Dear friends, brothers and sisters, whoever reads this. I trust God has been well with you, I trust that He has dealt bountifully with you, through your lows and losses, through the brokenness and hurt, through the happy and joys moments in life, and through the memories of people we can only now cherish. For many of us, we might have lost loved ones last year, for some of us lost the only one that might have understood you. But I want to tell you God has not given up on you, that He still desires you, and loves you. Sure there's still pain as long as we live in this decaying world, but it doesn't mean we can't look forward and enjoy the moments that come by. Our hope and our race will lead us to the time when He returns for all of us in Christ Jesus, but until then, rise and shine His glory throughout the world, give that cup of water to your enemies, and leave God to do the rest. Our lives are set in eternity with Him. Praise His name and give Him the honour. Forever and ever amen.
Do not lose heart, do not think He has abandoned you, for He has definitely not done so.