Needs to start drinking
Alright, as bizzare as it may sound! I need to start to drink.. haha.. but obviously in moderation.. so time to rampage around n see which drink suits me best. *smiles widely*. One things for sure tho, I still don't like beer haha! tho apple shandy tastes quite nice :D.

So why start drinking?! you might ask me, isn't it a sin to drink...? my answer to that is, no.. it's not a sin to drink, and no I'm not encouraging you to drink either... lol. But I have discovered... drinking is good for you! haha.. so as long as you don't endulge in it, drink in small and moderate portions.. not in large lumpsomes. Other wise it will have the opposite effect.
Here's my discovery, drinking in moderation helps improve, cognitive memory... you can check it out here ( also there must be something gd in it esp when paul encourages timothy to drink a lil in EVERYTHING.. gee imagine juice with wine.. no wonder cocktails appeared! hehe
1 Timothy 5:23 "Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses. " - this might just help me with my frequency too? hehe...
but as i said in moderation ~ proverbs 23:31 " 31 Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly!"God bless! :)
::Mystries of life are uncovered day by day, life gets better as the day goes by, life gets richer as God comes in::
Please don't simply drink any alcohol...
The website you quoted referred mostly to the benefits of red wine only.
And the number of studies quoted are too little to substantiate the benefits of drinking regularly.
And remember... alcoholics started off drinking a lil' every now and then.
Christopher thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!
I hope you come back soon.
As for your post on drinking this is what I believe. Yes the Bible does say to do things in moderation but you have to remember who is watching you. The unsaved are always watching you and the choices you make. Keeping this is mind, do you feel that drinking even in moderation will hurt your testimony? This is a decision that is between you and God so I don't need nor do I expect an answer I just want to give you food for thought so to speak.
Some times is isn't the "act" that is sinful but the fallout from the act. You may want to think and pray on this some more before making this decision.
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