Thursday, June 26, 2008

Love Truly amazing

I Have this werid feeling to blog, so I am since there is no tickets to attend to now :P!

I believe God is going to raise a generation filled with light Salt, and GLory! I feel God is going to be the leader and father of these people! God is loving every one of them, He says, "FOr I am your God and Lord" Amazing! God is the I AM and the I AM in your every situation! feeling lost? angry, weak? I AM the way the truth and the life, I AM God your peace, I AM Your strength made perfect in your weakness~!

Woah, How awesome, is Our God :)!

it's funny THough this world seems like it's falling apart, I don't feel too effected anymore. I can actually feel God's provision for me.. I feel His love and kindness falling upon me like a dove.! Indeed God is my Sheild and EXCEEDINGLY GrrreEAAT Reward ;)! Praise GoD.

You know, This world won't get any brighter, but we can be that light bulb in this darkening world! yup yup! Lift Jesus up and draw all Humans~ To Him or Men, which ever makes u happy! hehe...

Ooo so excited for some reason! I feel like so victorious! dunno why haha lets rejoice never the less! in every situation! :)

God bless ya all me blog readers~ My bros and my sis~

::This worlds getting darker, but The church is getting brighter~ Where the light shines, darkness falls! Where the light shines, the darkness has not understood::

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