Being Dead :P
Heya all! guess what today was a great day! Course ended a bit later than usual, went up monorail was broken or something I saw huge red X's on all the entry points! quite hilarious! so I decided I'll walk :).

So as I walked I thought this is a great way to keep up the fitness while holding a hug book in my hand! then as I walked along, I passed time square to a small junction, where I looked right where incoming traffic should be coming. and then stopped in the middle looked left where cars were turning in... crossed and BAM! yeap peoples I got hit by a motor bike! on my right hand side o.o Crazy huh? my body tilted slightly and hit the motorbike front, hurt my knee a lil and part of my arm.. but it was funny coz my body reacted the right way for minimal injury! this I believe was definitely a protection from God. Especailly the fact that the motorcyclist pressed brake on time.

So yeap I should be angry no.1 he was in the wrong... no.2 I apologized to him! haha.. But the truth is I wasn't angry just made my way to the station... walk walk walk.. and there it was a HUGE queue of people! I mean huge it was like a long crocodile line in a school canteen, if you know what i mean. But Thank God! I have something called touch and go!
What a releive.. got into the train, and stood all the way home! What a day! a fantastic Day and I really thank God for his protection and Jesus for making me die to sin :)! amen!
I am a new creation in Christ truly! But definitely not a dead man :)
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
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