Sunday, November 07, 2010

Voice of mine

Oh voice of mine you are cruel
Oh yes I am but not to you,
Oh voice of mine you torment me,
But what did I do?
Oh voice of mine why do you do those things that you do?
Only because you are too blind to see.
Oh voice of mine I wish it weren't true the things you've said and told,
But it was and you are through.
Oh voice of mine... leave me be,
But if you suffer then must I too!
Oh voice of mine... what should I do?
I told you what to do..
Oh voice of mine...

Confusion, is something that makes you unsure, doubt it something that makes you unsure, true doubt makes you sure that you are unsure,

Death seems like an escape route with no doors to exit the building..

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Love is there

I know that life might be tough
but, we will make it through some how
I believe in love and that is stronger than what people think these days
yes I believe.
there are many suffering in this world today, you might even tell me this.
But I want you to know,
that love still hasn't failed at all.

We just need to open up our hearts
we need to look into the sky and see much light there is in this world.
oh yea, woahh --ahh.
When we're walking through the valley,
remember that love is there,
He will hold you in his arms and fend of the enemies that are coming to you.
I know sometimes we can not see the sky, or maybe we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I want you to know, that it is never over.
When the tough gets going
when life is at it's bottom,
we need to keep on walking
and know that love is next to us.
and when we can't walk no more,
But life is still moving
then you truly know
that love is carrying you
so don't give up in this life
but carry on as you are,
seek the light in the kingdom of heaven
and all will be alright
and all will be alright
and all will be alright

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The Mango Storm~

Hey hey! everyone, it's not a story! but the truth~..

At 3pm a storm was brewing, Boom you could hear the thunder strike... my dog was shivering scared from the thunder in the kitchen, while a little dog was going crazy and hyperactive around the house ripping everything up..

Then ... *BOOM* *BANG* you could hear something plunge into the water! and something that resembled a pot smash onto the ground.. again BOOM BOOM BOOM, constant things dropping ontop of the roof tops!

Alas after the storm.. we found a plant that dropped into the pond, with the huge clay pot, and a fish that was ontop of the gate smashed into peices on the ground... But all was not lost! the big booming on the roof were infact mangos! what a harvest it was~ I took a blue bucket and started picking up on the floor.. tho some unfortunately didn't make it out alive...

Pictures of the aftermath:

Cindy's mango

The one that got crushed

Tried his best.. but still

The ones that passed the test! :D

By the way everyone these mangos only come out like once every 10 yrs :D

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Hey all! Today is a great day, or should i say yesterday was :) I passed my SAP certifcation with 93%!! unexpected, but I am glad. All Glory to God! what can I say to all who do not believe that God is God? I cannot deny his truth, I cannot deny that He has been looking after me since I was young, am I brain washed? unlikely, But if I am brainwashed by a creator of my life :) then so be it! everything up to this day has been true in what He has taught me! and this is just another one of them!

Matthew 21:21-22
21Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. 22If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

I did the above before I slept that night I told God both me and Hunaif (even though he is not a christain) and any others to help us in the exam and help us to pass it! Indeed it came true! we both passed!!! I believed that what I prayed for will come to pass true enough it did. On that same night I prayed and believed in Jesus name for the aircon in my room to stop making a annoying sound, which was disrupting my sleep, and true enough the sound stopped:) praise and glory to God!

“In that day you will say: "Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.”- Isaiah 12:4

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Slow net

So hi all sorry for abandoning my blog for a while :P hard core studying calls! and it still ain't over! so.. just to cover up whats been happening.. Well on sat went to a party :) kinda party it was more of a gathering was interesting to mix with all the church mates, since I do not know any of them.. haha! we played loads of games.. suppose the funniest one was where we had to dance to music and freeze whenever the song stopped and we weren't allowed to move at all or laugh... xD the winner of the game was my gf and another dude.. over all winner was...

**** Drum roll*****

My GF! xD.. great prize, it was a tommy hill figure perfume :D

cool huh?...

Besides that was glad to hear that England won! xD and that I am sadly having to study like crazy! I promise you guys my story writing will continue after my exams! this is a critical point in my life :) do pray for me xD..

