John 12:46 I have come as light into the world so that whoever believes in me would not stay in darkness.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
BUT any way thought I'd leave a thought here.... The other day Jerm decided to share a verse... pretty cool of him to the verse is as follows:
2 Peter 1:5-9 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
[NIV at IBS] [International Bible Society] [NIV at Zondervan] [Zondervan]
5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.
it figures.. as I was reading this I was doing something totally opposite of this verse.. though that was not the verse I really needed.. it was a verse that hit deeper problems than tiredness :). Thank God for such a brother like Jerm.. the work place gets you down, bu is never an excuse to not feed off God's words =). hope you all can get something out of this verse your self.. GO READ it AGAIN and SLOWLY this time... you might see something in that verse u didn't before! :)
God bless ya all!
Friday, November 09, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
moving to Yuwie
Hi all, my blogging will be done on yuwie side from now on, maybe I will post here now and again... let's say when I'm really really in noo mood haha so check it out! erm.. check out what yuwie is first.. then I will put a link up to my blog later, or just sign up as a friend under me in yuwie, it's legit, u search google find something that tells me it isn't but out of thousands of pages all support yuwie, so whats there to lose friends :). Me n Kherlit in ady... now waiting for the rest of you! :D
God loves ya all :),
Thursday, October 25, 2007
ok so it's been a while hahhaa... coz I have been lazy and blogspot dont work on my new pc...
This will be a very very breif post:
Work: leanring alot more than before.. at least doing something.. as for documentation seems like it is for my own leanring sake :).
Personal life: I did get abit confusing at one point(relationship wise) but overall it's sorted now :) <3~.>
Study life: I think it's over now,.. will update later
Well thats my very very brief post!
God bless
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
ok.. for all you who think it's about some one, it's not oki... :). I actually am missing God... I know how we can just come to His presence everyday... but I just miss making myself obdeient and sitting down.. just to talk to Him.. seems like work takes a lot of time.. but in fact that isn't an excuse.. I could chat to 'some one' for an hour+ on the phone.. so why not God?.... hehe.. I guess it's coz of Karen's blog... the songs in her blog just some how remind me of this time in the past.. dunno why... I just feel like... I wanna shrink back to a lil innocent child.. who knows nothing but God... but that I know won't happen :).
ahh I miss Karen :( my krazy lil sis... I didn't get to see her much at all this time when she came over! aih.. what to do Career first :).... wait till classes are over then.. wait till after 6 months then an appraisal.. any one got any idea what an appraisal is like? =p tips? or advice? hehe... oh welll....
Don't know if I can make it to church today for class.. though honestly I want to go... I just wish I had no class on sat or sunday.. I really just want a day with God.... hehe... of course I don't mind my bretherns and sisters around... would be even better if they were to fellowship (korninia?) together rather than just talking about rubbish hehe.. but hey.. can't ask too much :).
Did you know that when you enter God's family instantly you willl become part of the family... and not only that.. we will then share the same burderns.. and brothers and sisters should care... but all are learning to be forgivable I guess... No ones perfect... what would you think of me if I told you I murdered some one before? and innocent life that never even had a chance to walk on thier own 2 feet.. then u'll probally think, I should be condemned for life.. and you can never forgive me... but now I ask you.. all that truly know me now as a brother.. would you forgive me? if this incedent happened 12 yrs ago?... you see... I dunno personally you will all probally say nah Chris can't do such a thing.. this is what forgivness does changes a person in whole.. hehe obviously I didn't murder some one... or prehaps I did.. I am not so sure about that one myself... but according to witnesses I didn't do it... heh.. no blood involved dun worry.. if ur curious then u ask me later when u get to know better if you already know me and your close to me then you will already know :)... a touch of forgivness changes.. a person is willing to repent makes them whole... and thanks giving and gratitude makes the diff...
" I can't bring the person I killed back, but I sure can change so that I don't make the same mistake twice, I can save lives instead of taking."
what would such a qoute be in your heads? inconcievable?... or yea I think he can do it... or there's no way to forgive such a person! well.. you know what.. I think everyone reading this has murdered before.. just being angry is considered murder...
1 John 3:15 Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him
So have u eve rbeen angry against any one? just the thought is enough... so before you condemn some people for doing such horrid things to you or any one else then... think of this:
-What would the person himself think?
-What would Jesus do? aka WWJD
>A Sudanese Christian boy has his knees and feet nailed to a board and he is left to die. When rescued he says he forgives the man who did this because Jesus was also nailed and forgave him.
>A Vietnamese pastor is sentenced to two years in prison. When he is offered an early release, he declines stating that he has a group of new Believers >in the prison he has to disciple.
>A Colombian missionary is kidnapped and told she only has two hours to live. She tells her captors that if she only has two hours to live, she wants to spend it telling them about Jesus.
Brothers and sisters.. if you knew that when you die you would go to heaven, and you were held in a situation where death was the obvious result, what would you do?... when you know the person who is about to finish you off is not saved.. when you know if he was caught he will be killed and never have a chance to even hear about Jesus.. TO me I think many of us look for those, 'mid range sinners' not that there is such thing.. but we tend to rank sins.. then we think hmm I would love to share Christ with a sinner who you know.. has a clean police report.. or hasn't done something so bad like u know rape.. or murder.. yea as long as they havn't done those things then I shall share..
what do you think about this? No offence is meant to be directed to all... just wanted to shed some light in some dark areas.. and yes it might actually hurt.. but I do not intend to hurt you to make you feel like crap but hurt you so that you can be lifted up :)..
Psalms 27:6 Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.
God bless ya all,
Saturday, September 22, 2007
. Yea Great cool, God's awesome... This month.. first week I actually blew off most of my money... thats like... 200+? lol and been running low on my cash.. I got kinda worried.. and scared that I wouldn't have a lot of money to survive for the rest of this month... so now it's the 3rd week and guess what... AHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I still got money! :D God's really blessing me tremendously. I dunno how but my wallet is maintaining itself at a lvl of money... it's like almost 7 days of spending.. well this week will be... but before that.. I just wanna tell ya all.. the saturday after all the birthdays(1st week of september) I was hesitating to give into the offering bag to God... then I remembered that God will provide so I digged into my wallet took out a few bucks that I was happy to give to God and dumped it in the offering bag.. then I said my God is a big God and He clothes that earth He can also provide for me :)... And Guess what boys and gals! so far so good :). I'm so glad my God is a great God! ... hehe mentioning that.. I am on budget mode again :P... don't have much cash on me.. but am surviving.. n hoping tmrs meal isn't too much :(... haha I just recalled me going for a training.. and having free lunch for 2 whole days :O God's good haha... any wayz 1 more week of miracles to go~ haha :)!and what else eh...hmmm... started the bible reading plan pastor handed out to us.. very nice.. it's amazing how u can find out other things in the bible that you kinda thought u knew ... but then when u read that same passage again! another revelation pops up! haha... it's infinite man.. :D.
What else.. hmm works pretty much good, things are starting to come a long and get a lil more interesting :)... thought I have a few doubts I have to send to another senior consultant... :) staying in God and hoping for the best :) looking and building paitence through it all... long suffering conclusion = good :)
:: When the World looks at you and laughs at you, go ahead and laugh with them, coz you know God's on your side::
God bless ya all~
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Here goes boys and gals:
Life is like a long journey, and there will be many worries.
But in the time of your life, never give up the journey.
You maybe feel lonely, or even feel the pain and need,
But know this much is true, that there's some one for you!
IN life and death there's beauty, and in time there is many bounties,
you may feel so empty, but know that you are worthy,
death my speak as nasty as bitterness of the world,
But some one has made you worthy, you are not alone in this world,
But instead have been made worthy, trough some one who loves you.
All around the world, disasters makes it's role,
As things happen and things pass, many will come and many will go,
But stay in this love and person who made you worthy,
and you will see all that is lovely, as trees bring forth flowers in spring,
so it the beauty of those who can make you cosy,
Today you have a life that's been classified as worthy,
because the one who was worthy has now made you worthy,
Jesus loves you and died for you, in all of his holiness,
His blood was poured out, and now you are more than worthy,
if you do not know this man who is Holy, make sure you do come and get to know,
because I grantee that it's all worthy it, to become more than just worldly.
