Monday, July 10, 2006


Feldor looked himself in the mirror and spoke to himself saying,
The worlds too real.. and it still hurts around...
No ones gonnna come and comfort you, you gotta stay around..
I don't why or what makes me wanna go on, but I guess you just have to..
Life's getting tougher.. and there's no short cut.. What is it to be like in the mirror?
Is everything easier.. everythign backward? does choas mean comfort? are the rich the poor? and being poor good?.. I don't get it... When I look you.. my reflection, all I see is me.. and when I comb my hair to the left, I look exactly like you.. more and more... each day..
It's funny, why isit just a relection of you.. wonder why... wonder how..
Every ones just saying go on with life, don't trust no one...
do what you want and live life ot the fullest..
I wonder you my relflection.. how you feel? do you live life to the fullesT?
I dunno, when I do I feel a empty void within me.. all the girls all the drugs, they don't help all...
I got all the money in the world, yet, nothing's filling in this void.. I want more and more.. but the more I get the bigger this void feels.. Don't you wish?
hmm.. I mean I wish I had some one to hold on to.. some one I could trust..

*bang door slams*
Feldor shocked turned around and saw Selina,
Selina: You are talking to yourself again?
Feldor: yeap.. life's not going the way I want it now a days
Selina: No point starting in the mirror, your not gonna change it like that!
Feldor: at least I can talk to some one that understands..
Selina: There is some one that understands.. I'm sure of it the worlds huge..
Feldor: Well you never suffered as bad as me.. my past is as dark as the bottomless pit.. Full of deciet lies, and abuse.. and the World says thats the way it should be.
Selina: Well yes I havn't had a bad past like you, and no my past is not full of lies and deciet, but doesn't mean it's been all dandy.
Feldor: if you knew how I felt you would be doing the same.
Selina: If I was as rich as you, I wouldn't be spending it on sex, or drugs, I'll be enjoying my spar treatments and massages..mmmmm*dreamy look*
Feldor: blah Even if I did spend it on such thigns it's not gonna satisfy me for long.. in fact all these bloody thigns on the planet only gives temporal satisfaction
Selina: True.. *smiles* lifes not too bad come on cheer up
Feldor: heh.. I may look liek the happiest person in the world but I ain't..
Selina: hmm I've known you for ages.. and you have never opened up like this to me before... some things really up.. care to share?
Feldor: I... I can't.. I was taught not to trust any one...not even you..
Selina: It's ok.. I won't tell any one I promise, it's between you me and God
Feldor: God? bah! if he was real he wouldn't let me feel this void in me
Selina: you don't believe in God?
Feldor: Nope! He reminds me of some one gay.. in white clouds doing boring stuff ZZzz
Selina: oh HAHAHA how you have been mistaken all your life! it's nothing like that my dear friend
Feldor: huh what do you mean? look at those pictures of Jesus and stuff.. all white harp playing.. super plain skies.. if thats heaven I'd rather Go to hell!
Selina: oh my.. Hell is worste, heavens' not like that... It's paradise.
Feldor: it's still plain,,
Selina: no infact it's quite colourful.. you see the skies.. the sun sets? the moon at night? the stars that twinkle.. the wonderful beach.. the weet sound of the sea brushing on the sand..
Feldor: never really noticed... *stares out the window into the starry night.*
Feldor: heh.. I guess your right.. it does look kinda nice..
Selina: yeap! *huge smile appears on her face* and God made all that.. If he made that what more of heaven! it's gonna be even more Exciting than your discos.. night clubs! more attractive than the girls you sleep with, and heck more fun than sex or chocolate..mmm chocolate*thinks to herself, Closest thing to heaven*
Feldor: I never thought of that... then why do artists draw heaven as white cloudy and boring angles on a harp... Jesus like a woman...?
Selina: you know what! I have no idea haha*sticks tongue out* maybe they were boring eh?
Feldor: haha prehaps, artists.. they can make beautiful pictures and yet they can't make heaven the way you describe it, btu instead makes it the opposite!
Selina: haha yeap! *winks* I think it's good you don't know what heaven looks like, then you can stretch you imagination! but the bible says it's super colourful!
Feldor: hmm.. so if God loves the world so much why did he let people be poor? Why the povety? he can get rid of all that make our lives easier.
