Love Truly amazing
I Have this werid feeling to blog, so I am since there is no tickets to attend to now :P!
I believe God is going to raise a generation filled with light Salt, and GLory! I feel God is going to be the leader and father of these people! God is loving every one of them, He says, "FOr I am your God and Lord" Amazing! God is the I AM and the I AM in your every situation! feeling lost? angry, weak? I AM the way the truth and the life, I AM God your peace, I AM Your strength made perfect in your weakness~!
Woah, How awesome, is Our God :)!
it's funny THough this world seems like it's falling apart, I don't feel too effected anymore. I can actually feel God's provision for me.. I feel His love and kindness falling upon me like a dove.! Indeed God is my Sheild and EXCEEDINGLY GrrreEAAT Reward ;)! Praise GoD.
You know, This world won't get any brighter, but we can be that light bulb in this darkening world! yup yup! Lift Jesus up and draw all Humans~ To Him or Men, which ever makes u happy! hehe...
Ooo so excited for some reason! I feel like so victorious! dunno why haha lets rejoice never the less! in every situation! :)
God bless ya all me blog readers~ My bros and my sis~
::This worlds getting darker, but The church is getting brighter~ Where the light shines, darkness falls! Where the light shines, the darkness has not understood::
John 12:46 I have come as light into the world so that whoever believes in me would not stay in darkness.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Back on Track
Sometimes, we all go off track I think. And the best thing ever was really commiting it to God.. sometimes we need to realise, people arn't perfect, and somethings are harder to change than others but we are all trying I believe :).
I am glad God changed me throughout life.,. sure I've done stupid things.. haha.. very stupid things, but at the end, God will lead us by hand!
the interessting part of life is meeting all kinds of people.. people we cant click with , people who make us feel all warm and fuzzy, people who just loves to take the mick haha.. but at the end of the day, we sharpen. We either become more stubborn, or we become more acceptable. Correcting with love, and trying not to do it in a way where it will condemn the people but uplift them instead!
I love my dearies lots! and I thank God that she's been put in my life! May God bless her alwayz, her hands.. everything hehe!
Anywayz getting late now! nitez all
-God bless
::Life is like a roller coaster, there are ups and downs... twists and loops! but no matter what we know we can enjoy the ride, coz God's made sure every screw in that whole ride is screwed on securely::
Sometimes, we all go off track I think. And the best thing ever was really commiting it to God.. sometimes we need to realise, people arn't perfect, and somethings are harder to change than others but we are all trying I believe :).
I am glad God changed me throughout life.,. sure I've done stupid things.. haha.. very stupid things, but at the end, God will lead us by hand!
the interessting part of life is meeting all kinds of people.. people we cant click with , people who make us feel all warm and fuzzy, people who just loves to take the mick haha.. but at the end of the day, we sharpen. We either become more stubborn, or we become more acceptable. Correcting with love, and trying not to do it in a way where it will condemn the people but uplift them instead!
I love my dearies lots! and I thank God that she's been put in my life! May God bless her alwayz, her hands.. everything hehe!
Anywayz getting late now! nitez all
-God bless
::Life is like a roller coaster, there are ups and downs... twists and loops! but no matter what we know we can enjoy the ride, coz God's made sure every screw in that whole ride is screwed on securely::
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Given up
yea, I think I will give it all up to God. Recent days I have felt like I am doing things in vain, like staying up late.. calling someone to see how they are.. ect. The end result is simple. That no one really cares about you haha. So I figured, I'll give them a peice of my mind.. ends up they don't give a crap about what you say. So doesn't matter... now I knwo why they say, unless the Lord is behind it, the builder builds in vain.
I find it pointless now to continue to try to be someone who cares, without caring, who loves expecting nothing in return. So I'm giving it to you God today. I can't seem to figure these things out God.. so Take control.. I don't want to be fustrated, nor do I want to have to hold it inside. I don't want to be demanded to say things. I just want time with people who really care =). But in this world, people are beyond that... selfishness of ones heart.
Just like me, see how selfish I have become. I think I have become a monster.. and frankly God I think you better come to take me home before I stray,... I hate to see myself stray.,. I feel like there's another person in me.. that can see me doing things I hate.. I'd rather die oh God than to be away from you...
I do not wish to desire any more God... but teach me live in your presence.. Teach me to tap on your love... the only true love in this world.
yea, I think I will give it all up to God. Recent days I have felt like I am doing things in vain, like staying up late.. calling someone to see how they are.. ect. The end result is simple. That no one really cares about you haha. So I figured, I'll give them a peice of my mind.. ends up they don't give a crap about what you say. So doesn't matter... now I knwo why they say, unless the Lord is behind it, the builder builds in vain.
