Been a while since I last posted. Well there's this amazing thing I heard online from you tube it's about this thing called laminin! it actually is the molecular cell that controls and tells what other cells should do. like the cammando haha, but it's really amazing! Especailly the shape.
Check this out
Now How cool is that hehe! The vid clip link is in you tube should check it out! Here's the link:
Check it out, I garentee no regrets on the wait no matter how bad your internet connection! :).
Alright Chris, that's cool. Now what have y ou been up to?
Alrighty then back to my life. I have been station in KL as a support personnel in which company I shall not state. Help desk can be real busy at times but super queit in other times.. like now. Get's kinda mundane when you dont have anything to do. so much so you start to search hopelessly for cases that you haveno control over haha!
Besides that I have been out with my dearies a lot! just the other day we went to visit ju earn? hehe dunno how to spell his name, any way her cg leader. Enough details about that but praise God he looks like he is super healthy :). God is good hehe.
Then We went to eat some satay,. which I thought was awesome, but there is another store which is better apparently in subang! MUST TRY Kagang? satay from subang.. the orginal staffs must have moved haha!
Later we went to the LRT to take some pics.. obviously I don't have the pics but got lots of emo-ness in the pictures haha! well thats the atmosphere of the piture.. it was like.. time is passing so fast, but you stood still kind of picture hehe. or watch the world fly by. Bleh no mroe explainations hehe.
Then I found out my friend lai mun is back from uk! she accepted Christ on east which is amazing! never asked her why, but is cool never the less!
My own thoughts
This is going to be the last part of my 3 in 1 post. =) I feel like I was pretty down recently not because of me but because I see so many people who feel the need to come to God or have the feeling of drawing away from God. It's sometimes hard to get on by, and soemtimes we make our own doctrines about God, but at the end of the day. it all boils back to the bible. I think no matter what is preached in chruch. you should relate it with God's word. If God's words say likewise, how can we speak otherwise? :) praise God he is always graceful.
I realised, I'm not God. actually to be h onest God told me I am not God haha! Was like ,'God why am I so down? I can't get this feeling out of me', then was liek replied, ' Don't worry Chris, stop trying to be God, and let me handle things.' amazing!
All things work out for good with God.. =)
Blessings to all of you!
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