Friday, March 17, 2006

What if

What if tommorrow was your last day ever? quite an interessting question. Many will respond differently, some will say, I will go to all my love ones and tell them how much I truly love them, some will say haha I will go to my work place and let out totally, I would go sky diving, and do all the thigns I havn't done in this life time! haha For me I say I would go around trying my last attempt to tell ya all about God.. Just in the chance that prehaps I will see ya all in heaven ;). But how many of us will actually do what we will. After all today might be your last day? For me.. I dunno I havn't been doing much trying to tell ya guys about God much.. actually I probally have :P but then bleh I should just leave it between u and God. Frankly most of us wouldn't do much and continue with their normal lives, well so called normal, some would do nothing. ahh one last day of life, why not just relax it all off eh? haha thats actually a ncie thign to do=p. But if truly thats what we would do then... if we know today might be our last day.. Why don't we do nothing haha, coz we know that tommorrow might come, and that if we don't do the things we do today, tommorrow won't be worth while prehaps? hehe ah wells I was just pondering and it has gotten a few people angry I think.

A lil Msg

To all the people I ever hurt I am sorry, forgive me?
For all the peoples heart I have ever broken I say sorry, Forgive me?
For all the people I have ever gotten angry against or raised my voice, I say I didn't really mean it.. I'm sorry, Forgive me?
Forgiveness... is so easy and free to do.. you can always forgive some one if you really want to, but trust will be the thing u need to gain back. For when one is forgiven the thing they did is forgiven the person is forgiven, but if such consequences or situation should crop up near again, that the forgiven person may not be trusted, it is ok, for forgivness is free but trust... gained. SO you may ask me, Chris since your such a person that talks about God, and how he forgave us, how Jesus died for our sins. Then does God trust you? haha good Question.. Does he? of course he doesn't :P he trusts who is within me, where I gain my rightouesness, not by my works, or by me trying to be good, but by Christ's Righteousness. ;)

A Story

HELP HELP HELP, one cried helplessly... Stuck in darkness he cried. all He ever wanted was a helping hand, but all his friends had left him and did not wsee him fall intot he drain.. o every day he lived on what wa sleft in his bag a few crackers and 2 bottles of water.. Trying by his own effort to climb our he alkways slipped and failed. till one day he gave up and said, I Surrender.. He reached out his hand in hope that prehaps there will be a hand that will come and take him out of this misery.. He could remember all the thigns that he had done wrong in his life, and there were voices in his head saying, this is what you deserve mannn think about all the thigns you done, ur nothign but a brat u might as well be removed form this world, make it a better place wiht out you! but every day he would scream nooo nooo and tears will flow out so freely form his eyes... all of a sudden on that very day he surrendered and lifted his hand, he tried to scream for help one more time.. btu los this voice.. all that was moving was his lips.. never losing hope he streched out his hands even higher... and all of a sudden a bright light came forth form the top.. and a hand came down and lifted him up.

theres a meaning behind this story, but I'll leave it up to you guys to figure it out. If you can't prehaps you gotta ask God how? :P

