Friday, March 03, 2006

God & Me

ahh all this time I have been so strict so angery and so ferice, but I realise how I shouldn't be and how different Jesus really is.. here's a few points
Jesus Died for me, and during the orste and most painful part of his death, he forgave me:').
He broke the curses that was between me and God, that now I can be a child, he broke it so he could establish his covernant(show his love and grace, to bless me).
He did it so I could inhert all that abaraham was blessed with.
He did not come to say, Chris you are wrong in these areas, so fix yourself up, no he said, I did not come to judge but to save! he did not say u lie to much, your sexually imorral but instead, said, I love you and I forgive you =).

It's coz he loved me first that I realise how blessed I am, how wrong I am and how I want to change, but he says, I am your shepard, I will lead you to green pastures and Still waters... oh how wonder ful still waters are so peaceful .. and green pastures,,, remind me of prosperity.

now the points about me...
I think I'm so bloody spiritual it's riduculious. I see so many faults in other people, as in Bretherns and sisters.. Then I realise how big a plank is in my eye!

I see how backslidden one is and is sad, but not realise prehaps there is a reson, afterall all things happen for the good of God, and prehaps they will be even more uplifted than I!

Some times I get so annoyed and get thoughts of evil in my mind, but God says, you see your brethern, I love him as much as I do to you... and I have forgiven him as I have done for you... and I realise, wow!

Some times when I correct one I use words of harshness and not love, but Christ says, let all the words form your mouth be filled iwth Love...

I am glad that Christ is nothign like me when it comes to pointing out mega errors in our lives, prehaps the pharsies when they were really wrong and abusing God in the past, but not to me, not to you, or whoever will come to him!

Thank you God, for all the things you have done for me... For I some times think that i have done well in certain things, but when I look back I remmeber prayiong to you, I am like the donkey as you entered and people praised you HOSAANA to the highest, I realise it is you now, not me =) Thank you for all the love you have given me, I thank you that it's coz of your love I am forgiven, I thank you that you too will forgive many mroe who are to come.. I thank you that even though I may be harsh you say to me, look into the pond, you see the sign no fishing? yea I threw all your sins form yesterday today and tommorrow in there, and there is no way to take it out. I thank you that you have told me I have a plank in my eye, and that you have carefully taken it out, and everytime I have another flowen into my eye, you never leave me and say blah you are so careless, but smile down on me and again over and ovaer again taking it out, with gentlness and kindness... I thank you for oyur blessings, oh the wonderful blessings, coz you gave me a roof to stay under, you gave me parents to look after me, you provided food on my table, you gave me legs so I can walk, you let me have arms that I may work, you give me eyes so I may see, you gave me a mouth so I can speak, ears so I may hear, a nose so I may smell.. a life so I can know you... I'm glad I know you and forever greatful =)
Yours Sincerly,

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