Thats all folks.. God bless
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Hey... yea me again :D. Funny thing or topic eh? I think emotions are pretty werid.. make u sad happy in love.. ect,.. You knwo some times you plan and you know what is right, but some times u fall so much into a crush haha... ah well... what to do? I guess the only solution is to tell yourself and your heart, NO it's not TIME yet.... haha a bit like torturing yourself really to avoid pains and unwanted splits in a well going relationship. alright feel liek writing some thing random here goes~The skies fill with the morning dew, and clouds bloat as the skies blew.
As the morning rises, so does the birds, but only one waits in patience,
IN built in instincts one bird waits for the right time. to soar, in time and fly through skies.
Patience is a long suffering, a suffering that one must bear, but why?
if Patience is good, then why is it suffering? yet no one really wants to be bothering.
Everyone's in the mood of loving, yet the time of waiting is around.
winds blow right and left, but time flows in a constant speed.
light moves in speeds of no match, but relationships grow with time.
As random as a rose raises from the ground, so are people who come in and out.
As time passes and people rushes, stand still and wait. feel time moving around you,
And know this~ that you are special and no one can take that from you.
Random eh.. as for stories.. I'll write when I am inspired :) thats all for today folks!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Death or life
so which one.. haha.. I just feel so lost recently... feel real bad.. and sad FOR NO REASOn.. as if I lost.. some one special in my life.. I dunno why... maybe liek Jerm said girl trapped in guys body... haha... sigh.. Freaking tearing back then.... n ask ppl to pray.. one nudged me on msn.. n woke me up from my comfy tearing on bed..sigh.. what to do... maybe it starts off with realizing.. how much of no life u have haha... but who knows.. apparently I am important in this world to a few people.. whom would probally disagree with me haha,,, I'd wish the best for everyone.. and If I'd ever died... I want u all to know, your life was special to me :). Each time each moment.. every second, every minute... I wouldn't trade any of it for the treasures of this world.. I want you all to know... if I ever died unexpectedly , that none of it was God's plan... well not the death.. and that I'm sure I'm happy in heaven with Christ now by my side...
To all I love and hold dearly.. to all my enemies whom became a friend, to those who are still enemies to those I have been angry towards.. and all those in Christ's family ... Stay strong and focused.. and remember, I'll see you in heaven!
Monday, September 03, 2007
..yea came back from SG recently.. form training in DB2 pretty useful in making me understand a bit better on how to monitor n back up and all lol... But the trip also made me realize... how much I miss my friends I have made in Malaysia.. in my life... Friends have always been just people who pass by.. and you get new ones, cherish them then enjoy time and then move on... but when I was in Singapore.. I felt such a strong force of missing my friends... all of them in Malaysia.. It's sad when my eyes opened and I realized.. I'd most likely part ways with them soon.. sigh.. haha... I'm sad for many reasons... and happy as they all pursue their dreams and desires... as Long as they stay in Christ's amazing love and family I guess they'll always be as near as Christ is...I dunno why Singapore trip took such a toll and My trip to Uk never, maybe coz one is a career type and another is a Holiday... I realized in Singapore.. there's only a few that will be with me forever... that is, God... and eventually my wife(when I get one haha)... No wonder God made eve for Adam... you know when I got back from Singapore I felt like hugging EVERYONE... but.. then they would think it's weird. coz I only disappeared for like... 4 days? lol... it felt like a month some how.
So God Father, look after all of my bretherns and Sisters.. my fmaily.. I'm so glad you put all of them in my life, and I know many more are coming... I thank you that no matter what Your still there.. since the beginning.. oh Father.. I wanna just cry out to you... I wanna cry on your shoulders.. I hate the feeling of departing.. I know it hasn't happened yet... Thanks Father...
Yea so you all shoudl be used to my blog being mixed up haha... Ah well "Never give up" as Winston Churchill said. be liek an eagle.. just waiting for the right time to soar :)....
God bless ya all
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
His presence keeps me calm
well, yesterday I asked God for some peace of mind.. I asked him to wake me up n give me strength, he woke me up alright.. haha a bit too early.. :P like 6 am n I was like aww then I went back to sleep... then in office I was all nervous coz.. I didn't have any materials on me.. and the supervisor was walking in and out... then I remembered what pastor said, or was it a kingdom class, take initiative, haha so I decided to do some work... writing out possible troubleshooting tips for my flow chart.. then went on to try and search for ST04, transaction code stuff.. aww man a headache and nothing was found.. at the end I decided to just skip that transaction code.. took out a book and copied a flow chart from there, I noticed a couple of things I missed out... Then I felt kinda sad... and nervous coz I didn't know what was to become of me in the future.You know what from there on God reminded me, don't worry I am in control :). As usual His voice speaks out to me. Throughout the whole time in the office I was listening to music... then when I got to some song.. I can't remember a sudden feeling of peace came upon me... my eyes started to tear up... I was having a feeling of rest.. and peace... I felt God's presence fill the room! I told Alexander and he said God is everywhere haha.. true.. but it was the same feeling as when I worship him in choir.. and when I pray to him... he was near! or I was more attuned to him shall I say. God is in my workplace! I am so happy =D! I keep sharing Christ with my colleague haha.. he seems pretty open about it :) I'm glad I'm trying to invite him to Saturday youth, since he is only 24 XD. I just dunno... God is awesome~ and I know He'll be carrying me on.. today I went to some seminar with my dad, and they talked about positive thinking as being a crucial part of our life, right attitude, don't be negative. some times I wonder if their Christians but.. it doesn't seem so.. u can some how discern, their in darkness.. I wonder if they call out for Christ in their hearts?
I always remember what is taught in kingdom classes, attend to peoples needs, They don't care how much God cares until they see how much you care :), I also remember once u attend to their needs and it's all solved, and they have no other human needs, they will see their greatest need, which is salvation! =) I pray every one will see Christ :).
That's all folks!
God bless and remember! Jesus loves you NO MATTER HWTA(if u hate him, dun believe in him, love him ect..)
::In the darkest moment, just call our His name JESUS and He will come and help you, be it Christian or Not Christian::
Monday, August 20, 2007
2nd post?
ah.. eys my second post... I just read Florence's bloggy :) as usual she posts pastor's message... is amazing,.. I have no idea why.. I feel word for, jujst feel like I wanna cry... sigh.. it's nto coz I am sad, but more like.. some one understands me =/ does that make sense? haha... love your enemy~... This I have tried and done... When Jesus said turn ur check, it really works.. they are won over.. fight back and then u are doing what they want u to do... just pray that God will lead them and bless them =) thats my way, try to befriend them, but never try to take revenge... never even have one thought of vengeance in your mind. then bless them, for me it was with sweets... hehe :P coz thats all kids ever wanted in the past... :) it's amazing how God turned my enemies to be at peace with me.. God's really some one eh?I wanna feel God in my life again.. then you are all probally thinking, but Chris, you look super well with Him... Yea it's true that I am well with God.. but.. I just miss His hands of grace leading before me.. I just feel so barren... burned all my fuels up... but God is good.. He'll surely lift me up again... I just pray he will refuel me...=). Florence said I will burn out if I serve too much haha... sems church staff think very differently, I wonder if moses.. Abraham and all got a break in their life.. I wonder if.. any of them got a break... I wonder if pastor gets a break! haha... :).. but I'll be serving God out of my heart... God loves a cheerful server... I love praise team, jumping in front watching every one stand still while I jump.. lol... then I realize how much jumping means, it means to jump for God and not the crowd... I love teaching.. even tho I might nto be the best teacher in the world.. it's nice to see students grow... Holy communion, is nice too coz I get to see how much God loves everyone that his blood is distributed to everyone, choir is fun :) coz praise God n feeling his peace and anointing setting on me is the most rewarding thing.. seeing angels dance in the hall.. now thats a beauty to behold! I like being an intern... it gives me a perception of how Florence might feel for her sheep :)... and a feel of How much Jesus loves His sheep :)... it's amazing actually... when u realize, u don't do nothing, but God does a lot!... MC I dunno yet haha, I assume it's good too, tho I am not too passionate in serving in it, actually felt a little reluctant, coz I know some times I will not be able to go.. I love you God... but I don't want to be the center of our relationship... I want you to be in the center...
