Friday, September 03, 2004

Well then... ain't been posting anything useful lately that Id look back n see is gd, lolz , well it'sncie and early in the mornng and I'm tired as usually :O no suprize!
Yesterday I went to pasar mnalam and got anew cover for my hand phone as well as a groovy new keypad which is actually the original one!!! :).
Talked to Sam yesterday he has a lvl 5somethign hero O_O man I need to to train faster on WBCIII but I ain't been playing much... he's got a trianing map... but he sent me the wrong file lolz... some heavy metal song :S funny!
now brunign a copying a cd into my media player.. seems to be messe dup badly !_!, talked to many people yesterday all me UK friends on my msn list besides phil,
Mathew who is from Ausie land, He stayed up all night just to play a gb game with me !!! what a sportsmanship in gaming! Selphine, sitoze Cuz, Sitoz himself.... :D those 2 ick ass in gunbound!!! Scares me... lolz
a week back i dfound out i wasn't picked for NS YAY, I'll comment that later on this post... ash got picked unfortunately... he never really wanted to get picked.. his diploma is finishing then he should do it... but he has applied for ausie unis and thier acceptance is gonna come late!!!!sighs, mit is worrid that he's gonna come back every different, I'm sure he won't only the person themselves can chnage who is within thierselves right? prehaps they watchwhat they eat, I doubt NS does that, anywayz... it'll be ok, ash can handle it!
oh yea mit seems more cheerfuls now a days with convos with me any wayz, She's cool :) I'm glad shes become more cheerful makes me less worried abt her cutting n all ;) keep it up mit I knwo u can,


Well then NS, the whole point of NS is for paitorism,... makes so many peopel not want to support Malaysia tho.... they should make it optional if peopel wanna go they should have a choice to sighn up, for those who ddun wanna go let it be... but if they wanna force poeple I tink they should make the whole Malaysia go for it, what use is it if there's a war, and only a few of us are gonna fight... anywayz... I'm sure most peopel know how to handle a gun, buit i doubt after NS any of thier morals are gonna be any higher.... especailly seeing other poeples guns and how leathal it can be, not that every one already knows, sighs NS would be so much better if they spent more of the money in our towns, improving laws enforcing the piracy n all, Well I heard a few poeple have tried to convince the mMalaysian goverment, but never works, oh wellz


Chris sighning off¬!

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