So we walk this earth, pondering and wondering about our purpose in life, or why things work the way it is, and when we reach the pinnacle of what we are searching for we drop it all because we realized how meaningless it is, and how much it was all just about the ride towards it.
But you know, perhaps it's simpler than that, perhaps the purpose in life is to enjoy oneself and to enjoy it in what actually brings a longer sense of pleasure, good for our bodies, good for our soul, good for our spirit. Thing is, you need to know God didn't see you any different from any others. He loves you the same, be you the ugliest sinner of them all, or outer appearances are nothing to God. The fact you live, means you were given this chance, to live a life planned out by Him.
For sure not all will be going toward His plans, but for those who choose or more accurately He calls, He will put forward a plan, nothing to do with sin, pleasures of life seem so sort, and then guilt sets in, there's a reason for that, even a child who has been brought up in such a scenario will eventually some how come to a realisation of what is happening is wrong. I don't scorn you neither do I condemn you for your sins, heck I have sins, none of which I believe could be any "lighter" than yours, but that's not the point, we work out our salvation, we let God teach us, guide us, and lead us, one way or another we'll end up walking away from this sin, and if we do fall over, we know that we can confess it to God and He who is just and righteous will forgive all our sins and restore us. It's not an easy thing, there's no escapism to it, but there is God, there is a loving Father in heaven who wants the best for you, and He said, you're worth it.
Worst sin ever? well Here's news for you, Jesus bore it, on the cross, He bore it once and for all, so that your fight with sin not be one of enslavement but of victory and enablement, in fact the very death of sin is put into place, and you can walk free, you can walk towards your greater glory knowing that Sin has no ruling powers over you, but in fact is so dead, that you can walk away and it won't chase you no more. Does that mean temptation is gone? nope, does that mean you won't walk back to that dead thing? possibly, what happens if you do? then you just need to turn around and head back to the Father. Simple? yeap, too good to be true? nope because Christ has to suffer for this, it's not free, it's not too good to be true, there's so much He had to do, sinless, tempted beyond measure, tortured, and crucified one of the most painful ways to go, while bleeding out continously. This is the price, is it too good to be true? It's good alright, but it's true, too good in a sense that it sounds like one big scam, that some how it's too easy, it wasn't so quit calling it that.
Truth be told, many Christians will tell you a walk with Christ is not the easiest thing on this planet, but it's worth it. It's not one that you can constantly chill, but it's manageable, it's not over burdensome, and well frankly it's amazing because you can do what you do with Him.
Over all it's really about this walk with Christ you have, what you have in Him is amazing, the moment you receive Him as Lord and saviour, one is salvation from hell. Yeah that's right Hell exists and it's as bad as it sounds, but the good news is that you're out of it. If you think you're righteous enough and don't need Christ, you can go ahead, but no guarantees aite? I'm not going to sugar coat it, I'm not going to say that hell doesn't exist, but neither will I say that you should believe in Christ soley because of escaping hell. The fact is, fear is not the way back to God, it's love, it's running to Him in love and having a heart drawn towards Him, He does want to prosper you, and give you a good life, but a good life doesn't mean one that is dull, dead and frankly idle, it's one He planned and He knows you can execute and live out, but more so a life with Him restored. Fact: with no love there is no belief in Christ as your saviour. Loveless relationship with God will bring you in a lifeless walk, and you may even end up blaming God for everything, but He might just look down and cry, and say I had plans for you, why not come why not listen? but we turn our backs and close our ears off because we messed up and expected following God to be our own plans, unfortunately not the case.
There's no two ways about it, God is God and He will not share His throne. So if you think this is primitive, and old. look back into human history and you will find, we are just repeating a cycle over an over again, just this time we have technology, last time we didn't.
A Sin is a Sin, Christ's blood is the power to wipe it out, and His grace is well... so much, and continuous.
I do not advertise God, I only share with you the good news I have come to hear and learn and embrace, the choice is yours. But if you choose to go down this path with God, I will say you should never regret it, but always fall back on God when you have questions :).
Salvation prayer:-
God, thank you for sending your son down, Jesus Christ to be my Lord and saviour, I now confess Him as my Lord and saviour and believe that His blood has cleansed me from all my sin, Lead me in all my ways, and Holy spirit guide me continously.
advice:- I advise you to find a church, and get acquainted with one you feel comfortable with, if it contradicts the bible God's word and you find this out, ask questions, but always remember the word of God is final, there is nothing that overwrites His word, don't let any one ever convince you otherwise.