thats all,
God bless
-Chris T.T
Work work work :D
Alright as most of u already know I have started work for about a week now, I'd much rather call it work coz job stands for JUST OVER BROKE :P.... and no wI am in office with nothing to do.. coz I have been searching for hours to try to understand 2 codes.. and nothing no sites nothing helped.. :( ...So what do I do now I am an SAP trainee consultant no it has nothing to do with programming it's administrative work :D.. alright thats all for work :P... Now.. to church serving in 4 ministries~ and 2 erm.. dunno they have no class on them haha.. ken says I will burn out soon enough.. in fact he decrees it haha... if I do then I iwll take a break from church.. stay at home for a week or so... n call in saying I want to have a break from duties haha... I know relying on th eLord for strength is good :) but God made sabbath for a reason, should have a t leats 1 days rest :) and if I am workign 5 days and study 2days on weekend then basically serve on week ends too.. phew.. tiring.. :) I waa just go to church n listen..... go to Jesus, and He will give me rest right?... not sure if I can escape in such a way... but God understands me :)... I know I know.. skipping church for a break seems not right, but even Jesus needed a break from the crowds n pray in the mountain :). Not complainign, happy to serve the king of kings... but not being able to rest in him.. makes me sad :(. any howz~ will see what happens down the line! God's there n He knows my heart :). I wanna bring friends to church haha.. but now to think about it... I never have time to entertain them... sigh... :(. it's like when I brought lai mun Mahesh and Kalinga haha...
any wayz, here's some words from me :
In the darkest situation when nothings around... but enemies waiting to pounce on you, like vultures waiting for u to drain,, so that u will die and be eaten, there is always a door there, and that door has a hand which will helps us through~ though more enemies there maybe, but with a companion of such greta might who feeds and provides, who carries you when ur tired out, there's no need to fear! IN the most tiresome hour... and most desprate situation, He'll be there for you, who you may ask ? God of course! 24/7
::Let light shine within me..break all my darkness within so that my eyes my shine and glow... and show the glory of his kingship!::
-Chris ~Keep on rocking for God
Saturday, August 11, 2007
God is good~ all the time! wohoo.. Man I feel so high on God's love right now is amazing :), ok so I get to go into a SAP field~ start work on Monday, I'm gonna try my best to learn n perform, with God as my foundation of course~ Man at first I didn't see this as a blessing from God, btu when I analyze it.. it's all the right timing.,. company desprate for ppl.. me being there at the right time, defiantly all God's plan man :). Then.. car crash.. well this testimony let it happen first, obviously I decree that my car is sold for a very high value xD if my Dad wants to sell, Comign soon ~ look out for it xD. You knwo today care grp I read a verse again, at first it didn't really strike me, it did several times but I didn't take much notice of it, but now when I read it, I finally find it's really the solution, of what they mean by let go and let God, ~ tell you in a minw hat it means read this verse first~Philippians 3:12-14 One thing I do[bring all my energy to focus on one thing], forgetting [neglecting, not bothered with] those things which are behind and reaching forward[stretching, looking forward] to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the(high calling) of God in Christ Jesus~
look at the verse, when God tells you to stand still and watch God's glory, like he told King jeohvshat however u spell his name, he sent choir members to praise God in front line of battle field, even he knew that standing still meant to praise God, so in the same way let go and let God is like the verse suggests, Let go(forgetting those things in the past, your past sins and things that condemn you) let God(stretching out towards God's high calling for us]. Amazing huh? the revelation just blows my socks off man! haha :)
The song
Lifting me up, I feel you grace around me,
Lifting me up, I feel your power in my life.
Lifting me up, Jesus Christ your lifting me up today.
And it's by your grace, by your power, by your blood I am free.
I thank you Lord, for everything, that you have done in my life today,
and I praise your name, coz you have made me whole again.
Lifting me up, Lifting me up, You have lifted me up again.
And I thank you Father God for everything you've done
Lifting me up, Lifting me up, High upon your wings.
Father God I praise your name for what you have done,
You are truly amazing, you are truly amazing, Father God.
So I am staying in your presence,
Staying in your shadow,
staying in your hands of grace, where I am safe,
For you have lifting me up high,
upon the clouds where I can see the east from west.
You have given me sight, You are leading me all the way,
You have lifted me Jesus, You have lifted me(x3)
You have lifted me Jesus(x3)
Christ my Lord.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
a banging day xD
Ok I know it's nothign to be really happy about but... MAN yesterdya morning, I saw 2 birds... fly into my kitchen.. then they couldnt fly out they kept panicking and smashing into the window then I whistled and they calmed down, so I decided to get my camera.. but as i got it n whistled ot calm them down again.. my dogs rushed into the kitchen n started to bark n chase them till they were like frantically rushing left n right smashign intot he window, but they managed to escape haha, fun experience,.. Then later on got a call form Alicia wanting to have lunch together haha, yeap~ and so this is how the story begins~ went into her car after lunch, actually lin yi's car.. if thats how u spell his name, Alicia was driving.. complaining about auto no power.. n all. @@ Then we went looking for General hospital in KL... wow we went from one side of KL to another... and still couldn't find it until very much later we finally reached the hotel next to General hospital, and amazingly we still stopped to ask for directions... which was just, like, "it's behind here" lol.. drove n reached hospital got the book and then headed back to sunway, where I left my car.yay.. dinner now this is where the fun starts.. we said we wanted ot have dinner... so we got in the car n headed to Asia cafe... and just as I reached the subang roundabout.. I turned and bang..hit a proton wira.. crappy metal that dented in SUPER deep =/ whilst my car recieved minimal dmg.. and whats worste is, I reversed n tapped onto another car :(.. 2in one.. (what the reason? back car coz panicked, like the 2 lil birds int he morning, car next to me? well blind spot really... ) so plans changed I asked Alicia n others to go to makan with pohly in asia cafe whilst I just went to workshop n see how much the dmg cost was... so the wira dude took me to his workshop(his local one) and they charged 630 bucks! what the?! for a wira? thats crazy price... so my dad came along n took us to his friend's friend mechanic and they charged 300, now that sounds a lot better... so at the end of the day, I was like the 2 birds haaha bang n bang, but my car is now being resprayed no transport to go any where... so yea.. now I'm stuck at home Wahaha!
God bless,
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
God knows.
Today was a day packed full of activities, started off waking up early at 9, ok I know this is not early to some of you but hey xD. Then I decided to play some games with Alexander the Holy haha xD... played some crazy games with him then rested and had lunch... after lunch went to giant, some gadget shop pretty cool xD then to the 4life office to buy some CV xD(btw CV is for the heart, mean t to take with Targeted Vitamin and Minerals =)), After that got home =) took sheet off my bed n changed pillow cover before going to pick Alicia up! XD.. picked her up she looked so tired, and guess what? she spoke first :O haha rare for her to do so in a car hehe :)... so drove home, and she told me about some thigns, like how HTML is comign up for her! Wahaha HTML FUN and easy.... on NOTEPAD abit harder.. but never the less easy xD but any questions Alicia pleease go to BBC not me :P. then some capturing.. sounds packed with fun to me haha! she's gonna learn some movie clip stuff too~ GO TO ET HE will guiode u in the way of the alien~ but u can come to me if u want me to evaluate :P. I think it's pretty cool, It may seem hard at first but through my own experience doing Sulee's farewell it ended up fun! But I had a lot more time at hand hehe... Then later came to my house wanted to use the net! BUT my net was kinda out then.. coz today they are meant to upgrade so some issues, but eventually it worked... then sent to paint my ant hill :D... pretty cool, I think her advice is good :) in painting diff colours, I'll do it xD... I might do the ink thing tho..(btw ink is to fill in deep gaps so that u get a contrast effect on models). SORRY about my punctuation! hehe... abit excited, Today was actually a nicely packed day... then... went to set up chess.. but before we could play she discovered my keyboard =O haha well she knwos hwo to play a certain tune taught from sensei Serene Wahaha... is cool :).... and another Chinese tune.. sorry forgot how to play xD wasn't being attentive enough =(... later chess wohoo.. I made so many careless moves it's AMAZING haha, but had to go for dinner, and guess what she agreed to a draw =O thats what u call grace man haha!Then bible study.. u know listenign is super important... when pastor started preaching about it. I realised we do have the capabillty to listen and absorb.. coz I did it for one subject before and I didn't even revise for it and still scored a B fine.. b isn't as good.. as an A but it does sheo attentiveness pays off! so... then I realised how some other things arised, hwo break up happens.. and how people should stop encouraging ppl to break up, but instead give them a solution. It's so easy to say LEAVE him when you not in thier shoes, while people are looking for a solution you give them only one choice.. which isn't a solution at all! You knwo marriages arn't made to be broken... it's a like a bond.. overlooking errors n stuff, and the real key to it all is listening.. I agree with pastor :) even I am effected when I find that my dad doesn't listen to me.. it's werid that I do shoudl be used to it haha... So pastor says listenign is the key... the bible also says listenign is the key, so why does adultry n all happen coz we lack a listening ear~ most of the time, not saying all the time :) But yea most of the time... I think a lot of us need to learn how tto listen and how to stop trying to find the next answer :) well at least I do ^^. I love how pastor put it, don't look at the critic but the Critizme, if it's valid accept it, btu don't look at the person and say what about you? don't you do it too? what gievs you the right? No it;'s all wrong... it's nto abotu who is who and who's right or wrong, but more of is the critizism valid right? no ones perfect and if it takes a perfect person to rebuke u, then u can wait for the second coming I think, and by then if ur not in Christ then it's a lil late, but I';m not talkign about Christainity about u shoudl accept Christ or not right now, tlakign about normal situations :)... it's all cool ! all you who read my blog I hope this helps tonnes! coz God knows ;) want bible verses eh? ok then...
