When God blesses, HE BLESSES
man wow wohoo... hahaha well this actually all happened yesterday :P I got a new laptop and my pc got fixxed. a few weeks ago i got a new keyboard.. n I was playing on it(for those who maybe slightly baffled at this time, no it's not the keyboard for the pc, it's the musical one :P). you know... in the bible it says test me if I do not open the gates or was it windows of heaven and overflow with blessings... thats when moses tithed, So... I decided and said, ALright my Lord, I'm gonna take this oppurtunity to test you, since this is the only time you let me xD. So I decided, 10% of my allowance goes into the offering bag, you guys dont need to know how much. Then the next thing i know is my dad taking me out to buy a laptop, I was like O_O wikid, and before that it was him taking me out to get a keyboard!! HAHAHA amazing... the blessings come out so very often... I often say I'm spoilt, coz it's true. People see me as spoilt. I get too much, and I get the things I want, thus I am spoilt lol. But I realised... most of the things I wanted, came from the Lord, through my Dad, hard for some to believe but it's true. Some of them I prayed for(xbox 360) others was the blessing of the Lord(tithing test). I thank the Lord I have such a nice family.. It's true I don't deserve any of these things.. nothing, But the Lord still blesses.
Here's another testimony, I had an event running.. well organizing an event for almost over a year... it kept failign n prosponing.. until a point where I nearly gave up. But the Lord told me not to give up.. atr least thats what I thought he said... then eventually it was all planned out. I was relived my whole party was relieved and every one was happy. BUT YOU know what?!?! the event didn't LAUNCH. I was disapointed... I thought to myself I worked so hard.. so long.. I prayed so hard... and what does it end up as a failure. and if this event doesnt launch we don't get our certificate for being in Co cirlicullm.. however you spell it. Then one week after the failure, there was an assembly, and I was called out to recieve a certificate... WOAH yea... thats what I thought. I got a cert for being the president of my club, and not only that!!!! I got another cert for organizing an assembly held last year.. WOAH yea thats what i thought... I had to walk up n down the assembly collecting my certs lol. BUT PRAISE THE LORD, no matter whewre failures may lay, you only fail when you give up.. but even when you give up, THE LORD STILL BLESSES. man so much has happened this year
Spoken words
Since I'm on the ytopic of talking about God, many of you may find this starange. The Lord God spoke to me, he told me this year is gonna be a good year, FULL of blessings. Look out for this year, COZ God is gonna work like you never seen him work before...(ok I over exagerated that part) man.. I'm so excited... and now. When ever I read the bible. I used to read it.. and only some phrases meant something to me, but now when I read it each passage or more like verse means something to me. it has a blessing locked behind it, love.
I was going through the blog links on my blog, only go on 2 lol. one is Ashley, where he stated theres an add image button now! and I just noticed there is!!! WOWOWOWOW lol, secondly is Crystlyn's blog(Sher may's) WHo I havn't actually had a proper convosation with for over a year or so, probally due to arguments we had, or.. the annoyance of me or her:P vice versa haha, but at that time I was kinda angery, and I blame myself for not gaurdingmy heart form the firey darts of the devil. I let anger consume me, and many other things. I was almost not me hahaha, amke that I Was not me lol. But I put the past behind me, let all those bondages be broken, lifted up to the Lord, even tho I do think about it some times, and decided to go to her blog, randomly, thinking YEA shes not gonna blog anythign any way. and the next thing I know. click. W000000tttt shes bloged, haha I read through all of it, then decided ok now I will comment. commented and guess what hahaha, SHE doesnt know who I am =p. IN a sense thats a Good thing :P so I decided to go to her friends blog (her bf's) haha I'm so glad to see he has an obsession with Christ as i do. Man I'm glad to see prayers being answered.. Ask and you shall recieve. =) I'm gonna message her a chinese new year greeting(even tho I dont even know if it's her any more:P but she replied ot the birthday greeting so I'll assume its still the same)01*-****** HA undisclosed sorry :P hwo could I blur out some ones number but my own =p. Mines funky, 012-33(sisters name in Chinese)52(just means fifty two duh)549(which means doesn't need to play in Cantonese). hahahhaa thats how I memorise it, any wayz for those who are gonna call me, I say dsont bother, :P unless your gonna talk about Christ. or if your interessted =p... Dont call for fun, it'd be a waste of your money hahaha.
lets try this picture thing... man the pic appears above haha, who cares, thats me and ben, me to the right, ben to the left.
Peace out, and God bless ya alll!!!!!!
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