Friday, March 19, 2004

SO another epsode of my life huh? well I'm gonna make this a little different. I'm gonna tell u what i am going to write in my next blog to hlep me rememebr. I am going to wrtie abt my biography. Ya my life who woulda thought of that? freaky huh? Any wayz back to this blog. Well i've been thinking about the word trust alot. Always been wondering why was this word invented for good or for evil. 'Trust me' some one would say but do you trust them. I guess i dunno prehaps u will.But how far can trust go. I really wanna be a trust worthy friend, but I'm afraid I will fall in to the graps of evil and it will take my trust away. Anothwer word is loyalty, i htink this links to trust. Yet people say it's the period of time some one stays close. I defins loyalty as floows:
Stay beside some one even in a losing battle
never let them down.
Friendz ForevEr.
I still have a question in my head. How do u keep some one so close to u, close. When yet they are far from you? how can u express to them that they are worth the universe and yet not hrut them. Well i dunno. Our lives are oging different directions. I still have contact with Ash. Still read mits blog coz she used to be my pet sister, and stil is in my head. However I am not anymore. I guess they say Good triumphs over evil. ya? but how much of that is true when evil is controling the world i dunno. I'm jusyt one guy in this worldtryign to make a difference. But is one enough. we will see

Well that about wraps up todays blog all these qeusitons are for u to answer yourself. If you want to asnwer to me then by all means do : )
Have a Gr8t Day wishing you all the best,

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