My God is able to make all grace abound to me!
My God is able to help me in the darkest situations!
You know what? He is my light, He is my hope, He is my treasure, My reason, My joy My Lord, My peace, My King, My helper, My shepherd, My Door, My provider, My Banner, the Exalted one!
Ha! There is a light in the dark world, a light who shines exposing our evil ways, our dirt and our hurt! ohhhhh What a light we have tried so hard to run from, being influenced that this light will be one that destroys us. Yet the Irony! oh the Irony, it is the light that saves, while His grace is near, While the Son of God is lifted high! While His hands are still wide open, ever ready to say come into the light, and let me wash all that, dirt, grit and hurt away, Oh yes I will hold you, I am faithful, I have been looking for you for a long time, and my blood, will cleanse you from all unrighteousness. But I can't, if I knock and you don't let me in, I will not break in, no no, that is not the time yet, the time is peace, the time is to come and treat you with grace, love and peace!
Oh Halleluja! Oh Halleluja! will you not praise the Lord? for He has breathed on your dry bones, your withered bones of lost hope, He has restored your place with the Father, He has said now You are mine and I am yours! Oh won't you praise His name? won't you open the doors of your heart and let Him in!
YES it don't matter how bad you are RIGHT NOW, because you need to know He looks you RIGHT in the heart, RIGHT in the EYE and says, Your sins are forgiven! YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN!
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