Selina: You ever seen the poorest person in the world? who has found God in thier lives? you ask them, are you suffering alot? does this poverty give you much pain? I know one person that had cancer.. worried coz he only had 3 months to live, then prayed God healed him, he might not be the richest person in the world, but he said when I asked him arn';t you scared oyu gonna die, he said, well I'm nto dead yet after 1 year, I wanna be a exsample of God's glory and if I died I 'll go to heaven any way..
Feldor:.. and what's this gotta do with all the poverty? people still hurt!
Selina: can't you see.. thier not poor, they have God and they rejoice, They love it! they celebrate in church, and they have peace and dreams... they have hope Coz of God...
Feldor: and those who don't knwo God? he lets them suffer!
Selina: yea.. you would think so, but look at a great exsample you and me know, Mother terresa, she was sent by God to help the poorest of poorest! and think of this, God sent her.. if God didn't care he would have just let them all die without sending people to them..
Feldor: and the rest of the world? the ones that don't know, like the tribes?
Selina: oh but they will know God... he has his ways just you don't know, he could have already spoken to them just thier ignorant, liek most people are
Feldor: hmm... you mean like me
Selina: haha you said it not me.
Feldor: I wanna ask you, when you look into the mirror, who do you see?
Selina: I see me, and Christ
Feldor: you see Christ, Your joking when I see you looking at the mirror I only see you
Selina: but thats what you see! Christ is what makes me go on, he's what makes me live and walk, the one person that I can trust with no fear, the one person I can speak to and he won't backstab me.
Feldor: hmm.. really? hwo can you be so sure?
Selina: simple, he died suffered for me
Feldor: not much.. look at the paintings, even the passion of Christ doesn't look as much suffering as some movies..
Selina: that's coz they couldn't make it as bad as it really was.. you knwo in the bible it says, he was scorned, and when he hung on the cross he wasn't reconizable anymore, he was liek a peice of meat... bones exposed.. worste than any movies you seen and he was still living just for you and me!
Feldor: oouch... that much huh?.. hwo can you even trust the bible? it's written by men not God!
Selina: yes it is written by witness of God and besides who says God can't use normal people! in fact all the poeple you read about in the bible arn't super human, they all have faults, drunkens, adulterers, but God can still sue them
Feldor: then God isn't just!
Selina: haha if there was a perfect human, he would have to be God to restrain form all the human faults of this world! and that is exactly why Jesus was here!
Feldor: hmm... good point... why poeple! why not animals?
Selina: simple! God made you in hsi image, and God breathed in you not animals you have a spirit animals don't!
Feldor: hmm... ok.. gee God's like too good to be true.. gave us such an easy path.
Selina, easy as it sounds, Jesus had to suffer more than any one in this world, betrayed, slaughtered, spat on, clothes gambled for, and worste of all he had to be seprated from God on the cross, just coz he took all our sins for us on the cross, pineed down. Too good to be true? indeed, no problems in life? wrong, we will have troubles, alot of them, just liek you do now, but the difference is, I have God to talk to to pour my feelings to and he is the one that keeps me going.
Feldor: hmm.. God.. is he the one thing missing in my life?
Selina: prehaps *smiles* I hold another mirror that you can to if you just believe
well this was a long story dialog... I don't mind if you don't like it, but just read it prehaps it will answer some questions, well I just wanna add a few things, we don't have to be perfect to know God, we don't have to be Holy to know God well... we just need to affirm that Jesus Christ is our saviour and Lord, and thats it we will be based on what Jesus can do not ourselves. If we become perfect before knwoing God then we don't need Jesus.
Noah(built the arc) was an drunkyard, Moses, was an bad tempered man, Abraham was a liar(said his wife was his sister just to save hsi own neck), David(yeap the one that killed Goliath-the giant) was an adulterer. No one is perfect, But Christ...
2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as by the Spirit of the Lord

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