Monday, February 21, 2005


yes it's been a long tough road.. and many rocks broken glass has beirced me on the way... but I have to continue walking this journey of life no matter what. In my head thoughts rush through... zoom~ yea.. I noticed I've become alot bitter? or less sweet either way got be the same thing.. I try to help.. but my words seem less meanignful... I want to help.. i want for your trust in me,... somethigns happened n theres nothign i can do about it... just beome bolder i guess...

some itmes life is just rocky path.. a path that no one can clean up for u but yourself... money cant clean it just mkae it worste~ everything is so temporary like... I sung a song to my self I'll share it in a mintue sums up most of my thoughts i had in my mind... the way i am to my friends... nothing but a last thought a moement in time where u could just seek me^^ n I'm glad i can be a shoulder for u to cry on... to rejoice with ^^

the song

When you needed me most, I've always wondered when... u always needed me to begin with.. I know this life is tough,If i wasnt here how many times would you wonder when I was all oh yea... I just wonder now... I wonder if I appeared only when you needed me most. how many times would I apear~ I'm just guessing n guessing n thinking over n over... in my head it says you would think 5 times a yr, I doubt u needed me at all, n I know u dont need me... I'm just so sorry I wasnt there when u really needed me... I really am, yes iam, if i could go back help u i would, I'm sorry yes i am I wish i would be there for you.. yes i am sorry i wasnt there, yes i am sorry i wasnt there when you needed me the most~ when your needed me the most...

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