Sunday, March 09, 2014

Psalm of exaltation

(plucking, psalm, literal to pluck)
C Em Am G x2 (intro)

C Em Am G
Constant and wonderful,
C Em Am G
Full of love and hope,
C Em Am G
Ever present and ever seeking,
C Em Am G
Comforter and ruler,

C Em Am G
The perfect Sacrifice.
C Em Am G
Never failing,
C Em Am G
Always ruling,
C Em Am G
Healer, and maker of all things.

C E Am E
Fill our hearts with light,
C E Am E
Fill our hearts with your glory,
C E Am E
Consume us with your fire,
C E Am E
Purify us in your love.

C Em Am G

C Em Am G
Seeker of the lost,
C Em Am G
And restorer of hope.
C Em Am G
Truth and life,
C Em Am G
Bread of life.

C Em Am G
The blood that cleanses.
C Em Am G
Ever seeking,
C Em Am G
Ever open,
C Em Am G
Embracer of those who return.

C E Am E
Fill our hearts with light,
C E Am E
Burn within us a passion,
C E Am E
Your unrelenting love.
C E Am E
Cause us to love.

Monday, March 03, 2014

To my Father

There is truly none like you Father,
There's really no one who could compare to you.

The greatest human pales in comparison to the weakest in you.
You formed the stars and galaxies in the skies,
in the heavens you spoke your word and made this world.
With your breath you gave life, to the empty body.

You called bones without hope into your glory,
You called those without purpose to find hope,
You caused the foolish to be wise
and the weak to strength!

God, My Father in Heaven, who made the universe,
whose Kingdom reigns forever in glory,
The one who set me apart, who made the most inavluable thing,
to store great treasures within!
You are Great!
You are Magnificient!
In you I will find my peace, My guidance, my substanance!
I am who I am because of who you are!
I pledge my life before you, but what I pledge is nothing compared to what you gave on that Cross for me.

Because, you gave it all that day. Oh light of the world,
Creator of all,
The word became flesh,
The lion of Judah
And the worthy lamb.

You are exhalted! You are worth, You are truth, You are guidance, You are the comfort, You are the cure to purposlessness, You have the plan, you have the hope, In you all things sustain, because of you we all live, it is you who holds the key, it is your word that stand final! because no one, no one in this world will ever compare to you.

Because you love the poor,
You love the hurt,
You love the broken, the lost, the ones that have lost all hope.

It is you who calls them, It is you who Calls them Qualified! It is you who calls them Children it is you who exhalts them and say This is my child, in whom I am well pleased! It is your glory that shines through them, that causes them to tremble in fear and awe, to walk in humbleness and still shine the greatness of all who you are.

Because you have called the foolish things of this world to shame the wise. You, are incomprehensible, You are God, You are My Father, You are the blessed and most Holy one in all the earth! God Almighty!