Jame 1:19
My dear brothers, take not of this: Eeryone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.
Luke 8:18
Therefore consider carefully how you listen. whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him."
Matthew 23:1-3
1Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: 2"The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. 3So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.
Dats all folks :)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Roller coaster
(all photos under ET copyright? haha)

Alicia and Kaylee.. what are they doing:P

Grouppie.. WI as kinda unprepared btu still looks gd!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
eh... feeling better now haha =)... it seems selfishness took over me yesterday Wakakkaa... which is bad =/... is actually lots of ppl who have come to get to know me personally have drifted a far.. apart from a few, I guess those few are what makes things special eh :)... ah well, God's love is truly amazing.. and not understable... is this what we call grace? undeserved favor :)well thats all for today
God bless
I'm feeling so sad... each and everyday.. I know it's passing.. and SAP is drawing nearer... I'm gonna miss all my friends... I wish u all the best if I do not see u in the future... I really appreciate each and everyone of you... The battle is coming down on me.,. and I can't seem to fight..I wanna cry so bad... until there's nothing left in my body to cry out... I feel.. so lonesome... abandoned... I feel all that is left is me n God..
When I was younger.. many people told me there was no such things as friends... they will all turn against u some how... so far nothing like that has happened... yet.. I feel I am losing them all at once.. Jerm.. my relationship with him has deteriorated .... Sulee... gone to penang,... and not much chatting on msn... Alicia... just.. feel like she doesn't want to talk to me.. or I am too boring for her... Alex... Alex chui still ok... Alex Tee... dunno.... Karen.. oh Karen... what happened... why isn't she around any more.... William.. pretty busy most of the time... bbc... never was really close to him... Florence... I can't say much.. coz she's there when I am in trouble.. but not when I am lonely.. or dunno.. whatever I am feeling now.. self pity is a dangerous tool... but what happens when u feel like everyone you ever got close to is drawing far away... THIS always happens... u get close.. and u will always fall away... oh brothers and sisters... are u still around... oh God... am I meant to be just one man in this world?... I cannot do it alone.. I need companions.. Lord... you never once called any man to be alone... I'm sure of it...
ET...I dun really know him that well, but I'm glad I can chat to him at times.. :) I really thank God I met him... I am just a boring guy... u can ask people who know me... I feel I have ran form colour to black n white... I am nothing but a burden.. or nothing but a tool of entertainment... who can really say that I have colour in me? who can truly hang out with me one on one and not be bored?... ok ASHLEY :D... thats probably it.. oh Lord...and you... Lord...
I wanna cry till I am dry,
I feel like the sun is making me fry,
The sound of deaths trumpets are dull...
I feel nothing but pain,
I have run dull and my colours are running out,
who can say they know me?
only one or two..
who can say I am really a nice guy to hang out with?
no one... I feel like a leaf in the wind,
that russels on and blows up like a puff..
Yet Lord, Your hands still covers me,
You still accept me,
Your love is so great.. and you are the only one who has not forsaken me,
your love is truly great..
what have I done to deserve this?
nothing Lord nothing... only that you died for me,
on the cross ur hands were pierced in my faults..
you were slashed, coz of my health..
you hung there knowing you could call an army of angels down,
yet you hung there...
Oh humans are so evil, and you are so righteous,
how much I do not deserve this!
I just wanna cry Lord...
lend me your shoulder...
Monday, July 23, 2007
grrrr ET WHY U... haha oh well... since I have been tagged.... here goes:Food You Hate :
hmm.. I hate... tries to think......................SEA CUCUMBERS yay got one =P
Fruits You Hate :
Fruits I hate? ISIT POSSIBLE?! oh wait it is... dragon fruit.. the white one =/ yucks
Veggies You Hate :
Veggies... all are awesome, but then again I said sea cucumber ealrier :P
Celebrities or People That You Hate :
people I hate?.... non I know at the moment.. all have become mutual friends
Event/Incident/Situation That You hate :
break up of course Lol
TV Shows or Movies that you hate :
none really... maybe the hulk? but that was just boring.. nto really hate Lol.. or IT? it the evil clown always had night mares when I was young after watching..s cared of bloody evil clowns
Type of Musics that you hate :
hmmm non in particular.. but I'd prefer not to listen to death metal
Household chore that you hate :
me... hate.... throwing out girls trash... whom have hit that stage of life (you know what I mean?) yucks..
Things you hate bout the world :
hmmm... executions... due to belief...
Things that you hate bout yourself :
hmmm being angry at myself for no reason? LOL
now I wanna tag Alexander! Sulee! Katrina! :D and ALICIA wahahhaa
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Right or left?
Heya all... yeap I'm back, recently depressed sorta.. well not sure haha! but hey I want to say God is good, and He is always faithful, surrounding us with caring friends, well if u feel like u dun have some, :P like I did look again, and you will see u have at least one :).Now I am stuck here.. with a contract next to me.. to sign or not to sign,.. I wonder my Lord God is this the way to head? hmm... tonight I will ask my mum I think for her wisdom.. yet I just realized in my previous post I prayed already that this company will absorb us.. and it's happening.. now is this an answer form God? or is it just a... hindrance from the devil.. stuck in the mud! woo.. I shall ask tmr if I can have a week to think about it.. if not I will most probably go for it.. ahh God guide me.. give me peace hehe...
oo man I always thank God for my care grp leader.. even tho I did want to discuss about the care group.. it ended up in a discussion on what I wanted to ask her Long ago! man such a simple answer, which I DONT believe I didn't do! ASK GOD, haha how much more simple can it get? hehe.. so I shall ask Him later :D, ain't it great that we have a Father who will listen 24/7 and answer :) I know My Father in Heaven LIVES :D
God bless ya all!
Chris in Christ,
Friday, July 20, 2007
oh Lord.. how I hunger for you.. yet why are things bothering me? I pray that this SAP course will be a sucess and I will be absorbed into this company.. but I pray I may grow abit mroe in RLC before being sent out, yet I am ready to rely on you whenever you feel it's time for me to head into the world.Today my dad gave advice to, a brother in choir.. and he said have children earlier better, look at me, then he pointed at me... man.. am I that much of a curse?... or am I just a burden.. I dunno.. prehaps I try to hard to speak to my Earthly Dad... I was so hurt when he poitned that statement out.. but now thinking about it.. how much earlier could he of had me..? I know My God you have planned me to be here today, for if I were not then at this time, then things between me and you would be different... no matter what I know God's faithful n beside me... yet the hurt turned my mood of worship to super down mode.. I'm sorry Father God in heaven.. my worship was not as gd today... but I am glad you still choose to listen and dance with me at the end...
everything is coming at once Father God.. I dunno how much longer I can take this.. yet you make it ok in the end.. you always hold me back up... I wonder what would happen if I didn't have Jesus in my life.. sigh,... people ask me what is wrong.. and my eyes tear up.. yet I held it back and said nothing.. oh God... am I leader of yours?... is this why the devil is attacking?... oh Lord protect pastors of this world.. whom go through even worst persecutions form the devil roaring.. but I am glad their in you and that they are protected by your rod and staff... Lord... protect my care grp leader Florence.. she seems busy now a days.. and I want her to talk to me and communicate... coz I too am her intern.. I need her to work with me Lord.. I want your sheep to have the best... Lord oh Lord use me... protect each and every one of those sheep... ah.. Father God.. your mercies are new every morning...
