Saturday, July 19, 2008


Today I have learnt something on increase. I woke up went to go to see my boss and other collegues.. he made me realise, everything in life, of working we need to ask ourselves, why this screen.. why do we type this in this area, what else does all the other things in this one screen mean, Then I realised.. I haven't paid attention to the small things in work! and it really got me thinking about life the same way.

Haha We tend to take the smallest things in life for granted, in fact I think that the small things matter in life, hehe... we also need to react pro actively to the things in life especailly little things, that really doesn't need to be seen as such a big problem we make it as!

I talked to a dear bro today and he also taught me some stuff =) thanks bro ;) you know who u are. I think in life we have many decisions and we need to choose the best of it all, stop dwelling on the negative, that just makes us depressed and what not, but to choose the positive! you know, these previous blog posts I have been down, and I have many choices I can choose from. Bad ones good ones, each one changes a life, but hwo you react to each on is the key right?

I believe this is why God gave us some free will.. too choose... I guess thats the greatest power of a human being! to choose!

Whilst talking to my bro in church, I realised negativity impacted me when I started letting negative things in my life, like the news papers and what not! haha I need to intake some positive words in my life I think ruters and erm... forbes eh? I shall consider it! maybe I will look into new guys fashion? tho I dunno how too haha I tried once ... hehe failed attempt to search online... oh well...

Another thing that hit me, is I need to love myself more.. maybe touch me self up and pamper meself more hahaha! I believe this is the key... It hit me when the bible said, love your wife as you love yourself... I will never be able to love any one properly, if I do not first love myself.. now I'm not saying I should be selfish, but I should have a degree to love myself enough..

reliance on God is another thing I learnt.., very important God's int he equation if not can't get anywhere! =) Jesus I love you! and yea I'm so glad you love me too~ can you teach me to love me too? hehe... at least, prehaps there will be a chance I will be more of a good husband that way :) my dream... hehe...

::Sometimes we are so BLIND in this world, but you know what! we can still choose to see, everything is a choice in this world::

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