Wow This movie is such a laugh! you all should really watch it if your in for comdey and amusement! haha was cool. Got some free tix from my dear, Complementaries to you know who :).
well you Today I felt really appreciative of my dear, so I'd thought I would take her to eat duck rice.. hehe but it seems a lot was on her mind. But I really hope she enjoyed it! I did hahaha. Sea Park Duck rice. is at the corner next to the T junction it's nice hehe.. something sea food :P I'm sure you all know it, by 9pm normally all gone actually 8pm haha
My Thoughts
Well I was thinking, I think in life we take many things for granted, like parents, cars.. the shoes we wear. PEOPLE especially people.. sometimes we are around the same group of friends for so long, and when they do a good thing for ya, we aren't as appreciative as we were before. I guess thats humans! but I wanna change, hehe I believe everyone deserves credit! including you my blog readers mwahahaha! your all cool ;) Thanks for reading all da time!
A verse for a thought
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”- Ephesians 6:4
I was going to blog another verse but this one caught my eye in bible gateway! amazing.. the meanding of Exasperate is :
- exacerbate: exasperate or irritate
- infuriate: make furious
- worsen: make worse; "This drug aggravates the pai
This is really cool! haha :)
Okies thats all for today! God bless ya all
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