Been a long time
It seems that i have abbandoned my blog for a long while.. so what have i been up to? well mostly memory course... and work n sick.. lol! do you believe it.. I literally broke down coz of exhaustion.. lol! I wasn't a very happy boy at all~ I wanted to go emerge n i had to go get sick,... on a sunday too! right after church!!! AHHH hated it...
but good thing I managed to go on the saturday, I thought the message was great! talked about daniel in the bible how he was so concerned about defiling himself. Thus he wouldn't eat the food and all.. ~ BUT if u look what he didn't consider as defiling.:-Changing of his name-wearing the clothes of a babylonian-speaking the way of a babylon-learning the culture and living like a babylonian.- learning the arts of babylon (reading dreams n all)
Any wayz these points were valid~ and indeed daniel did not consider it anything as to be a defile. I believe God didn't either =).So what was it all about~ it just meant, when ur in ur working place.. dress appropriatly to your job (eg if ur in entertainment, please dont dress like a doll.. which has no entertainment in it) u get what i mean~. But what else was considered (in the world) would be.. pride. Greed, sexual immorality, LUST for power, LUST. lying.. stealing.. killing.. You see Daniel didn't do any of these =) I also believed the dream thing was a gift of God n not the dark arts that ps kong said :P sorry if I miss qoute u.. but I was hearing dark arts sitting there n I was baffled.. coz dark arts means u gotta deal with da devil n do some magic! WHICH GOD HATES IT IS A ABOMINATION TO HIM.. ah well~ any howz.. back to the point.
So what's the main point in all this? well it was all to mention upward mobilisation.. meaning u selected few,.. from the bottom move u to the top as quickly as possible as long as u do all those things.. learn language.. ect. But that;s not enoughto last as a righteous person.. Ps Kong mentioned one important key~ SD(SPiritual Dicipline) I loved this point that over saw everything.He said"You can be successful even if your not righteuos" but all this is like nothing.. and vaintiy.. and u will eb come "discontenteD" meanign always crazing for more power.. more greed.. and thats how a lot of those pop artist went.. from church going to crazy.. but there are those who are still spiritually diciplined~ eg marry J blige (she rocks haha) Ps Kong mentioned, To reach the top in upward mobility u must have it equal with spiritual dicipline (go church, pray, fast, read the word, worship, solidutity with God..etc) all necessary~ oh man! that rocked...
alright better end here for ya all basically all of thats summed up.. =)
God bless-Chris
::This life's tough, and we might just get into what I like to call the vicious cycle(nothing is ever enough) which will eventually be our demise~ But with God and our commitment (SD) We will reach a level of satisfaction whilst not being controled by lifeless things(greed money etc)::
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