Cage has broken!
I dunno, how or why this has happened!, I feel an intesnse strength woith in me, a wikidness, somethign I want to rid of. I will rid of it! but I feels so powerful so resistant... Those whoknow me or are reading this THE END IS NEAR =P end of me, but do not fear as I will fight my way back. I may sound strange or werid to all you poeple listenign out there. I hope I do not hurt anyone, I hope I do not break relationships. Evey one I met is drifting... Drifting too fast. I want to catch them all in a net and bring them back. But they have gone so far in the race of life... I have slowed down.. trying to catch up will come one help me? But i know some one will. There is some one who will carry me through this race when i am tired... He carries all the amour that was put on to me, and he runs as fast as every one in the race ^^ he want;s me to be free... his name is Jesus. I knwo he is here with me. I pray hard every night that he helps all the poor helps all you gentiles to some to him... I don't want to lose you guys, I wanna see you in heaven. I want you to be with me forever more^^.
Will you come with me? I knwo that you have your own ways and I cannot change that thought nor can I convert you. I have no power to do either one. it's all between you and God. He gave you a choice, you took to turn away? but he isalways welcoming back those who turned away. He is liek a sheperd, if there was one missing out of a 100, he would leave that 100 just to find that one sheep. Those who think it'd be too late it isn't. those who think I sinned so much he will not accept me back. He will Jesus died for us. He was there =( I'm sorry that I seem that I am preachign but I really dunw ant to lose you all. There was once a farther, that had 2 sons. These sons worked for the farther, then after one son got rich and decided to leave home. But the other stayed at home. The son with all the riches spent got drunk went to parties every night. But one day hewoke up with nothing. Lost and not knowing what to do he decied to work for some one. But then he relised he once had a home, and a farther in that home. before returning home he practised his speech so that the farther will accept him back.
what do you think the farther did?
He returned home, andtold the farther ," please accept me back, I knwo i did wrong I will work every day for you, free labour, I did wrong and am disgrace... I do not blame you if you do not take me back.
I'll let you think of what the farther said... I will finish this post next week
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