I stand,... in your presence... stripped with all my faults uncovered, in the Light, yet.. I do not fear so much of what will happen to me, because your blood has covered me and clothed me in white robes... I stand innocently coz Christ died innocently for me... oh Father God.. I know you are near now... coz I feel your hand of comfort... change me... I'm no mistake this I know... coz you made me...
-Chris(message to God)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
yet this fasting.. I have been praying.. and I praise God prayers have been answered.. yet I feel like I have some sort of block between u and me God.. :(.. dunno why, I wanna feel closer yet I dun feel Your presence as I used to... tho, prehaps.. is just Your presence around me God? is it... that your that close.. yet I can't feel you.. I know I shouldn't rely on feelings... sigh... I can't hear you, why?... is this all part of the cleaning processes Lord?... I will finish this fast, coz I started it, and I see improvements in my self control.. Lord.. answer me please :(.. I miss your voice... and your touch..
any wayz, thats all for today, perhaps tomorrow will bring up a super testimony eh?... oh btw, my internet hasn't been working thats why no post dudes and dudets! so whenever my next post is till then Adios!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Fast n prayer
so today is my 6th day and as usual, i got lot of ppl saying stop to me xD, but I'm still going on with it... so first week fo my fast is dedicated to Cambodia trip, and also the surgery of a friend's friend... next is gonna be for the merdeka thing, and of course Malaysia in a whole. I pray that God will guid me in giving me ideas, on evangelist events.. that Alex actually is planning, also dedicate this fast to that, and above all else, I wanna come to get to know my Father God more :).Dun worry, dudes and dudets that are reading this, no need to fast to get to know God intimatly.. there's just some stuff I want to shurg off my back.. dats all ^^
Alright thats all for nwo, God belss ya all
And rmember no matter what, if u don't believe or whatever, Jesus <3's ya!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Story as promised
The kings only son
A whole nation bound to slavery... many have tried to help this nation, but all have failed.. week after week were they tortured and made to work sleepless nights... Whilst the king of the nation has tried his best to free the slaves. The captors of the nations people refused to let them go. They said, even your head is worthless to us! As time carried on the nation was thrown into disarray... not even worthy of being called of a nation anymore.. the king grew weary and wanted a way to redeem his country, yet nothing could be done.
Then one night... there was a huge celebration, joy filled the hearts of the nation, even though they were slaves to evil captors... a Son was born, and a great gift he was, as this was the one and only child of the king's, after many failed attempts... As the son grew up He went around encouraging people and spreading love and joy in the hearts of many.. even to the slave masters, and soon enough he gained favor even in the eyes of the salve drivers... production started to drop, and people were starting to have ordinary lives... nothing could be better... As time passed even the 70% of the captors loved to listen to this child speak words of encouragement in the hearts of many... yet the rulers of the city of Gillareth, whom were the captors, had realized that this is a bad sign, and that they would have to get rid of the boy as soon as possible, or else their nation will be converted and might even retaliate and cause a civil war... so the rulers of the city stepped on cautiously as they did not want any troubel form their own nation...
slowly they spreaded rumors about the King's son, to try to make a bad name for him, but even that tactic did not work... eventually they came up with the ultimate deal for the King, they said to the king, “ If you would have your son, handed over to us we shall set your nation and allies free from our clench” The king struggled and thought about it over and over... his retainers told him and advised him, not to agree, for this would be a foolish thing to do, they also told him that their allies did not deserve such a deal, for the allies had not helped in any way but cursed them and spat at them for being so useless... the King did not know what to do... for he loved his nation so dearly and his allies he appreciated for the help they have provided. At the end of the day he asked his son, “son I have a deal to set all these people free from the bonds of this evil nation but it requires you to be handed over to them”
The son replied,”Father, if it will make you happy to see this whole nation and this whole land and it's allies set free, I shall do it”
Filled with tears the king embraced his son tightly,”Good bye son.. I wish you all the best”,
then the king wrote back to the city rulers of Gillareth, “I shall do it, and you shall keep your promise!”
Then it was so.. that the kings son was handed over to the rulers of Gillareth, and news was spread around the whole nation of this doing... many thought how cruel was the king that he was to give his son away to these evil people.. others cried, as they saw how much they did not deserve the freedom through ones death.. especially through the king's only son's death.. For they knew that this nations intention was to kill the son. And so it was the son was beheaded... and the nation of Gillareth kept their promise and released the land and it's allies.. However the rulers doing of killing the son was their undoing.. and soon after their nation became weak and feeble only able to use their history to cause fear, and for those who did fall prey to their roaring, they consumed. But many stood strong and heard of what this king did. The City of Gillareth was now nothing but a lion which had been defanged.
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
A famous verse.. and this is exactly how this story relates... we were not God's people, we were sinners and bound to sin as slaves... and there was no where for us, we even were enemies of Him... or allies, but never in his nation, for his chosen ones were the Jews, so if you are a Jew God had chosen you first! Yet through much pains and suffering God gave us His only son, do die for us... so that we might all be redeemed! Jesus Christ died for us, even when we were still spitting in his face... cursing him, or moreover sinning!
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Yes... we are defiantly not worthy of such a death of a righteous and blameless man, yet for us, Jesus still choose to die. He exchanged places with us in this world of sin. So that we might be set free, then after that resurrected and justified us, by taking the keys of death and hades away!
Revelation 1:18
I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
This is God's grace to us, and this grace was given freely for each and everyone of us, it is given as a gift!
Romans 6:23 23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
And just by accepting the gift, we are able to stand in front of the defanged lion and proclaim that Christ's death has brought us victory!, and also be sure that God will not let you fail!
Philippians 1:6
6being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Proverbs 21:31
The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD.
1 John 5:4
for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
1 Corinthians 15:57
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
So stand assured bretherns and sisters Victory is by our side, coz God is with us never against us again! Even death has lost, coz of what Christ has done for us! Stand strong in your victorious battle! :)
1 Corinthians 15:55
"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"
God bless ya all,
Chris ::No matter how tough the battle seems, keep on fighting with the conviction that you have won::
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
God is good!
Well 3rd day on my fasting period, and I'm feeling great! wonder if this is how Daniel felt? ha ha anyway, I really praise God for what He has done! you know in the past seeing all these people pass away.. it really deteriorated my belief in God's healing ability, yet God is faithful, and today some one with a 5% chance of survival in surgery survived! Wohoo, Like I said, the Holy Spirit is the ultimate operator xD . Some times I wonder what people say, I know God is faithful.. does that mean.. they didn't pray for my other requests? or was God not faithful in those prayer requests? ha ha, I doubt so, I reckon God, for one, did answer a prayer o mine, by takign a lil boy to heaven, since he was going through so much pain.. and suffering, another I have no idea.. I hope he is with Christ .... Any wayz, back to God is good, all de time xD. I have actually been sending out an email to some one in USA (won't mention name xD but you know who you are if you read my blog) and I have been praying for her salvation.. well not everyday, then now she has accepted Christ as he Lord and Saviour, I am over joyed! is not me who converted her, more work is credited to her boyfriend :) but all glory to God :)... Now I am glad, and will continue sending out the scriptures to her, I hope that she will always be strong in the Lord no matter what happens! I hope she knows that God's relationship with her is also personal, and not impersonal, so anythign between her n God has nothing to do with everyone else xD! I'd also liek to praise God for His awesome guardian angels! the other day I ran out on a road, and didn't realise a car was heading towards me, then I jumped back wards right after.. my Dad of course was there and scolded me haha, either u run or you stop! I was like =/ no answer Ha ha.. if I stop I woulda died =/, praise God for having me safe.. another was when I dropped Serene home, I went back home and I was so tired.. I didn't realize my driving skills were so lousy, and yet I didnt crash, ppl stopped for me, honed me of course, but still no damage! praise God! He is faithful to my prayer since I prayed in learning school :).... ok, I know.. it seems overwhelming but I have one more! Hahathe other day I was dropping a drunk ken home(scary) :S(sorry ken it was!) then when I dropped him home I had to go through a police check... then the police just told me to drive of, I was kinda confused coz normally they would check your tax n all, then... I got home, and realised I was driving without my license all this time! :O.. I believe is God's divine protection... esp in keeping me safe! obviously God doesn't allow us to go do all wrong doings, but He sure does protect us well :) I'm so secure!