God bless ya all Adios

Monday, March 13, 2006


One day there was a group of 3 Childern, and they all were sitting together, then a person spoke through a speaker, saying " all you childern make a wish and I will grant it. So the Childern gathered together and decided that they all wanted an infinte amount of sweets that could never make them sick or make thier teeh fall out. So the person spoke and said it is granted, TAKE as MUCH as you want but it will only be today I will give you this wish after today when you return everything will be back to normal like nusery! So each child had a little bucket and as many bags as they wanted to take the sweets out of this room. So one child thought to himself, hey if I take too much there wont be enough for the rest I'll come back later for more, so he went to his seat with one bag of sweets watchign as the other 2 and the second one though to himself, hmm the person in the microphone must be cheating me but since he said he will grant this wish I'll just take this one bag here enough for me, so I don't fall sick int he stomache or have my teeth rot, after all sweets rot your teeth right? then he returned to his seat with half a bag of sweets. Then the third Child was still gathering his sweets he kept on taking bag after bag, untill there was so much that he had to drag the bags on the floor, He said to himself, man how blessed we are sweets that don't rot our teeth, mann and whats even more cool is that we could take as much as we want haha I think I'll go back for even more, so the third Child went back and took some more bags.. Then the voice said " ok it's nighty night for today!" Then all the childern went to thier beds and fell deepasleep. they woke up and brushed htier teeth ate breakfast and took thier bags of sweets and started to eat them... Then the first child with one back ate half of his bag and said, I'll save some for later. Then the one wiht half a bag was left with one quater and he said I will save some for later don't want my teeth falling out so sooon. Then the 3rd Child ate bag after bag after bag, it was as if the sweets he was eating was infinite! then the first 2 childern asked the voice in the microphone how come he eats so much and nothing happens to him, how come he looks like he has infinite amount of sweets! then the voice said to them"you asked for infinite and I told you to take as much as possible, but you said to yourselves maybe there's not ENOUGH for the others, when I told you to take AS MUCH as you want, you also thoguht to yourself, my teeth are gonna rot and I will fall sick, when you asked for seets that don't rot your teeth or make you sick, i said it is GRANTED, and the reason the 3rd Child looks like he has so much is coz he has so much, he listened and recieved his blessing abundantly!"
So dear people so it is God who provides, don't think he hasn't got enough blessings for every one in this world, Don't think that his blessings will spoil you, but instead RECIEVE IT MORE AND MORE For God's provision is everlasting and even you can't contain it! be liek the 3rd child and RECIEVE AS MUCH, and REALISE how God's blessing won't rot your teeth =p nor make you sick ;) in other words SPOIL you! =) I hope this story you all have enjoyed for those who read it that is, God bless ya all :)

xP and to those who never ever recieved God or even think he's gay and all coz his servants messages in church are boring ;) this is just a taste of what he actually offers, OUTSIDE of the church AND inside!, and how do u reieve all these infinte blessings?
1st accept him as your personal saviour and LORD as he has given himself as a gift of sacrifice to you, just bow your head and say, I know I am a sinner Lord, and that I want to change I have heard of your Glory Lord, and that You died on that Cross that day, you forgave me of all my sins and set me free! I invite you Holy Spirit into my life, I invite you Jesus into my life! Amen.
2nd know that his blessings are all written in the bible so read it to find the belssings;) make sure it's a blessing not a curse :)
3rdly Realise his grace saved you and not try to do right but look on how much he has done, and that when you accept him it is his righteousness you gain, and be thankful!
Go to church :). Even though it's boring at least if you have any questions the pastor/Priest will be sure enough willingly to answer them if they reject you harshly and treat you like dirt, know the Lord loves you, if you feel no peace there go to another Church :) pray about it;) prayign is just talkign to God and building a relationship.
What 5thly lol :P the REST is up to you! pray ! speak to God and he will answer might be slowly but SURELY! :) GOD BLESSS

Friday, March 03, 2006

God & Me

ahh all this time I have been so strict so angery and so ferice, but I realise how I shouldn't be and how different Jesus really is.. here's a few points
Jesus Died for me, and during the orste and most painful part of his death, he forgave me:').
He broke the curses that was between me and God, that now I can be a child, he broke it so he could establish his covernant(show his love and grace, to bless me).
He did it so I could inhert all that abaraham was blessed with.
He did not come to say, Chris you are wrong in these areas, so fix yourself up, no he said, I did not come to judge but to save! he did not say u lie to much, your sexually imorral but instead, said, I love you and I forgive you =).

It's coz he loved me first that I realise how blessed I am, how wrong I am and how I want to change, but he says, I am your shepard, I will lead you to green pastures and Still waters... oh how wonder ful still waters are so peaceful .. and green pastures,,, remind me of prosperity.

now the points about me...
I think I'm so bloody spiritual it's riduculious. I see so many faults in other people, as in Bretherns and sisters.. Then I realise how big a plank is in my eye!

I see how backslidden one is and is sad, but not realise prehaps there is a reson, afterall all things happen for the good of God, and prehaps they will be even more uplifted than I!

