Thursday, April 19, 2007

Endless waltz

Ahh just wokeup with a splitting tooth ache still... and a night mare.. sorta night mare, let ne tell you about it... I was in a school listenign to the teach then sudddenly there was some sort of evil presence around... This woman, had been using black magic n turned the whole school into a sodom... they announced on the radio, those who do not endulge into sexual acts will be punished and tortured.. then I tried to hide and ended up in a room filled with 3 couples doing stuff... and the women, whome had done was in a dinow in an opposite room(window which she could look through and all we see is a reflection) she tempted me saying, go on, you know you want to, and if you don't you'll be punished severly... some how in me I knew the Holy Spirit was there.. in me I knew God would say this is wrong,... then I had some supernatural abbility to have a concentration of light come out of me... it was so concentrated the window shattered revealing the woman behind the window... for some awkward reason I also had the abbility to flee.. floating n soaring above the rooms to hide... then just as I reached a room which was not infested with black magic and was the way out, I saw a girl whome was not effect... but I flew above the room trying to hide just in case, and the evil woman stormed in, in her rage she screamed at that women in some sort of control room and she said I been tryign to keep track of him.. but I lost him.. then seeing that she was going to corrupt that innocent girl I dropped down, and had a robot all of a sudden(random eh? guess thats what dreams are) thenit fought the evil woman off and she summoned another robot, whislt I Was asking the girl fi she was ok, this robot turned and stabbed the evil woman on the back... she was devestated, crying and calling for help, I rushed to her to see what was wrong, and realised she wasn't even bleeding, tossing me into complete and uter surround of her werid tenticles she talked to me, saying u can't escape, through a gap I could see the exit, but I couldn't reach it.. she did some obsence things on me... and I somehow surrendered... turning into one of them.. i walked with a cry in my head.. why bother.. I can't do anythign might as well make the most of things and surrender.. I walked up the stairs.. to another person.. then that was it.. end of dream... I had another dream where I was helping a family do something, I fell innto a strong current river and tried wiht all my strength to get out my self but getting sucked into a hole I couldn't then logically I screamed for help and the hwoel family came out grabbing my hand and pulling me ashore.. alot happened in that dream... somehtign about trees n all..

Think about it thats all one whole long sequel of dreams.. and what ticks me off was.. I always tried my ways first.. and never called for God's help... and I surrendered in my last dream to a world where evil reigned... which really ticked me off when I woke up coz I was like, why didn't I ask God to help in every situation just as I did in the first... oh well dreams.. night mares...probally caused by my tooth ACHE
:( go away tooth ache... oh well must make breakky now.. cya all


God bless

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