Confidence! Must have more confidence, I think this fasting is bringing my confidence in God higher and higher! is just amazing! PRAISE GOD!
Ahh I'll write a story another time guys! Jesus Loves ya all, no matter if you hate him or not =) God bless ya all!
-Chris over n out
Monday, July 02, 2007
Cutting down
43If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out. 45And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell.
You know some times I wondered if Jesus meant it literally or not =/... but this is how I interpret it... sacrifice, to sacrifice something you love doing, but you know that it is against everything God stands for.. So this is the stage where I need to cut it out.... this thing out rather than go to hell with it... Not that I am gonna go to hell... but hey since theres a risk do it aye? so what if I fail... hmm that is a very hard thing to say... God's gracious.. and I'll stay in His grace, as I need to... I read yesterday about sin that leads to eternal death.. dunno about that either yet.. it says if we come to God and ask from him and he hears it and accepts it, then we know God will answer our prayers.. so.. that was the verse all this gets pretty into depth esp when I read Corinthians.. it all seems real heavy warnings against me...
God is gracious still... and patient... just as Love is slow to anger.. so is God... I know He knows my heart.. some how, don't ask me how!
Alright... thats all form me God bless!
some times.. I wonder if it is possible for any of us to over rule the blood of Jesus and over sin... but some how it's impossible... and I find it incredible how God is able to make such a decision to send His son, to die for us... even when he knows we are so evil...But then.. could some one who continues disobeying God be a leader?... or even a teacher... still love God? can God be in them....? But what if this leader loved God.. and knew he had no more salvation, but because he knows God wants people in his kingdom... he goes out n brings them in... is that possible? aihs.. I dunno..
hwo can darkness and light dwell in the same place.. one must leave for the other to take its place.. but can one come back? hmm guess it could.. since is like the sun.. when it sets the darkness takes over when it rises the light comes.. oh well thats all I am pondering baout at the mo
Thursday, June 28, 2007
The verdict is...
Well SAP wins the court case... Ha ha, man though I feel that my passion is in the animation grounds, is not the will of God, though if I did choose animation course I know God's not gonna abandon me and say YOU DID NOT CHOOSE THE WAY I SAID TO GO NOW I WILL LEAVE YOU! nahh this isn't the God I know, but some how in my gut feeling I knew God had already told me to go to SAP. So what am I gonna do, go into SAP tmr.. meeting up with a guy who is enabling this course to happen, is on sat n sundays! oh wow.. no more sunday service for me, but youth I can still make it so dun worry guys :P(or at least I hope I can hahaha) is a 8 week course if I am not mistaken, but ever bit should be worth it at the end... as for my animation dreams, they'll have to wait, I'm sure one day God shall open a path for me to go into such a field, but till then, stay put and continue drawing as a leisure lei sure? yeap Lol... I might go into part time course in animation just to see how it goes, but I heard assignments are taxxing.. and not sure if I will be able to handle, but hey, why not be the jack of all trades.. Wahahha.. ok the jack of all trades is a bad thing :P nvm, will see if my prophecy from Pastor vernon will come about... like how I become mega good at something.. train some one to be as good as me, then move on! hey sounds gd, the company gets some one as good as me, I make sure the company survives, then move on wahhaha.. will see :) !As for my passion, at the mo I have an amazing story I want to make up, it's from the previous story that I have written about the unity thing.. but thats the end fight scene, is gonna be a mix in... good and evil, 2 sides to the story with the same ending, and beginning ... had some views on it, people think is k(by people I mean 2 Hahaha) 1 has heard the whole thing coz he cant see it, coz he is in Aussie! (Mat that's you if your reading..). pure action packed, would be fun to see this in animation maybe one day Plex can do it Whahaa ah well! having trouble with 2 characters, basically.. a naked person,(female, how to conceal n all [btw mat gave a great tip in covering with scenery] will see when I start drawing) another is the creator =/ toughest one =/=/....
story isn't completely completed, still some bits I am thinking of adding.. right now it';s in black& white... any one who wants to know more about it, msg me aite? if you can meet up with me I'll show you the story board, then u can chuck in your bits of ideas... then with all your ideas pumped in(gonna let u see basics not ppl's ideas, so I can combine together and you wont know what the final product looks like till later :P
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Stuck in a mix
ah yes.. I'm kinda stuck in decision making.. that will change the rest of my life.. sorta sounds serious doesn't it? well it is kinda... I'm stuck htinking should I go into SAP which I supposingly thought God wanted me to get into, or follow a passion, which God also has spoken on before... I have always had an interest in animation 3d modelling and 2d animation... since, my com science degree... coz we touched abit on animation... and I feel like I have much interesst in it... then again I thought to myself whatrs all the com science 3 years put in for then? ... sigh I'm wondering.. coz I dont really even have a passion for programming.. reason why I did augmented reality for my project. coz it was animation based.... but now look... I'm back on programming and not liking one bit of it... I dont mind programming or scripting to be more precise on director, didnt learn flash so wouldn't know... so if animation has scripting I'm all ups for it... so the decision boils down to... go SAP get a job I might not even like working in... OR go for the course I am passionate about and get a job that I know I will enjoy...
I asked around people say follow passion, some experienced choosing the job they dont like and regretted it, another said ask God, but whichever path you choose at the end God's with me... which is encouraging.... Multimedia(which I thought was animation as well) was actually mroe onto things liek editing videos n all, which isn't really my type of thing! hank God for friends who are in different feilds! and found out the one I liked was actually animation! so my friend william, who used to study animation before havign to join the NS said it was FUN, well to him. which I think I might enjoy too.. but he said best to go research(byu that he means ask colleges) he suggested one academy since thats the one he was in before. Which I will go n do soon I think, and then Alex said SAE is a good one, I read thier diploma->degree seems quite good, nto read thourghly yet tho... will do tommorrow... I was htinkign oh no SAP is gonna be at 4th July, but people said, it can wait, make ur decision first.. which I can see is very important at this time, coz SAP courses will re appear... this isn't a life threatening decision, but it is a life changing one...
oh Lord.. help me n guide me to the right direction...
God bless ya all
-Chris is stuck at a cross road.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The power of one
As the raiders rushed through the forest, leaving destruction in thier paths, a village lay ahead... people panicked and rushed about as they heard that a group of bandit raiders were heading their way, they had no idea where to head and had zero security, every mintue was like a count down to death. As the raiders approached the town, they saw the chaos it was in and sat and watched in amusement. hours later the whole town was in a wreck and people had fled away... the raiders simply walked in and took everything that they saw fit.
Later at night the raiders planned another ambush.. on a smaller town named, Solorial... This town was famous for the amount of raw materials they had... the raiders discussed amoungst themseleves how they may come about in stealing what they want.
"Let's run head in like we always do!" Shouted one of the raiders
"No don't be foolish, this town is bound to be secured with many gaurds we need to sneak through." the cheiften said.
they all agreed on sending a scout into the town, the scout came back with reports that no gaurds were in place that very day... as they plotted thier attack, the raiders decided to send a small group to terrorise the city at noon.
Noon arrived and the raiders arrived swinging thier maces in the air and screaming, fear struck the townsfolk and they fled into the townshall, all scared they bundled up together and asked the counsellor what they should do.
"ok everyone let's relax... I'm sure we can sort this out some how... why do these raiders want to come to our town?" said the counsellor.
"STUPID QUESTION, they want our gold and raw materials of course!" a peasent shouted.
"Let's try to remember what we have always said to one another, stand united, stand together... show kindess to terror and terror shall flee! come with me all of you, do not let fear control your hearts! each one of your grab a buckler and a wooden stick, we will go out and stand united as one!"
meanwhile the raiders laughted as they thought thier plan worked, then the rest of the raiders rushed in to celebrate and take the booty. but just as they were about to celebrate. they heard war drums playing and a huge army of people rising against them... the raiders shouted and screamed
but the words had no effect on this army marching towards them, as the army approached the raiders started to get scared, readying for battle they drew out thier maces.... but as they got a clearer image of the army, they realised it was just the townsfolk, and laughed.
"You dare come against us? the imfamous Raiders of the wind? ha!?! you must be crazy!"
with straight faces the townsfolk marched infront of them,
"Flee now or prepare for battle, we shall not flee in the sight of such lions prowling... we fear you not and stand united... "The cheiften of the raiders stood up and said
"who is your leader! come and battle with me!" the counsellor stood up and said "Here I am!"
