Sunday, January 29, 2006

When Darkness falls...

A bit werid of a title for Chinese new year... life's good when your friends and family are around... Life's Good.. but when you stay alone.. when you sit there, and no one understands you. You start to think of depression, haha that's when the darkness starts to fall... you can get so embraced in it.. feel comfortable in it actually, even tho it's so uncomfortABLE , but thats how the darkness falls upon me. Well... I don't wanna talk about depressing things I've been fighting it a long time, but ultimatly God is my comforter.

A story I will tell, some thigns to blabber.. When a seed falls, it says to itself I can fly!, when it hits the ground, it says I'm safe!, when it starts to germinate, it does not complain, it says I am maturing. When the roots settle in, he says, I am growing stronger. When the stem comes out of the ground it says, the darkness that fell around me has finally gone!, when it rains and is dim, it says, Thank you for the Rain Lord,when it's sunny it says, Thank you for the sun Lord so I may radiate my beauty. When an insect lays by it's side, it says thank you Lord for making me wanted. when it blooms it says tank you Lord for dressing me up with wonders, when it closes up at winter, it says Thank you Lord for the rest. When it's alone it says thank you for the Space, when it's in a crowd, it says thank you Lord for friends... and family, when it is picked, it says, Lord, I thank you for the life you have given me, and now you have let me become free, for now at least.. I thank you that you were with me even through the times of darkness, I know even though I'm such a small thing, you still care for me.. and now I am in a humans hand, a human you love so dearly.. more than me for sure, but I thank you that you have given me a privillage to be in a hand of a person u favour..

I wish that I could be like a seed, that blooms, I wish that in darkness I look at the Lord, but why should I wish, I have it!... and tho the darkness falls unto me, the light shines ever so more brightly... what light you may ask? and I say try Accepting Christ and you will know =)

I do not know why I wrote this story, I do not know if it helps any one of you, you maybe angry at me, no one reads my blog, no one comments it any more, it reminds me of how dead it is haha, it's become like such a diary..

But still I say GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!! and take care.. my brothers... and sisters love ya all.. too much T.T

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