As darkness filled the room.. in the eyes of small Spire... He saw a small button, as he approached the button, it was red, with a warning sign, that if one pressed it, they will feel good for a while... curious he thought about it... sitting down on the floor... with thoughts rumbling through his mind.. he remembered that his dad always told him that there was this one button never to be touched, and it gave pleasures that were not one bit rightoues.
As Spire said in his head, No... I must not touch the button in his head, he couldn't keep his eyes off the red button... thinking of just the word pleasure... temptation filled the room, as his body lured closer... his finger reached over the button... and boom, he pressed the button, and a sensation like no other filled his body... he felt so good that he said to himself how can this be a bad thing.... But after reaching the climax of the pleasurable feeling, it all faded away....
suddenly he felt a swarm of shame cover him. saying to himself, 'This will only happen once" He walked off....
but days past and he couldn't stop himself pressing the button.. He cried out aloud screaming, "WHY WHY, I HATE MYSELF!"
deciding that he couldn't overcome the temptation, he hid from his Dad.. from everyone... hoping they wouldn't notice what he had been doing... but as weeks past he could no longer handle the guilt, and ran to his Dad confessing what he had done.... expecting a great big lecture and a good whacking, spire curled up loking down, but all his dad said was,
"Spire, Spire... why didn't you come to me earlier, I told you to keep away from that button... but I guess temptation and curiousity got the better of you... Spire son, I don't hate you, let's get through this together... I knwo it's gonna be hard, and you may fall now and again, but together we shall overcome, no temptation can be too overwhelming that you can't overcome.. Spire son, I loved you lots, and many have fallen to the tricks of the button, though it was wrong for you to go there and press it, I'm glad you came to tell me and admit to me about it, and because of that I forgive you. Spire son, we will get through this together."
As Spire looked up in suprise... he huged his dad, saying " Thanks Dad."
Just as when we sin, hiding and running doesn't do us any good, but instead come to God through the Lord Jesus Christ, and confessing our sins, and just as spires dad responded, so shall he.
God bless,
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