As the cheiften readied his weapon the counsellor stood completely still with a stick in his hands, the cheiften began the first strike, swinging his mace in the direction of the counsellor but the counsellor refused to move and just as the mace was about to hit him, he blocked it with the flimpsy stick he had. The cheiften was amazed at how such a flimpsy stick could withstand such a hit, again the cheiften swang his mace with full agression and again the mace was blocked by that one flimpsy stick... the battle carried out and the cheiften ran out of breath flat out on the floor... the counsellor walked towards him with the stick pointing towards his head.
"Noo don't kill me" Cried the cheiften.
"Who says I was going to kill you?" replied the counsellor.
"That stick it is enchanted, witch craft,... !!!!" shouted the cheiften as he tried to regather his strength.
"No it isn't, it's simply a stick... but with all of us standign here united even this stick can overcome you! it has the strength of hunderds of sticks" as the counsellour said this he grabbed the cheiftens hand and put him back up on his feet.
"I shall not kill you, but I shall forgive you, come wiht me and join me as I show you how a rightoues nation shall prosper. There is no need for killing nor for stealing, step into this path and I shall show you the wonders of this lighted path."
"I shall" replied the cheiften
"AND WHO SHALL JOIN ME!!!" shouted the cheiften in enthusiasm.
2/3 of his followers dropped thier weapons and joined, the other 1/3 replied by calling the cheiften weak and feable, but in fear ran for thier life.
Your probally wondering.. Him Chris you usually write stories related ot Christ, but amazingly enough this is about Christ... How as our old nature we used to rush into the base of the Lord and think we can simply attack Him, not realising even wiht a puny stick He could defeat us all.
Proverbs 21:31The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD.
Another part is standing united... As Christains we are all the church, each of us a building block and a part of the body of Christ, all of us are bound together, even though we have seperate giftings, we are still one together in the body of Christ.
Romans 12:4-5 4Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
last part is about a sinner accepting Christ wanting to take the rightoues path, in the way they saw the power of Christ come alive! and how some do not believe and reject, some flee coz they fear that thier weaknesses shall be shown, though clearly they don't need to coz simply we are weak.
Romans 5:17 One man sinned so death ruled all people because of one man. But now those people who accepts God's full grace of being made right with Him will surely have true life and rule through one man, Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians 15:57But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thats all folks! Jesus loves ya all the way, when your in the worste oif situation call out to Him! EVEN IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN HIM! JEsus still loves you :)
-God bless,
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Home sweet home
Got home back in malaysia yesterday at 7 am.... Wohoo... got here went straight ot eat siew ngap! MWahahhaa roast duck for those who can't understand my noobish chinese :P, Any wayz, continued on ate dinner.. couldn't eat much due to the duck not being digested, went straight to planet shakers concert.. and started to jump for da Lord! it was amazing, I am so glad I made it back on time to listen to a very powerfully filled message! Reveal Religious spirit! Give fragrance! Give generously! Wahhaha, and some I forgot... hmm crazy? dynamic Whahaha, I am on a rescue ship, and so are all my brothers, but who of you wanna go to da edge with me? :), God rocks amen? AMEN! YA BABY~~~ Wakakka....
but today I woke up with an acheing body Wahaha, but that didnt stop me from goign tochurch and bveing filled up with an amazing message and charged in the spirit, PLUNDER HELL POPULATE HEAVEN, PLUNDER HELL POPULATE HEAVEN! FIRE FIRE!! Whahaha, I am on fire Weeeee! God r is so awesome, wait awesome isn't good enough.. so I'm gonna make up a word, Superfudalistic! Yeap yeap That's my God! Beyond what words can experessssssssss!!1 Yahooooo, but not .com Hehe...
Everythign seems the same, besides so many people wanting to talk to me at once, got kinda hectic :S, but is ok, I was touched, just by how many people actually welcomed me back, sorry to those I didnt seem very kind to I did mean to be mor3e friendly and chat longer... but unfortunatly I only have one mouth... wait that could also be fortunatly, coz I have 2 ears! Heh, Wokies... I feel so inspired...
I really feel liek I Wanna run out into the world and drag people into God's kingdom, but I believe that SAP will eb the way that it will all happen, I dunno how, or why, I'm gonna walk the path that Christ sent me on, and heck the storms shall be brewing, but you know what! I'll walk on the water with the empowerment God's given me! as Jesus is in my boat!
God bless ya all!
-Chris is back in town
Thursday, June 14, 2007
C : You are really silly.
H : You have a very good personality and good looks.
R : Easy to fall in love with.
I : You are great in bed.
S : Fuckin crazy.
T : Easy to fall in love with.
O: Easy to fall in love with
P : You are popular with all types of people.
H : You have a very good personality and good looks.
E : awesome kisser
R : Easy to fall in love with.
Delete my name at the top, copy & paste and do it yourself using the letters of your first name.Try it yourself ……
A : You like to drink
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to drink.
E : awesome kisser.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and good looks.
I : You are great in bed.
J : People Adore You
K : You’re wild and crazy.
L : You like to drink
M : best kisser ever.
N: You like to drink.
O: Easy to fall in love with
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : Easy to fall in love with.
S : Fuckin crazy.
T : Easy to fall in love with.
U : You really like to chill.
V : You are not judgemental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You like to drink
Y : Best g/f b/f anyone could ever ask for.
Z : Always ready
Wahhaha am I that easy to fall in love with? Lolx, I wonder...
Any way thats all for today, flying tmr :( :) Mixed emotions
God bless
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Time nearing
the time is coming where I will be returning to Malaysia.. in a sense I want to go back in another I wanna stay. Well here I have friends I never got to catch up with and made new ones, and the house isn't completely finished, I do hope I can do everything in 2 days.... :(. On the other hand I Wanna go back to church in malaysia... I miss lots of ppl, Jerm, William, Florence! yeah I've missed names., but thats only coz I chat to them online regually, dont know how to miss them :P Haha jking...
sigh... I don't know whats gonna happen in the future, I do hope that the sap course will be ready... if not I have to get a job first then squeeze it in... I'ms cared coz I havnt touched up my programming much recently, I will be touching up more and more as I am back in malaysia... lifes going on.. and I'[m gonna be entering another phase in life.. I hope to be a contented Christain I know I wont have all my collueges as friends though I do wish to.... prehaps if I be kind, and respectful, and earn my trust in them I will be loved?... I dunno, :) I hope Christ can spread witghin the office, you know... I really wish to go missionary some time.... liek dedicate a part of my klife to see people get saved.. n give time to people, who need Jesus... which is everyone basically...
I love all my friends... and my enemies too though it hurts me to see them hate me... but it's life I guess... I hope the best for everyone, and that through much of thier lievd they will come to know Christ, I am not perfect that is why I need Him....
Any waysz,,, Chris signing out!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
5 days later
Well paintings basically all done, just need to fix a small part of a frame and thats it paint that upand it's all finished I guess..... still one room which is now in 60% completion, garden, which is back in a mess coz I did some prunning xD, and last but not least! carpet laying...
Well.. days been tough... and fun at the same time... In the bible studies I manage to speak out more and be more confident in speaking.... church basicallyhelps me to gain more knowledge on how things go... and daily devotion is excelent! I'm so glad church gave us the black book, reflection of his grace... been real fun recently finding out more and more about God, I am really glad to see some revival happenign in uk! oh man I just wanna praise God!
Well, lets get onto what I had in mind earlier this morning... I was thinking to myself, what about my Childern in the future.. hwo can I assure that they will be great followers of Christ and should I really get married seeing that I might not be able to please my wife =(... kinda sad statements really, coz it lead to me saying, trhen what purpose or dreams do I have left? if I cannot be what I dreamed of being. So my purpose in life stops there, but ont he other hand I still have a purpose to share the gospel... to share the goodness of Christ... I really wonder where God's bringing me, ah so many things... like jobs n all came to my mind too... I havn't looked for a job since my graduation in feb.,.. I wonder if I can still find one in my feild.. and how I might react in my job... I pray God will settle this in my mind, well.. like Philpians 4:6 says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." *sighs in relief*
Oh, as I see the skies above... how the clouds in all it's love... covers up the sun.... I shall still, know that the sun is still shining, above all the clouds... and in everything I see..... as I look around, wondering, observing.. such wonderous things, such creaters, such wonderful things that the Lord has made, I wanna stand here, and praise the Lord, for all the wonderful things, He has put in my life. I know I am not perfect, this I know. But his perfect hands have made me whole, and I know that everything that happens, bad and good, it'll always be, that one day that my life, will be complete at the end of the goal...
