I'm sorry
I'm sorry blog readers.. but I am sad.. so I must let go my sadness in the only place I know!I fee that tears are always in my eyes.. but never flowing out.. I feel sad.. and alone... I dunno whats wrong with me.. I wish God oh I wish, you would come and see me now.. :(... my heart is heavy.. and my friends around.. but all I see is emptiness and the joy I have is fake... my true joy.. where have you gone?
I'm not happy, and heck no one said you will be happy all the time, yes you have the choice to be happy.. then be happy
SMILE... damn it Chris... you're pathetic!
I'm sorry I can't lie to myself.. when I am sad I'm really am sad... I mixed.. not knowing what is what and how to handle it all... help me oh Lord...
I feel that feeling again.. pressing against me.. and I can never explain it.. I am being consumed by my very own self.. and yes I know God your continually pulling me out.. coz I get these times of relief... but it's not enough.. sigh,... I want.. I think this is self pity!
I hate you Chris... always wanting people to love you... face the fact, if you don't feel loved it's probally because your looking too hard! for goodness sake.. look what Jesus did for you, it's not enough? can't you count your freaking blessings?! for franks sake... wake up... *slaps* ur a freaking idoit you knwo that chris?? and you think you know it all... you think people are going to SHOW you love.. JUST BVECAUSE WANT IT...
YOU wanna know something.. people are not sensetive enough to do that... people don't care Chris.. if your not a benefit to them.. then they'll just shove you aside.. like a freaking dead peice of meat on the side of the damn road..
yes when they need you they treat you like a KING... why don't you see this?... what are you lookiing for in this life Chris? to change peoples minds? to make them realise like you! damn it... you're so niave.. and an idot! so.. t(-_-t) you..
Just say whatever you want.. no one has the right to judge you here.. Get the stale air out of the chest! Hurray!
Sooo..much frus and anger in you young man. Life can be a bitch sometimes and things doesnt go the way we planned it to be but, hey, this is life and we are human! Thank God that we can still speak to him whenever we are down and troubled. Soooo../cheer up and chin up and if this doesnt help, may be a trip to the fridge to indulge yourself with those yummy uk chocos may help.:)
flow with the flow..is it?watever
time can change, maybe u r in painful situation. But dun think so much d...if u want to change to like the ppl tht wanted. U WILL FAILED. eventhough u seccessfully change,u will not happy
one day, u will want to change again. How many times u want to change?and make so painful decision.
Do u think u will be more happy after that?or ppl wil like u more..
It won't happen..
hmm..should I say dun change, but for me change or not doesn change the situation,bcoz its not the main problem.maybe somewhere else.Dun focus on your feet, look a lil bit further..U'll see the answer.
He is there,u cant denied His presence.He will follow wherever u go.
who is anonymous? hmm
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