I find it pointless now to continue to try to be someone who cares, without caring, who loves expecting nothing in return. So I'm giving it to you God today. I can't seem to figure these things out God.. so Take control.. I don't want to be fustrated, nor do I want to have to hold it inside. I don't want to be demanded to say things. I just want time with people who really care =). But in this world, people are beyond that... selfishness of ones heart.
Just like me, see how selfish I have become. I think I have become a monster.. and frankly God I think you better come to take me home before I stray,... I hate to see myself stray.,. I feel like there's another person in me.. that can see me doing things I hate.. I'd rather die oh God than to be away from you...
I do not wish to desire any more God... but teach me live in your presence.. Teach me to tap on your love... the only true love in this world.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Get Smart
Wow This movie is such a laugh! you all should really watch it if your in for comdey and amusement! haha was cool. Got some free tix from my dear, Complementaries to you know who :).
Any way what else?
well you Today I felt really appreciative of my dear, so I'd thought I would take her to eat duck rice.. hehe but it seems a lot was on her mind. But I really hope she enjoyed it! I did hahaha. Sea Park Duck rice. is at the corner next to the T junction it's nice hehe.. something sea food :P I'm sure you all know it, by 9pm normally all gone actually 8pm haha
My Thoughts
Well I was thinking, I think in life we take many things for granted, like parents, cars.. the shoes we wear. PEOPLE especially people.. sometimes we are around the same group of friends for so long, and when they do a good thing for ya, we aren't as appreciative as we were before. I guess thats humans! but I wanna change, hehe I believe everyone deserves credit! including you my blog readers mwahahaha! your all cool ;) Thanks for reading all da time!
A verse for a thought
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”- Ephesians 6:4
I was going to blog another verse but this one caught my eye in bible gateway! amazing.. the meanding of Exasperate is :
Wow This movie is such a laugh! you all should really watch it if your in for comdey and amusement! haha was cool. Got some free tix from my dear, Complementaries to you know who :).
well you Today I felt really appreciative of my dear, so I'd thought I would take her to eat duck rice.. hehe but it seems a lot was on her mind. But I really hope she enjoyed it! I did hahaha. Sea Park Duck rice. is at the corner next to the T junction it's nice hehe.. something sea food :P I'm sure you all know it, by 9pm normally all gone actually 8pm haha
My Thoughts
Well I was thinking, I think in life we take many things for granted, like parents, cars.. the shoes we wear. PEOPLE especially people.. sometimes we are around the same group of friends for so long, and when they do a good thing for ya, we aren't as appreciative as we were before. I guess thats humans! but I wanna change, hehe I believe everyone deserves credit! including you my blog readers mwahahaha! your all cool ;) Thanks for reading all da time!
A verse for a thought
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”- Ephesians 6:4
I was going to blog another verse but this one caught my eye in bible gateway! amazing.. the meanding of Exasperate is :
- exacerbate: exasperate or irritate
- infuriate: make furious
- worsen: make worse; "This drug aggravates the pai
This is really cool! haha :)
Okies thats all for today! God bless ya all
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Transfer Factor™ énummi™
Healthy skin takes the same care and nourishment you give the rest of your body. 4Life Transfer Factor énummi helps provide immune support for the largest organ of your body, your skin, and delivers essential moisture to support the healthy tone and texture of skin. This blend of herbs, protective antioxidants, and 4Life Transfer Factor E-XF™ will help the skin maintain its resiliency. Perfect for every “body,” énummi's formula is free of potentially harmful preservatives and additives. Use 4Life Transfer Factor énummi every day to look and feel healthy all over.
Primary Benefits
Water, Aloe Vera Leaf Extract, Hybrid Safflower Seed Oil, Glycerin, Sunflower Oil, Glyceryl Stearate, Caprylic/Capric/ Myristic/Stearic Triglyceride, Shea Butter Fruit, Sandalwood Extract, Amur Corktree Bark Extract, Barley Extract, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate, Moringa Pterygosperma Seed Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Caprylyl Glycol, Sorbic Acid, Transfer Factor E-XF (a patented concentrate of transfer factors and other natural components from cow colostrum and egg yolk), White Tea Leaf Extract, Retinyl Palmitate, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Phospholipids, Dimethicone, Carbomer, Disodium EDTA, Sodium PCA, Fragrance, Allantoin, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-100 Stearate, Cyclomethicone, Triethanolamine
This was taken off 4life research website. only for information.
anything contact me @
What makes this product unique?
Transfer factors are tiny messenger molecules that transfer Mother Nature's natural response information from one entity to another, such as between a mother and her breastfeeding infant.
The extraction processes for transfer factors from colostrum and egg sources are protected by 6,468,534 (egg yolks) and 6,866,868 (exclusive manufacturing techniques), with other patents pending.