Thank you, for the wonderful things you've done, all the wonderful friends you've given... all the difficult friends you've given... thank you for the cross, thank you for your love and grace, thank you for my brothers and sisters, and most of all thank you for you!
Thanks everyone, I cherish you as an important part of my life.. all those who hate me I also thaank you for being in my life... for you have helped me grow in my character and all, I know that the Lord loves you all dearly, despite if you believe or not.... I thank you Lord for my care group leader, whoms hand has been gentle on your sheep, even though she is not perfect in any human sense, but I know she is made perfect in you! I thank you for my care group members, whome I love regardlessly... some times they do annoy me but I thank you never the less for them, I also wanna thank them personally for all they have done.. adding nice sweet and bitter tastes into my life, making the cake of life taste a lot better! Thanks Florence, Jerm, William, Eric, Alex, Alicia, Michelle, min hui, and many more! that I havn't mentioned not all are from my care group... I wish that all of you read this... but I know only a few do... and I am really thankful for all of you. I wanted to tell all of you this and I always do. so that in life I shant have no regrets! Thank you God, thank you friends... thank you brothers and sister. =)
-God bless
Saturday, June 02, 2007
little things
Haha life's been great in uk I guess, got to do lots of painting still well just one mroe layer.. after that is done then it'ss be all cool, sherding and one room left after that :). oh yea and carpeting :( but hey it's allmost there :D:D:D.. can't wait, any howz, I was in bible study yesterday, and I noticed real smnall thing about what Jesus said, when he was speaking to nickodeamous(however u spell his name) and he used We told you blablabla... all we and it's amwazing how I never noticed that we in that text.. it's cool huh?
Life's been interessting... and God's been great I think revival is about to burst out! :) but people may not respond nicely to it all, but if they get saved, what's for them to lose? :) ah wellz, thats all for me today boyz n galz
God loves ya all regardless!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
oh how great are memories aye? I'm so glad God gave us the ability to remmeebr things.. to cherish every moment of life, even if it was bad or gd... I still remmeber back in the days I was young without a care... I still rememeber doing mischevious things... if there were anything more precious than gold or silver, and but still less precious than God, it would be memories...
IN the darkest vaugest areas of my mind,
a shred light I see, a shred of hope,
as tears fill the eys of my beloved owner,
I know I have pleased,
I may not be much, and some may want me gone,
but without me, what purpose is there.
As drastic I may be... or as sweet as I can be,
if you lost me, you've lost the most precious part of you.
But somethings I hide form you, is for your own good,
memories of torture n pain forgotten,
I hide them n cover them with lots of sweet fond memories.
coz if theres one thing I love, it's my owner smiling.
As memories fly by, I can tell you that nothign on earth can replace them... some times thier bad.. some times I wish I didnt have them... but I'm always glad thier there... so I know I can learn form them, and step up... so I can see hwo I have changed, for better or worste... most of all for times I can sit alone look back...
Random thing
As my life goes on... and time flies by, I'm glad that I have known all of you... even though some memories are bad, I know I'll always cherish them, for I always have good fond memories of the times you were your sweetest..
I thank you God, that you've given, us a memory to hold on to, at times when we feel we've forgotten we can always hold to you... and even when we think we are alone, I know because of what you;ve given us, the memory to remmeber a verse, to keep us on our toes and keep going in this race...
I know that everything may seem so dark at times now, but I knwo that God is the light of my life now. I know it coz I have it, in my memory now... I know coz I knowit.. in my heart...
Tribute to God :)
Thank you for the great things that you have put on this heart,
thank you for the friends and family around.
Thank you for accepting me, when I was lost and lonely,
thank you for making me part of your family~
I was lost, without a guide, with no one around to help me,
a stray sheep I was, wandering around, not even aware of the wolves.
But one day you came to me, and picked me up from the floor,
You told me you loved me, and cherished me mroe than gold.
I thank you Lord, Jesus Christ... The shepherd who died for me.. to protect what wasn't even His... not choosen by God, not even part of the promise.
He chose to die for me... so that I may be part of it all. and I praise His name today! For everything He has done... and nothing, absolutly nothing... will ever change it~
Monday, May 14, 2007
As darkness filled the room.. in the eyes of small Spire... He saw a small button, as he approached the button, it was red, with a warning sign, that if one pressed it, they will feel good for a while... curious he thought about it... sitting down on the floor... with thoughts rumbling through his mind.. he remembered that his dad always told him that there was this one button never to be touched, and it gave pleasures that were not one bit rightoues.
As Spire said in his head, No... I must not touch the button in his head, he couldn't keep his eyes off the red button... thinking of just the word pleasure... temptation filled the room, as his body lured closer... his finger reached over the button... and boom, he pressed the button, and a sensation like no other filled his body... he felt so good that he said to himself how can this be a bad thing.... But after reaching the climax of the pleasurable feeling, it all faded away....
suddenly he felt a swarm of shame cover him. saying to himself, 'This will only happen once" He walked off....
but days past and he couldn't stop himself pressing the button.. He cried out aloud screaming, "WHY WHY, I HATE MYSELF!"
deciding that he couldn't overcome the temptation, he hid from his Dad.. from everyone... hoping they wouldn't notice what he had been doing... but as weeks past he could no longer handle the guilt, and ran to his Dad confessing what he had done.... expecting a great big lecture and a good whacking, spire curled up loking down, but all his dad said was,
"Spire, Spire... why didn't you come to me earlier, I told you to keep away from that button... but I guess temptation and curiousity got the better of you... Spire son, I don't hate you, let's get through this together... I knwo it's gonna be hard, and you may fall now and again, but together we shall overcome, no temptation can be too overwhelming that you can't overcome.. Spire son, I loved you lots, and many have fallen to the tricks of the button, though it was wrong for you to go there and press it, I'm glad you came to tell me and admit to me about it, and because of that I forgive you. Spire son, we will get through this together."
As Spire looked up in suprise... he huged his dad, saying " Thanks Dad."
Just as when we sin, hiding and running doesn't do us any good, but instead come to God through the Lord Jesus Christ, and confessing our sins, and just as spires dad responded, so shall he.
God bless,
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Well what has Chris been up to eh? Firstly London, went to London to visit my sister, and play the nintendo wii, SUPER DUPER FUN suggest every girl get it ;), as for guys, if u dont mind having fun go get it, but if u want intense graphics and super hard moves n stuff, dont get it, coz its simple and fun!
secondly spray painting.. ooo man spray paints DO NOT make you high... THEY MAKE U SUFFOCATE, Haha and no I wasn't sniffing it, I was spray painting a door for my mum with a mask on and it got through the mask, I had to run downstairs to regain air...
Thridly bible study Wahhaha wikid I loved it this week learned lots, and God's not giving up here or any where in the world :D
Well, God's also helped me in overcoming... even though temptation runs through my veins, I feel that what Spider man 3 said at the end is true, (not direct qoute) No matter how tough the battle wages within, we still have the choice to do what's right. :) beautiful aye? Now for my random stories or poem or whatever comes out form what is next :D
Random thing
As I look upon the sun, I see the great rays of light pericing through the clouds,
I say to myself, what beauty it is, seeing small rays of light breaking through the clouds that are covering it.
I see it and think, look there's heaven opening, with it's wonderous rays forming, you realise no matter how great the storm, the sun is always shining.
No wonder eagles soar in storms, with their great strength they soar above it knowing the sun is always shining.
it's abit of like life isn't it? in a situation where we think nothings going right everything is going rough and we think to ourseleves we are gonna fail and it's gonna be the end. but no matter how great the situation the storm, the Lord Jesus is always standing above it all, and all we have to do is soar above the storm.... You see the storm is there, but above the situation is the Lord Jesus, helping us calm the storm.
It's abit like a storm, we step back looking at a storm and we see a sun above it all, so if we step back and look at the problem we see Jesus above it all, we see how small the problem really is and how big Jesus is!
As the storm clears the sun shines radiantly, and we realise we were never in darkness but darkness was blocking our way, Just as when the trouble and mountains move away, we notice that the Lord was always there.
What a beauty to behold, always know this, darkness always hides, coz when light shines, darkness hides.
John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.