Saturday, April 06, 2013

The Good Shepherd

One thing that  I do know, I was blind, and now I see!


Who opens the eyes of the blind?
Who cares for the lost and sets
the captives free,
you who could have cast the first stone,
Stayed your hand and said,
'Neither do I condemn you.'

I hear a voice, calling my name,
I see a door with pastures and all,
you're my shepherd, you're my all.
Who laid down His life, for the sake of all.

Who brings light into the darkness?
who fights with love against all hate?
Overcame death and sealed me in love.
The rock that the builders rejected,
became my corner stone.

With all your power,
With all your might,
Control of life, yet in all you could have done,
you still choose, to give your life,
so that I might find life

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