4Life Transfer Factor products are featured in the Physicians' Desk Reference: For Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements, the standard supplement guide found in physician offices, hospitals, and pharmacies in the United States.
This was taken off 4life research website. only for information.
anything contact me @
Friday, June 13, 2008
Been a while since I last posted. Well there's this amazing thing I heard online from you tube it's about this thing called laminin! it actually is the molecular cell that controls and tells what other cells should do. like the cammando haha, but it's really amazing! Especailly the shape.
Check this out
Now How cool is that hehe! The vid clip link is in you tube should check it out! Here's the link:
Check it out, I garentee no regrets on the wait no matter how bad your internet connection! :).
Alright Chris, that's cool. Now what have y ou been up to?
Alrighty then back to my life. I have been station in KL as a support personnel in which company I shall not state. Help desk can be real busy at times but super queit in other times.. like now. Get's kinda mundane when you dont have anything to do. so much so you start to search hopelessly for cases that you haveno control over haha!
Besides that I have been out with my dearies a lot! just the other day we went to visit ju earn? hehe dunno how to spell his name, any way her cg leader. Enough details about that but praise God he looks like he is super healthy :). God is good hehe.
Then We went to eat some satay,. which I thought was awesome, but there is another store which is better apparently in subang! MUST TRY Kagang? satay from subang.. the orginal staffs must have moved haha!
Later we went to the LRT to take some pics.. obviously I don't have the pics but got lots of emo-ness in the pictures haha! well thats the atmosphere of the piture.. it was like.. time is passing so fast, but you stood still kind of picture hehe. or watch the world fly by. Bleh no mroe explainations hehe.
Then I found out my friend lai mun is back from uk! she accepted Christ on east which is amazing! never asked her why, but is cool never the less!
My own thoughts
This is going to be the last part of my 3 in 1 post. =) I feel like I was pretty down recently not because of me but because I see so many people who feel the need to come to God or have the feeling of drawing away from God. It's sometimes hard to get on by, and soemtimes we make our own doctrines about God, but at the end of the day. it all boils back to the bible. I think no matter what is preached in chruch. you should relate it with God's word. If God's words say likewise, how can we speak otherwise? :) praise God he is always graceful.
I realised, I'm not God. actually to be h onest God told me I am not God haha! Was like ,'God why am I so down? I can't get this feeling out of me', then was liek replied, ' Don't worry Chris, stop trying to be God, and let me handle things.' amazing!
All things work out for good with God.. =)
Blessings to all of you!
Been a while since I last posted. Well there's this amazing thing I heard online from you tube it's about this thing called laminin! it actually is the molecular cell that controls and tells what other cells should do. like the cammando haha, but it's really amazing! Especailly the shape.
Check this out
Now How cool is that hehe! The vid clip link is in you tube should check it out! Here's the link:
Check it out, I garentee no regrets on the wait no matter how bad your internet connection! :).
Alright Chris, that's cool. Now what have y ou been up to?
Alrighty then back to my life. I have been station in KL as a support personnel in which company I shall not state. Help desk can be real busy at times but super queit in other times.. like now. Get's kinda mundane when you dont have anything to do. so much so you start to search hopelessly for cases that you haveno control over haha!
Besides that I have been out with my dearies a lot! just the other day we went to visit ju earn? hehe dunno how to spell his name, any way her cg leader. Enough details about that but praise God he looks like he is super healthy :). God is good hehe.
Then We went to eat some satay,. which I thought was awesome, but there is another store which is better apparently in subang! MUST TRY Kagang? satay from subang.. the orginal staffs must have moved haha!
Later we went to the LRT to take some pics.. obviously I don't have the pics but got lots of emo-ness in the pictures haha! well thats the atmosphere of the piture.. it was like.. time is passing so fast, but you stood still kind of picture hehe. or watch the world fly by. Bleh no mroe explainations hehe.
Then I found out my friend lai mun is back from uk! she accepted Christ on east which is amazing! never asked her why, but is cool never the less!
My own thoughts
This is going to be the last part of my 3 in 1 post. =) I feel like I was pretty down recently not because of me but because I see so many people who feel the need to come to God or have the feeling of drawing away from God. It's sometimes hard to get on by, and soemtimes we make our own doctrines about God, but at the end of the day. it all boils back to the bible. I think no matter what is preached in chruch. you should relate it with God's word. If God's words say likewise, how can we speak otherwise? :) praise God he is always graceful.
I realised, I'm not God. actually to be h onest God told me I am not God haha! Was like ,'God why am I so down? I can't get this feeling out of me', then was liek replied, ' Don't worry Chris, stop trying to be God, and let me handle things.' amazing!
All things work out for good with God.. =)
Blessings to all of you!