Yeap I'm back for a bit... sudden urge to post here again...
Disgust, pains, cries and all.. some feel betrayed some feel attacked.. but bottom line it didn't feel good...
some times we feel like we'ere hurting inside, but we fail to see we hurt others on the journey along... some times we forget that others have feelings to and spread this pain along our path... but I just wanted to say... IF your hurting, look to God...look to Jesus hung don't he cross for you, this may sound harsh, but I don't care if you see it as not logical I don't care if you don't believe.. try to muster some strength say to God... I can't do it... thought I do not understand why Jesus had to die... for me, I can't do it God... I feel the pains are getting deep.. I need your help...
Jesus did DIE for you thats The truth... a fact is there's only one God and your not him.
Let's try not to be Gods in this world... why don't we leave it to God to be in His role and we be humans liek normally intended.. power lust all this is just temporary.. at the end.. if you were stripped... your walls breached.... your bare and naked... with nothing... the world disappeared... no one was here but you.. what would Gold mean? what would all your power mean? it would be pointless...
So back to my point... don't let your hurt inside, be it.. people who bullied you in the past, so your fear comes in control and you wanna keep on top if not you feel inferior and the memories of bullies come flushing back comes... or have feelings of loneliness and revert to pure lust.. be it whatever you do... You were never intended to be alone, why do you think God made you?... if we just existed without form.. without a creator.. then what purpose do we serve? trust me God made you so you would not be alone but with Him.. just you know some times we are rebellious and run away... don't let it grasp you all... you are all loved :)...
Lastly for those who are trying to help, fatal error of a helper is they don't take a step back.. and see the whole picture! come on friends and family let's take one step backwards... and see the whole picture.. the whole scene... never assume! assume and you might be come the ass of the assume part... ending up hurting both parties.. also don't ask harshly... a gentle questioning is enough to understand the situation... people don't look for solutions.. people don't look for who is wrong and who is right in these situations.. they look for comfort.. and a friend... cut your fingers off and offer your hand walk with them don't send them a missile barrage... and if the person that hurt them is sounding bad, don;'t be angry at that person... just carry the one that is wounded with you... we don't know what happens in lives...
lastly To everyone... Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life.. he who believes in me will have eternal life...
so I say to you.. all you need to do is believe confess Jesus is the Lord and Saviour... surrender and give it all up to him... no need to carry all this crap the world is giving you... become a stupid sheep that follows the shepherd and not a smart goat that jumps of the cliff...
Jesus loves you all...
No need to reason with yourself... Jesus loves you... the bible.. will reveal itself to you slowly... just be like children and follow... =)
God bless ya all!
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