Friday, May 31, 2013

A Friday - Gifts and Spirituality ultimately God first.

Hi all,

Well, figured this is a blog so I'll blog out, sometimes, to serve you get to a point where you feel like, people might just be thinking you're doing this for attention, to be able to get others loving your blog, or you in general. Truth in the matter is, if you read my blog, there's a lot of ups and downs, regardless of that, I find sometimes doing God's will can be a scary job. Sometimes I ask God, what if I say the wrong thing? what if I prophesies falsely I dare not do this, I'd rather not have a word than have a word that is wrong. But God is good in shutting me up, and slamming doubt in the face, saying If it's from Him, why would it be false?

So I am glad my Father uses me in such a manner. As time goes by, I hit a point where I suddenly realised the beauty in fearing the Lord, it's not a fear like you get when you're in a huge crazy situation where you will get killed and die, but more of a fear that you want to do right with God, but knowingly fully that Christ is the ultimate advocate. Please please please! Do not misunderstand me, I don't mean to say if I prophesy falsely it's fine because Christ died for me, rather not! We all know what the bible says, if you don't well read it! it's all over Timothy and revelations. But instead, this fear keeps me on my toes, not to be complient with whatever comes to me, but to scan it, consider it with the Lord before giving anything out.

If you're a person seeking these gifts, please do so from God, but always remember why you have these, because it was given by Him, and what you use it for, the Glory of our Father. Out of love and kindness, freely just as it was given to you, not out of strive and jealousy, pride and self-profit. If you seek these gifts, which only our Father in heaven can grant, search your heart and find the reason behind your wanting of these gifts, so that it may be of love, and for the glory of God's kingdom, not to glorify your self, to make your self feel good as if you are more spiritual, more significant than one who does not have these. I tell you one who has no gifts, but serves, loves, encourages, prays for their family in Christ and seeks our Father with all their hearts is much more in the right than any one who can give prophecy, tongues, interpretation, healing or perform might miracles. The case is simply because, if you just use those gifts, without love, without reason, or with reason to glorify yourself, or gain money, you are forgetting who is God, who is the one who blessed you and who is the one who has given you freedom to begin with.

Again, don't get me wrong. I am not against these gifts, more so I am even more glad if more people have these gifts and performing wonder working miracles! To prophecy into someones life and touch them so deeply with words that God wants them to know.! But I am against it being used for selfish desires, and out of love, emptiness. Like I said before, read the bible about it 1 Corinthians. Please understand this, your Father in heaven first, then miracles. Be filled with love, then over flow it, pour it, and be refilled again, not any kind of love, but our Father's love! Do no seek miracles and wonders first, seek Him first.

I love you all, I do, the persecuted church, the church in the world, across the globe, from the west to the east, you are all dear to me, even if we do not know each other. After all, are we not one body in Christ? Where He is the head and we are the body, that when one part is hurt, we all feel it? God is not absent, He is so ever present. Fear not, and let Him in, Fear not and let Him out, Fear not and believe.

So blessings, and honour, love and kindness, peace and protection, I pray for all.


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