Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Where you WILL find rest for your soul.

Matthew 11:28–30 (ESV)
28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

When you labour for the Lord, do you feel as though the burden is too great? is it too heavy? have you felt the weight of the world on your shoulders when trying to go through this journey of being a Christian?

The Yoke of Christ is EASY, not hard, and the burden of Christ is LIGHT and not supposed to be heavy. Perhaps we have being doing it wrong all this while, striving our hardest(through our own efforts) and not going to Christ, not listening to His instruction of coming to him. OR perhaps we are so occupied like Martha? (Luke 10:38-42) that we forget to sit and hear His word? to learn from him?

The Lord is not one who holds a whip, and harshly moves you forward, HE is not like a slave driver as one who will force you on. But He has clearly stated, he is gentle, and lowly in heart, he does not puff up in pride, but lowers himself. Have you then perhaps been fearful in the wrong aspect? thinking the Lord is one who will whip you to drive you forward? to perhaps teach you in this manner of way so that you will "learn", Far be it form that. He says I am gentle and lowly in heart - This is the one you learn from. 

So perhaps, if you find yourself in a place where there seems to be nothing but stress and turmoil, where you find much disturbance, unrest, and uneasiness, in this case, turn to the Lord, and realize who he is, For He did not say for I am harsh, and proud in my heart, and you will find much stress... NO on the contrary, HE has said, and guaranteed it, since it is a WILL find rest and not MIGHT find rest.

For His Yoke is easy not hard, not with much effort, but easy peasy lemon squeezy. His burden is light, not heavy, it's so light, that you probably don't even know that it's there, like your clothes.

In the Message translation I love how it's put, the unforced rhythms of grace! and I think it describes it perfectly. When we choose Jesus's was it's not supposed to be burdensome, heavy, and difficult. It's easy, light, and restful!

So today, my friend, are you feeling the weight on your shoulders? perhaps it's time to take a step back, turn to Jesus, and say, hey, I want to learn from you, I want rest for my soul. To many this may seem like the most illogical path, because it consists of living in faith, by the Spirit, trusting in God and dying to yourself. Yet if you truly, do it, you will be more than surprised how unenforced the Lord is, how things flow, so gracefully, inexplicably! 

Come to the Lord why don't you my dear friend, there's nothing to fear, come!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Who is my neighbour?

Walking down a dark alley, a man of a society, was journeying his way towards a place where he could find more opportunities, to settle down, and provide for his family. He set his path through the alley as it was the fastest way towards the destination, and he wished not to make it a longer journey than necessary. However, half way through the alley, a mob came out of now where and mugged him!  robbing him of all his belongings, they smashed his knee caps with a metal pipe and left him to bleed out.  

"This is it" he thought to himself, "I am gone, my family I have failed you..".

The environment began to blur to him and he saw a figure, in the dark, he stretched out his hands as to seek help. It was a man of God! Reputable, many of which knew of him as a righteous and pious person. He glimpsed over and walked passed him as far as he could be, ignoring him as one who would ignore a beggar on the road.

Barely holding on, another came by chance, this time it was a prophet, oh how many have heard his prophecies, many a times has he encouraged the masses, he came right up to the man in the ally, looked at him from 2 steps away, and then launched backwards keeping his distance. Paced off as fast as he could.

"It is hopeless, I am doomed" with that the man fainted.

There came a third man, rugged, with an unkept beard, full of tattoos and piercing, with a skull top, and a leather jacket, walking down the alley. He was wheeling down some goods that he was delivering. When he saw the man, he dropped his things and rushed down to check on the man who was left for dead. This third man was looked down on, and despised by the society of which the robbed man lived. Yet, despite that fact, this rough looking man, holstered the man on his shoulders and put him inside the wheeler. carrying the items by hand, and brought him to a hospital to be patched up, after spending a night to make sure the man was okay, this third man walked up to the counter and paid for the treatment, on top of that he gave an advanced payment to the hospital to keep the man in for another 2 weeks if need be and told them, the next time he had a delivery if the man still owed anything, he would cover it. 

A Neighbour is one who looks beyond society, and shows compassion beyond all else. A neighbour is someone we should strive to be. To love our neighbour as our selves.

36 So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”37 And he said, “He who showed mercy on him.”Then Jesus said to him, Go and do likewise.”Luke 10:36-37, New King James Version