Sorry for not pics in this post:P me lazy

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Revision... & Play!

Phew end of one module! but you know... each book i have is lik almost 500 pages long! haha what a lot of revising to do...Thank God that he gave us a great trainer! he gave us places to focus on with our revision, and on top of that he gives the most clearest analogies in class! :D

=).. Well these days been tired I have no idea why. So I need to make an effort to sleep early tonight :) that should do me some good! On top of that... I have been playing pretty hard on Friday and Saturday =) Friday was ashley's early birthday celebration! got him a nice fossil watch =) hope he likes it a lot! haha but I also hope that he wears it and not be too concerned about what "might" happen to it and leave it to collect dust! haha xD

Saturday... I went to Alex's opening of his hair saloon! =) nice place hope it thrives with business ^_^ may God bless him with Wisdom and knowledge, but above all retain his faith.

Then I went to Sungai wang~ look around for a Polaroid camera.. sorry sorry instax! fuji! haha.. but to no avail, in fact it's funny because I noticed all these types of cameras died out sadly... Any how that's not bad news because it's just an item that can be bought another time =). on top of that! I got to see an alienware laptop :)~ drools! this is one big butt laptop I want! haha but I will only get it when I am in uk :)..

Besides all that metioned above, I've been thinking about my future, wondering how i can get into property and all, but I think there's no point worrying any more, I am going to leave it to God's hands :) but I hope God will help me in my growing =)!

I'm pretty sure he will after all in Church today we learnt about how his grace can sustain us :) meaning to maintain.. to literally upkeep us :) I'm glad for his grace always!

Psalm 55

For the director of music. With stringed instruments. Amaskil of David. a]">[a]
22 Cast your cares on the LORD
and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Knowledge is power!

Well, Yeap knowledge sure is powerful, I found out that even insignificant knowledge can fill your life with a lil colour! how? hmm you guys might think it's insignificant, but... it helps you communicate with others! and makes interesting topics outside of common ground (like work or your studies)

But it can some times be heavy! especially when you are studying! the amount of knowledge that goes in your brain makes you think it's over flowing! haha! but that's fine with me these days... I've found a way to appreciate my studies, and my Dad's hard earn cash $$$$. When I think about it I wanted this course to shoot me on my way in life. and I Thank my Dad and Mum that they have provided me all the way till now!

But still the amount of knowledge I am getting about SAP is very taxing on me brain cells... mainly because I don't understand one small part of it! Then.. just now when I was doing my revision.. with a little google and reading! I unlocked another piece of knowledge and EVERYTHING IN SAP wher eI was confused now makes PERFECT sense! wohoo an example of how powerful knowledge is~ hehe... of course with knowledge one must be careful not to become proud but always humble so that one might learn more! :)

So I am glad that God took me on this path to SAP! It's truly been light an easy so far! Thank you Jesus! :) Faithful hope I get through this course! the type of hope in Hebrews should be the one I will hold on to! :)

Hebrews 11

By Faith
1Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for. 3By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Being Dead :P

Heya all! guess what today was a great day! Course ended a bit later than usual, went up monorail was broken or something I saw huge red X's on all the entry points! quite hilarious! so I decided I'll walk :).
So as I walked I thought this is a great way to keep up the fitness while holding a hug book in my hand! then as I walked along, I passed time square to a small junction, where I looked right where incoming traffic should be coming. and then stopped in the middle looked left where cars were turning in... crossed and BAM! yeap peoples I got hit by a motor bike! on my right hand side o.o Crazy huh? my body tilted slightly and hit the motorbike front, hurt my knee a lil and part of my arm.. but it was funny coz my body reacted the right way for minimal injury! this I believe was definitely a protection from God. Especailly the fact that the motorcyclist pressed brake on time.

So yeap I should be angry no.1 he was in the wrong... no.2 I apologized to him! haha.. But the truth is I wasn't angry just made my way to the station... walk walk walk.. and there it was a HUGE queue of people! I mean huge it was like a long crocodile line in a school canteen, if you know what i mean. But Thank God! I have something called touch and go!

What a releive.. got into the train, and stood all the way home! What a day! a fantastic Day and I really thank God for his protection and Jesus for making me die to sin :)! amen!