Some times I get so annoyed and get thoughts of evil in my mind, but God says, you see your brethern, I love him as much as I do to you... and I have forgiven him as I have done for you... and I realise, wow!

Some times when I correct one I use words of harshness and not love, but Christ says, let all the words form your mouth be filled iwth Love...

I am glad that Christ is nothign like me when it comes to pointing out mega errors in our lives, prehaps the pharsies when they were really wrong and abusing God in the past, but not to me, not to you, or whoever will come to him!

Thank you God, for all the things you have done for me... For I some times think that i have done well in certain things, but when I look back I remmeber prayiong to you, I am like the donkey as you entered and people praised you HOSAANA to the highest, I realise it is you now, not me =) Thank you for all the love you have given me, I thank you that it's coz of your love I am forgiven, I thank you that you too will forgive many mroe who are to come.. I thank you that even though I may be harsh you say to me, look into the pond, you see the sign no fishing? yea I threw all your sins form yesterday today and tommorrow in there, and there is no way to take it out. I thank you that you have told me I have a plank in my eye, and that you have carefully taken it out, and everytime I have another flowen into my eye, you never leave me and say blah you are so careless, but smile down on me and again over and ovaer again taking it out, with gentlness and kindness... I thank you for oyur blessings, oh the wonderful blessings, coz you gave me a roof to stay under, you gave me parents to look after me, you provided food on my table, you gave me legs so I can walk, you let me have arms that I may work, you give me eyes so I may see, you gave me a mouth so I can speak, ears so I may hear, a nose so I may smell.. a life so I can know you... I'm glad I know you and forever greatful =)
Yours Sincerly,

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


ahh these days.. I only hear people calling me Crazy, Crazy and crazy... Word's are so harsh, they could kill some one... but I'm glad God's my sheild as he stated in exodus... if you think I'm going Crazy so tell the psycicalogical ward.. Get me and take me in.. is being so on fire for God a crazy thing? prehaps... is the truth so crazy? I wish that every one knew what I was feeling.. how I felt, then they would know.. but I don't care, cray as I am I sitll know the Lord see's me and loves me. why do people think you fear so much? I do not fear... I wish they would know that... ok I fear some things at certain times of my life, but it's the Lord which always comforts me and drives it out.. oh how I wish every one was reading my blog, btu the simple fact is every isn't.. and when they do all they see is God this and that.. then they say man this guy is bonkers... so sue me hahaha I have freedom of speech do I not? what you gonna do kill me? cut my body up and feed me to the Dogs? would you do somehting as disguist as that? but I tell you the truth no matter how much you do to my physical body.. my life will not perish, for I will be standing before the Lord, and be in his presence forever more! Perservere.. I cast alll blessings that I can unto you bretherns sisters, Enemies, friends and family... May God touch all your hearts, may he give you the joy I once felt and am still feeling , may he give you the peace that overide the dispute amoungst one another... did you know that even tho we have different callings God still says there should be an agreement? for isit not an inheretence of ours to bve united and give commanded blessings? did you know even if we have disputes we shouldn't let it give us the chance to character assassinate? a chance to go and show how right you are and wrong the other person is? doesn't it all seem to contradict as i speak? well I say to you.. if you see a contradiction reread the whole thing. I see heads you see tails, we flip a coin I say what do you want you say heads, so I look at the coin and it's tails and you look and you see heads, and we both wonder why? but did you know if we see different angles we confirm that God made us all differently?did you know that it's coz of our differences we are brought together! did you know that it's good to absorb the angles form the other bretherns! but if you truly feel a check.. a wrong.. your spirit tells you no this is not the right teaching.. do not assisinate the fella tell him how you feel! then let him be.. do not change him God will do that.. you just do the natural and he will do the supernatural! as much as I want you all to read this post. I wonder how many will... prehaps one day you will stumble upon my blog and say :O man this is interessting heh^.^ a story will come another day.. IW as gonna write one, but I dunno.. I guess there was a check that needed to be done, prehaps I needed to speak out and open my own eyes wiht God's word.. I am not perfect I fall but I am always getting up, and if it's too hard for me I know God will pick me up!
