Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The power of one

As the raiders rushed through the forest, leaving destruction in thier paths, a village lay ahead... people panicked and rushed about as they heard that a group of bandit raiders were heading their way, they had no idea where to head and had zero security, every mintue was like a count down to death. As the raiders approached the town, they saw the chaos it was in and sat and watched in amusement. hours later the whole town was in a wreck and people had fled away... the raiders simply walked in and took everything that they saw fit.

Later at night the raiders planned another ambush.. on a smaller town named, Solorial... This town was famous for the amount of raw materials they had... the raiders discussed amoungst themseleves how they may come about in stealing what they want.

"Let's run head in like we always do!" Shouted one of the raiders

"No don't be foolish, this town is bound to be secured with many gaurds we need to sneak through." the cheiften said.

they all agreed on sending a scout into the town, the scout came back with reports that no gaurds were in place that very day... as they plotted thier attack, the raiders decided to send a small group to terrorise the city at noon.

Noon arrived and the raiders arrived swinging thier maces in the air and screaming, fear struck the townsfolk and they fled into the townshall, all scared they bundled up together and asked the counsellor what they should do.

"ok everyone let's relax... I'm sure we can sort this out some how... why do these raiders want to come to our town?" said the counsellor.

"STUPID QUESTION, they want our gold and raw materials of course!" a peasent shouted.

"Let's try to remember what we have always said to one another, stand united, stand together... show kindess to terror and terror shall flee! come with me all of you, do not let fear control your hearts! each one of your grab a buckler and a wooden stick, we will go out and stand united as one!"

meanwhile the raiders laughted as they thought thier plan worked, then the rest of the raiders rushed in to celebrate and take the booty. but just as they were about to celebrate. they heard war drums playing and a huge army of people rising against them... the raiders shouted and screamed


but the words had no effect on this army marching towards them, as the army approached the raiders started to get scared, readying for battle they drew out thier maces.... but as they got a clearer image of the army, they realised it was just the townsfolk, and laughed.

"You dare come against us? the imfamous Raiders of the wind? ha!?! you must be crazy!"

with straight faces the townsfolk marched infront of them,

"Flee now or prepare for battle, we shall not flee in the sight of such lions prowling... we fear you not and stand united... "The cheiften of the raiders stood up and said

"who is your leader! come and battle with me!" the counsellor stood up and said "Here I am!"

As the cheiften readied his weapon the counsellor stood completely still with a stick in his hands, the cheiften began the first strike, swinging his mace in the direction of the counsellor but the counsellor refused to move and just as the mace was about to hit him, he blocked it with the flimpsy stick he had. The cheiften was amazed at how such a flimpsy stick could withstand such a hit, again the cheiften swang his mace with full agression and again the mace was blocked by that one flimpsy stick... the battle carried out and the cheiften ran out of breath flat out on the floor... the counsellor walked towards him with the stick pointing towards his head.

"Noo don't kill me" Cried the cheiften.

"Who says I was going to kill you?" replied the counsellor.

"That stick it is enchanted, witch craft,... !!!!" shouted the cheiften as he tried to regather his strength.

"No it isn't, it's simply a stick... but with all of us standign here united even this stick can overcome you! it has the strength of hunderds of sticks" as the counsellour said this he grabbed the cheiftens hand and put him back up on his feet.

"I shall not kill you, but I shall forgive you, come wiht me and join me as I show you how a rightoues nation shall prosper. There is no need for killing nor for stealing, step into this path and I shall show you the wonders of this lighted path."

"I shall" replied the cheiften

"AND WHO SHALL JOIN ME!!!" shouted the cheiften in enthusiasm.

2/3 of his followers dropped thier weapons and joined, the other 1/3 replied by calling the cheiften weak and feable, but in fear ran for thier life.


Your probally wondering.. Him Chris you usually write stories related ot Christ, but amazingly enough this is about Christ... How as our old nature we used to rush into the base of the Lord and think we can simply attack Him, not realising even wiht a puny stick He could defeat us all.

Proverbs 21:31The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD.

Another part is standing united... As Christains we are all the church, each of us a building block and a part of the body of Christ, all of us are bound together, even though we have seperate giftings, we are still one together in the body of Christ.

Romans 12:4-5 4Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

last part is about a sinner accepting Christ wanting to take the rightoues path, in the way they saw the power of Christ come alive! and how some do not believe and reject, some flee coz they fear that thier weaknesses shall be shown, though clearly they don't need to coz simply we are weak.

Romans 5:17 One man sinned so death ruled all people because of one man. But now those people who accepts God's full grace of being made right with Him will surely have true life and rule through one man, Jesus Christ

1 Corinthians 15:57But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thats all folks! Jesus loves ya all the way, when your in the worste oif situation call out to Him! EVEN IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN HIM! JEsus still loves you :)

-God bless,


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