Wednesday, March 01, 2006


ahh these days.. I only hear people calling me Crazy, Crazy and crazy... Word's are so harsh, they could kill some one... but I'm glad God's my sheild as he stated in exodus... if you think I'm going Crazy so tell the psycicalogical ward.. Get me and take me in.. is being so on fire for God a crazy thing? prehaps... is the truth so crazy? I wish that every one knew what I was feeling.. how I felt, then they would know.. but I don't care, cray as I am I sitll know the Lord see's me and loves me. why do people think you fear so much? I do not fear... I wish they would know that... ok I fear some things at certain times of my life, but it's the Lord which always comforts me and drives it out.. oh how I wish every one was reading my blog, btu the simple fact is every isn't.. and when they do all they see is God this and that.. then they say man this guy is bonkers... so sue me hahaha I have freedom of speech do I not? what you gonna do kill me? cut my body up and feed me to the Dogs? would you do somehting as disguist as that? but I tell you the truth no matter how much you do to my physical body.. my life will not perish, for I will be standing before the Lord, and be in his presence forever more! Perservere.. I cast alll blessings that I can unto you bretherns sisters, Enemies, friends and family... May God touch all your hearts, may he give you the joy I once felt and am still feeling , may he give you the peace that overide the dispute amoungst one another... did you know that even tho we have different callings God still says there should be an agreement? for isit not an inheretence of ours to bve united and give commanded blessings? did you know even if we have disputes we shouldn't let it give us the chance to character assassinate? a chance to go and show how right you are and wrong the other person is? doesn't it all seem to contradict as i speak? well I say to you.. if you see a contradiction reread the whole thing. I see heads you see tails, we flip a coin I say what do you want you say heads, so I look at the coin and it's tails and you look and you see heads, and we both wonder why? but did you know if we see different angles we confirm that God made us all differently?did you know that it's coz of our differences we are brought together! did you know that it's good to absorb the angles form the other bretherns! but if you truly feel a check.. a wrong.. your spirit tells you no this is not the right teaching.. do not assisinate the fella tell him how you feel! then let him be.. do not change him God will do that.. you just do the natural and he will do the supernatural! as much as I want you all to read this post. I wonder how many will... prehaps one day you will stumble upon my blog and say :O man this is interessting heh^.^ a story will come another day.. IW as gonna write one, but I dunno.. I guess there was a check that needed to be done, prehaps I needed to speak out and open my own eyes wiht God's word.. I am not perfect I fall but I am always getting up, and if it's too hard for me I know God will pick me up!


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