Monday, April 20, 2009

Back to work

After my long forced leave.. I am back at work.. haha.. I've just realise there is so much to consider before you implement a project.. and being defined as a "Consultant" I think I need to know all these things...

No.1, How many users are going to be in the system.
No.2, What type of O.S is being used
No.3, What is the DB being used
No.4, How Big is the DB
No.5, What are the minimum specs in accordance to ECC6, OS and the DB.. all needs to be taken into consideration
No.6, What components are actually needed?
and others I can't think of now..

epps maybe network needs to be taken into consideration too!! I think I have lots of reading about planning a system... rather than installing.. Preparation is the first step to sucess!

alright.. a boring post to many.. but maybe william would like this post :P

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