Saturday, April 25, 2020

A Hunger satisfied and a Thirst quenched.

Hi all,

I know 2020 has been insane one incident after another, and it's only just the first quarter of the year. But I know that no matter what may come, it isn't the end, there will always be more, but nothing and I say nothing can compare to what will come when this period of grace disappears, and when we all stand face to face to a Holy God, who will judge each of us according to our works. But good news, and it WILL always be the Good News as long as He has not come. Is Jesus Christ His son came, DID A LOT OF THINGS besides die, Died, and rose again, FOR THE PURPOSE THAT WE MAY BE SAVED from this judgement, but also from our sinful selves, which never brings satisfaction, but continuous hunger, continuous seeking of pleasure, like a fire needing its fuel. But, that's not what God wants for us or intended for us and His Son came and said, I am the bread of life if any one eats of me, he will not hunger if any one drinks the drink I give him he will not thirst:

35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.  - English Standard Version. (2016). (Jn 6:35).

 He satisfies where greed consumes, he quenches your thirst, where lust calls out for more and more, to drink more to want more. There is no other satisfaction but that, of which came from Christ, to deliver you, to rescue you, because even if you did not know it, there is a judgement, or maybe you have always known it, and accepted your fate that hell is the only way for you. But I am here to tell you. Change is possible, and new life is real, Christ can and will restore you to what you are intended to be. The father of lies feeds you with more lies, to keep you hungry, you can reign in hell with me, but the truth is, hell is the end for him and to reign with him means to meet the same end as him. Oh Please do not do that! Find Christ, Find Christ! He calls to you through this message. Is it a coincidence? I think not, if you read all of this, perhaps there's a hunger that could never been satiated, something that kept on drawing you down, you say you cannot defeat it, the father of lies says it's who you are supposed to be, in fact he is also full of deceitful wisdom, giving you half lies, a false purpose and satisfaction, which you cannot seem to satisfy. But Christ, He has given Himself over, no self preservation, so that you might find life, and find it more abundantly.

Please friend. If you are reading this, eternity is real, salvation is true, death is not the end. Christ desires you and wants to be with you. So, hear my news, this is it, heaven's doors have been open, a satisfied life is attainable, a new life, thirst quenched and hunger settled.  All that is required, is that you invite Christ into your heart as not only your saviour but your Lord, then I am sure, and certain when you do, He will fill you with His life, for this is the kind of Lord he is, not one who lauds over you, but one who bends his knees and washes your feet for you. One who rebukes, but rescues at an instant full of love and compassion. The one who sees you in a storm and can calm it, or even call you out to walk on it, the one who provides, who heals, who sets free those under oppression, who set the captives free. This is the kind of Lord He is, and so, if you would accept Him into your heart, as both Lord and Saviour, you will learn that He is tenderhearted, and learn of the His ways, the way of truth, that will finally set you free from this insatiable hunger that is taking its podium in this world..

31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” - English Standard Version. (2016). (Jn 8:31–32).

6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. - New Living Translation (Jn 14:6–7).

Find a Christian friend, a trustworthy one and tell him that you want to know Jesus, so that they can lead you on the way. If you do not have any reach out to me here in the comments! If you are shy, I know God can also open up your heart. Say this:

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your Son Jesus Christ to die for me, that I may be able to find the truth, to be set free from this hunger and thirst I have in life, that I may be set free from sin, that I invite you, Jesus Christ, to be the Lord and Saviour of my life, thank you.

And that's it, welcome to the family, I really encourage you to find a church to settle in, to pick up your bible and read the any of the gospels, Matthew, Mark, John or Luke. May God lead you the way, deliver you from deceit and may the truth always be settled in your heart!


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