Revision... & Play!
Phew end of one module! but you know... each book i have is lik almost 500 pages long! haha what a lot of revising to do...Thank God that he gave us a great trainer! he gave us places to focus on with our revision, and on top of that he gives the most clearest analogies in class! :D

Saturday... I went to Alex's opening of his hair saloon! =) nice place hope it thrives with business ^_^ may God bless him with Wisdom and knowledge, but above all retain his faith.

Then I went to Sungai wang~ look around for a Polaroid camera.. sorry sorry instax! fuji! haha.. but to no avail, in fact it's funny because I noticed all these types of cameras died out sadly... Any how that's not bad news because it's just an item that can be bought another time =). on top of that! I got to see an alienware laptop :)~ drools! this is one big butt laptop I want! haha but I will only get it when I am in uk :)..
Besides all that metioned above, I've been thinking about my future, wondering how i can get into property and all, but I think there's no point worrying any more, I am going to leave it to God's hands :) but I hope God will help me in my growing =)!
I'm pretty sure he will after all in Church today we learnt about how his grace can sustain us :) meaning to maintain.. to literally upkeep us :) I'm glad for his grace always!
Psalm 55
For the director of music. With stringed instruments. Amaskil of David. a]">[a]
22 Cast your cares on the LORDand he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.
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