Monday, December 04, 2006

Church, Project

Haha Church has been awesome, you have no idea how hyped up I was on saturday.. the feeling over threw me Haha I WAS WOHOO I CAN FEEL GOD SO STRONGLY!!!! WHAT ABOUT THE REST! Hehe but if the rest can't feel it I would be sad. MORE POEPLE SHOULD GO TO THE FRONT I REACON HAHAHA MAKE IT MORE FUN!!! :D.. But I guess we can't force peopel can we now Hehe... Oh my project.. shyt I need to start the documentation.. no more lzing aroudn after gym ttmr hardcore in pain Hehe.... :D Basically I gotta say ntohgin much has happened, I wanna look for somethign for Florence, been askign every one to help me search for that Item( Can't tell coz Florence might read this blog haha) But to tell you the truth she's been a great shepherd to me, or older sister Hehe ;p And She has kept me going in this church for a while actually almost since the begginign I say almost coz Linus also helped Haha. FLorence helped for approximately 1 year of askign small thigns it's cool :) IT's ncie to knwo your care grp leader actually cares for you haha, well shame she isnt the care leader any mroe but hey I'll never forget it, and Linus kept me in for aorund 3 months, Another 1-2 months Wei lune I think and never forgetting Ken Haha my high school mate!

It's all cool Christmas is coming up, I think I'll be giving Alicia somethign common and prehaps somethign extra she won't expect :D YEA! haha, but depends on my mood and time XP.

Random ThinGs

The world in all it's beauty,
The grace in all it's greenery,
I see the skies above,
I see the sands below.

I ponder,
Everythign is beautiful,
but why am I so empty?
why do I feel thing blankness...

Every one tells me there's some one to fill,
I have found that some one but He has not filled..
I am getting hungry,
starting to starve,
I'm so busy it's unbelievable!

Why is everythign so wonderful?
But why can't I rid of this emptiness?
am I not spiritual enough?
I go to church, I do,
I try to feel it all,
But I can't, but why?

Every night I cry in my room,
in my heart I do,
keeping my face up I say to myself,
Tomorrow will be better.

Tomorrow comes,
but all I see is sorrow,
Why is this like this?
why is everything so green,
and yet I am so bleak.


Faith is but a word,
one can say,
but who has faith?

I have faith,
but what is faith,
but somethign we just believe?
even if we do not see?

Faith is a word,
Faith is acquired,
Faith is something you do,
Faith is needed,
but just as a small mustard seed it is,

so shall it bring forth much greatness in life,
without faith you cannot,
but with faith you shall see,
The emptiness disapear,
the feeling of unworthiness vanish.

For Faith comes by hearing,
and you have heard this poem,
Faith is an action,
Faith is not passive,
but infact it is massive!

it may look so small,
but it shall grow tall!
with some watering and nuturing,
so shall it grow!

Hwo?how? Many have asked,
But non have seeked.
How how? Many have asked,
but non have said let's apply.

Pray and pray,
but what do you pray?
do not pray as if it were a ritual,
but pray as if it were spiritual.

Do not pray as if it was religious,
but pray as if you were talking,
to love Himself,
Lean on Him and find his heart.

seek His kingdom,
and His kingdom shall come,
Seek first the Kingdom of God,
And all shall be added,
for as light grows a plant,
so shall relationship grow your heart.

Empty as you are now,
knwo that all you have to do,
is seek Him,
in His kingdom,
and you shall be satisfied.


Thanks all! for reading again, I hope you have been blessed!

God bless!
"Salvation is near, all you need to do is seek it and you shall find it"- Tan Kok Jeong


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