright better end here for ya all basically all of thats summed up.. =)
God bless-Chris
::This life's tough, and we might just get into what I like to call the vicious cycle(nothing is ever enough) which will eventually be our demise~ But with God and our commitment (SD) We will reach a level of satisfaction whilst not being controled by lifeless things(greed money etc)::