Tuesday, September 23, 2008


wonder why my blogspot doesn't have title option! any wayz~ let's get on with posting...

Actually I wanted to post on what i got from my mum, but I think I'll have to save it coz I didnt take a pic of it!haha! sooooooooooooooo I'll post whats been happening in my life colourfully.

1.WORK, working has been ok.. been trying to read and read.. but it seems I go through a stage of sleepy reading symptoms! so much so today I needed coffee to stay awake! >.<

2. Excersize, yeap.. been a while but the group got together to play basket ball! quite fun but unfortunately some one got injured n flew intot he air n smacked his head on the floor.. that was not covered smoothly with cement! ouch* hope your oki now~!

3. Church, yea, I went to chc on saturday, talked about Dreams~ goes through a few stages.. birth~delay~death~ressurection~sucession! But ultimately.. the thing I learnt was, to achive a dream is to help other's achieve thier dreams. Very touching message~ As for RLC, talked about Powderful prayers =) shakes heavn and earth... and sneaking into mose's secert chambers and seeing what he praye dto God~ What I learnt from this message is, Dwell in the presence of the Lord all d time~

4. Presents, Yea~ finally Florence's present has been completed thanks to our Dear brother william and the rest who chipped in ideas! a team effort as usual to bring about the most beautiful customized item we can give to our most appreciated, Shepherd *before multiplication* My Next project is... project 1 year~ haha! soon... also customizing.. this one is gonna take a lil more time as it requires a lot more glue =p~!

5. Bible truths, Well I was talking to a brother the other day, and it came about that we started to talk on tithes~ *mainly coz I was interessted in his views* Seems that tithes didn't appear in churches till much later~ actually tithes are not tools to get blessed ;) check it out in luke! in fact 10% if used to get~(favour.. blessings, popularity) it will not be benneficary at all! in fact tithes recorded to be given by moses~ and is also recorded to give the BEST. on top of that NEVER WAS IT MONEY.. haha check it out.. even in the new testiment it was crops =). Don't believe me? check this verse: Matthew 23:23 , Luke 11:42, Nehemiah 13:12 . ;) interessting to note eh? never the less I do not reject giving of tithes =), as it is a gift out of gratitude, tithes are giving in accordance to what God has blessed u (hence the bench mark of 10%) not of what you don't have =) just thought I'd note it down ^^~ P.s I found a verse where it said tenth of EVERYTHING :P sorry about my earlier note:Gen 14:18-20 but then again I remember JEsus saying, giev to cesar what is his and God what is God's... ah well lets just stop here then =)~ *note there was no money in abarhams time:P

Well I think I will stop here~

God bless


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