I am a new creation in Christ truly! But definitely not a dead man :)

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Caught up in Grace

Romans 6:1
1What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?

This is what Paul asked Christians.

Romans 6:2
2By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?

This is his answer!

So what does his answer mean?

Colossians 3:1-6
1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, who is youra]">[a] life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. 5Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.

That's right it means you died to all of the above. Suppose the perfect way to describe it would be the way pastor described it today:

A Drug Dealer came up to you and wanted to sell you drugs

this substance is lethal

He convinces you to buy it and use it.

You get addicted.

You die from the lethality of the drug.

Drug dealer returns when you are in your tomb.

He tries to sell you drugs.

But can he?

This I would say is the perfect picture of what it is to die to sin. So what is it to live by grace? Grace is the power to overcome sin, not an license to sin. simple as that. So this is a thought:

Baptism -> The Greek words are baptizo, baptisma, baptismos, and baptistes . The root wordbapto , is translated "dip, dipped, dipping" (qoute from:

so if baptism is to be dipped or submerged. what does it resemble?

Take a read below:

Jesus alive.

Jesus dies.

Jesus rises.

You are dry.

You are submerged.

You rise.

Yeap boys and girls! It's the image of you dying with Christ and rising with him. It's not just a symbol but an outward action of what is within the heart!

But always remember these things, you are not a sinner with God's Grace. You are the righteousness of Christ and was ONCE a sinner long ago.

Romans 3:21-26
21But now the righteousness of God has been revealed independently and altogether apart from the Law, although actually it is attested by the Law and the Prophets,

22Namely, the righteousness of God which comes by believing with personal trust and confident reliance on Jesus Christ (the Messiah). [And it is meant] for all who believe. For there is no distinction,

23Since all have sinned and are falling short of the honor and glory b]">[b]which God bestows and receives.

24[All] are justified and made upright and in right standing with God, freely and gratuitously by His grace (His unmerited favor and mercy), through the redemption which is [provided] in Christ Jesus,

25Whom God put forward [c]">[c]before the eyes of all] as a mercy seat and propitiation by His blood [the cleansing and life-giving sacrifice of atonement and reconciliation, to be received] through faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in His divine forbearance He had passed over and ignored former sins without punishment.

26It was to demonstrate and prove at the present time (d]">[d]in the now season) that He Himself is righteous and that He justifies and accepts as righteous him who has [true] faith in Jesus.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Interesting Fact

Hey Guys, today i found out an interesting fact, if you bend over and drink water from the other side of the cup you will cure yourself from hiccups!

Found this out from my Maldives friend in class! really worked!

Try it yourselves! a cure to hiccups!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Past demon

Chapter 10: Defending the heart

Fully Restored, Estallious rose again, to find no one around, he went about to seek Gabriel who tended to him, whilst he was injured and hurt. A message was left for him, that Estallious was to leave immediately to look after Gaz Whilst Visoth, had to go off to an important battle that was brewing near by.

Almost immediately Estallious was sucked into a room, the light was gone. Yet Estallious did not know where he was. The walls were white, and there were beeping boxes and other huge boxes with tubes coming out of it attaching themselves to humans. What was stranger were these metal supported soft topped things that people were laying on. Thinking to Himself Estallious said, "This place seems tremendously familiar, could it be? am I in a man made image of Heaven's room to recovery?!"

But there was one important factor that was missing that made it not like the one Estallious was in, it was the fact that the atmosphere of complete serenity and peace was missing, instead anguish mixed in with sadness and greed was in the air. With pockets of hope lingering around here and there.

*Sniff sniff* "Argh, what is this?" Estallious thought to himself.
"Why am I feeling this sadness in my heart? it's as if something precious of mine is losing it's will to exist.."

Turning Estallious found out the source of his sad heart, taken a back, he saw Gaz on his knees crying for a girl that broke his "purity seal". Being quick to judge Estallious became mixed with emotions, thinking, "How could Gaz run back to the one that opened the doors of darkness to him? what was it? how can this be?"

