Sunday, January 07, 2007


This is not only for Christains but for those who needs God's guidance, may you find him some where in here Hsi guidance even before you know him :)

TRULY TRULY WHO IS LIKE THE LORD? have u seen how He set the stars in heaven? Hwo the precious stones in this world shine? Have u seen the most beautiful object in this world... the most precious and valued thing in this world to man? Well have you heard of it? if u have, GOD PLACES U WAY ABOVE THOSE THINGS, HE sees you as the most valuable thing, don't talk abotu us me n you and this n that Him and her, year God loves us all, but I want you to know that He LOVES YOU PERSONALLY, IN A UNIQUE WAY, HSI GRACE FITS U IN SUCH A UNIQUE WAY! NO ONES THE SAME, AND U NEED TO KNWO GOD LOVES U IN A UnIQUE WAY! your HIs specail little child! hey make this moment personal with God, say to yourself God loves ME and He does love ME truly it's Him who LOVES ME! sounds selfish? but truly I say, this is what u need to say to yourself every morning, everytime your looking for a car parking space smile n believe in it :) yes this sounds like somethign form Pastor prince, Hehe but it';s soemthign I must put down some how :) It's important:D God bless you all, KNow that you stand not alone, but in a huge army, so big that you don't see the ends of the army, you know why? coz your in the army of Christ, the Body of Christ! YOUR GETTING EXACTLY WHAT CHRIST DESERVES and recieve it with JOY and thanksgiving :) Gratitude is the best attitude :) God loves you YEA HE DOES :) HE does I'm not lying, you know? Nono I mean it He does :) Hey you, God loves YOU no no not us YOU YOU YOU HE DOES HE LOVES YOU come one believe me HE DOES :D

BE encourages and exhorted! Exahalt the name of Jesus and praise the Lord your God forevermore! AMEN!

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