Sunday, June 18, 2006

Well, Today I feel kinda shitty...

Start of the day amazingly with my Father God, and cooked brekky for my Dad... Then went to church and had an amazing time... then ate lunch... then came home.. slept for 10 mins, then went out for dinner, came home and found out I lost my MP3... yes another item lost... I feel so crap and useless... But never the less I still want you all to have this story that was wandering through my head while I wasn't so crappy..


planted as a seed inside a deep and dark ground.. alone with no family, brothers or sister....but as the seed germinates the rose starts to speak in the silence of it's germination..

Lord it is so dark.. I cannot see, but I know one thing, you are making my roots go deep so that when I grow up I will be strong, for you are the one who roots me down, no other root will do but yours.

as the shoot comes out of the soil, the Rose says,
Lord Lord! I see light, but nothign as bright as the light when I was in the darkness before. I thank you that you have gave me the strength to push through the soil, even though it may be hard, but your joy keeps me carrying on..

as the bud forms. Lord I am growing and maturing... still young as I am, but I thank you for your blanket that covers my nakeness, the bud you provide is as warm as the wings you hide me under.

As it blossoms, oh Lord, I feel so free, you have beautified me more than I could ever imagine, you have clothed me in red, and gave me a family. because of you I am united with them all.

As the trees grow around it and the family roses die. oh Lord, I thank you so much for the family I had... many have died, but because of you I am still alive... even though the trees are tall big and strong.. and I small tender and weak, I thank you that you have given me a protection from the wind.

The trees laugh at me oh Lord, they think I am crazy and say I am wrong... I belive in you but they say it's not true... oh why oh Lord why? but I will keep on carrying on with you.

As the winds blow, Lord I thank you for you were with me ever since I was born, I was no mistake, and you have made me strong.. my roots are held by your love, your love that keeps me standing strong. Even as the trees fall I know you are the one that keeps me carrying on.

As the Rose gets picked out of the floor, and into a humans hand, who passes it to a girl.. the Rose dying and clinging on to life for just a second longer says, Even though now I am about to die, you have shown me to you with my long life you have satisfied me, and today I am happy.. you have used me for this day. for I am now in the hands of your most tresured creation... and you have used me as a tool to bong a love between two.

As it withers in a plant pot. Today I die, I may look like I am sad, but Lord I am crying... and these tears of mine are nto tears of sorrow and hurt. but tears of joy and happiness.. you have been there since I was born, and you have clothed me with your beauty.. your love, and your grace... you have let me see your most treasured creations, and even sheltered me in thier home... now I die in the house of your temples.. I know this one thing is true... that you are always true...

Well I hope you all enjoyed the story!.. I don't really know how it sounds ^_^ but I really hope it will touch your hearts.. all of your hearts..

God bless,

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