Fearing for the safety of Gaz Estallious tried to reconnect with him again as he did the time he saw Lizzy hurt. "Gaz come on, we can't stay with her any longer, she's no good to you, she took your purity away" Estallious shouted. Again he tried to talk to Gaz "We need to get away from here, it's an evil place, it's not heaven they have blinded you it's a fake image of heaven!".. yet again to no avail, Gaz just sat there motionless with tears continuously streaming down his cheeks.

"You know ..." Gaz Said,
"It's not her fault..."
Estallious amazed thinking that Gaz heard him tried to speak to him again "None sense Gaz it totally ...!"
"It's mine!" Gaz interrupted.
Struck with amazement Estallious decided to hear him out.
"I should have been more careful, I should have watched my tolerance level. But instead I decided to be a fool! full of ego! and came to do something so stupid... So hurtful!" Gaz said in a weak and teary voice.

Estallious sat next to Gaz and put his arm around him, "Here, here buddy... We all make mistakes, heck I made the worste one in heaven! I turned against the creator thinking I was strong enough, when I knew I shouldn't have and was too weak to prevail."

"Whose there?" Gaz exclaimed as he looked around. A sense of comfort has settled in Gaz's heart, he could not comprehend it, a little confused but pleased with this comfort, he asked, "Is that you God? I'm sorry... Forgive me please... and.. Thank you" like a the eye of an hurricane, there was a smile on Gaz's face.

"Gaz.. it's me.." Estallious whispered. With that Estallious realised that Gaz couldn't hear him, filled with a little disapointment he looked to the ceiling of the place he was in, there, a twinkle appeared, like a light far in the night sky...
"I understand..' He whispered to himself,
"there's still hope, and I am glad my creator.."


Isaiah 66:9 (NCV)
9 In the same way I will not cause pain
without allowing something new to be born," says the Lord.
"If I cause you the pain,
I will not stop you from giving birth to your new nation," says your God.

Love This song

Hi all I heard this song in a chrch I am currently attending, Poiema, it's so great! I love it

Friday, April 23, 2010

Peace that brings rest to my soul

Hey all I've stumbled across this song from hillsongs recently, short title, You.. love it!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The season of desperation

Hey hey peoples,

well these days I've been wondering why so many people are after "chicks" haha, but i suppose my title is too far fetched, since it's always a "season" to want to look for a gf!

So many people ask how?
no.1 have self esteem
no.2 stop looking so desperately
no.3 Get your priorities right! :)..

But Hey I am not a person of expertise on this, but i know a relationship is a different ball game from single hood. It's a commitment, something you will have to give a lil and take a lil... :)..

Any way I'm not married yet so i am not as successful as others :D just yet :).

Wheee that's all my blogging for today hahhaa

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Long time no post

Sorry dear readers! I have been a baddddd blogger hehe! just felt like blogging today.. seems my story has been abandoned once again! haha... well I've been hit with H1N1! don't worry I'll live :) like a dear brother said to me: God's words never lies! so true!...

These days I've been looking for God again, I mean it's been a while, I think went far from him, but indeed He has not been far from me.. truly He is one who never leaves nor forsakes you :)... a good book for all of you to read! Escape to God by Jim Hohnberger...

yeap one of the only books I have ever completed in my life time! haha and dang it's a good one, read it if your lookin for God desperately :) and you'll just find out that God's really wanting more of you than you have ever thought of! great book recommend it to all of ya! :)

I'd like to write some random lyrics here now :D~

Have you heard, that the wind blows,
Yet none of us will ever know where it came from..
Have you heard that faith, is all about walking with the unseen things, of life today.
Did you know that, there was a Messiah for the jews,
did you know that, the opportunity fell on us today,
A world full of gentiles, a world full of sinners today, oh ya...

But that is the Good news today, don't you hear it?
The world can be saved by the blood, of the lamb,
some say primitive, some say it's not modern, some say it's cruel~
but I'll tell you this...

The world's cruel as it could be, that is why such a cruel act had to be done...
The act that saved us, yes it saved us..
But do you know who performed the act? do you know who crucified the lamb?
It was no other than us, we who were blind, shall now see..

:) Love thy neighbor, love thy enemy.... God loved all, He's not changed yesterday, today or tomorrow, He's the same the same God forever more..