Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Exhalt the King

Today I went to prayer, tremendous.. I heard a rolling thunder sound, and my heart started beating in and instant, my breaths became short, and I had to breath heavily I felt like the Lord's presence is truly incredible that I might actually of needed to lay on the floor! But one thing was true, He had a word ringing in my heart and I was with holding it, but there was no holding back, I could not hold it off this time, I had to give it out and I did. God is great, I just wanted to log this in a journal, and well since I have a blog! why not!

So yea, back to the title, after prayer, one thing stuck to me, When He is exhalted He will draw all men to Him, so Exhalt Him. This came in actually when brother Ken asked Grethe to pray for the youth. Some how or another I wanted him to prepare some message about that, but I don't know if it will be put up in youth, we'll see how it goes and if he does agree to it :).

Few points to put through while meditating on this point:
- Lift up Christ in everything if you wish to see a revival.
-Actually pointing our lives towards Christ and showing people Christ, and putting Him in the center of it all will draw people in.
-If you want to have people to find Christ, you gotta show Him.
-God is the God of the living and not dead, so you will have testimonies that lift Him up in your lives.

Some how or another this was what I came to realise. People actually need to hear and know about God to really want anything to do with Him and well, be bold about it, but don't be violent about it, after all what was the command given to us? :).

Many blessing!

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