Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The Mango Storm~

Hey hey! everyone, it's not a story! but the truth~..

At 3pm a storm was brewing, Boom you could hear the thunder strike... my dog was shivering scared from the thunder in the kitchen, while a little dog was going crazy and hyperactive around the house ripping everything up..

Then ... *BOOM* *BANG* you could hear something plunge into the water! and something that resembled a pot smash onto the ground.. again BOOM BOOM BOOM, constant things dropping ontop of the roof tops!

Alas after the storm.. we found a plant that dropped into the pond, with the huge clay pot, and a fish that was ontop of the gate smashed into peices on the ground... But all was not lost! the big booming on the roof were infact mangos! what a harvest it was~ I took a blue bucket and started picking up on the floor.. tho some unfortunately didn't make it out alive...

Pictures of the aftermath:

Cindy's mango

The one that got crushed

Tried his best.. but still

The ones that passed the test! :D

By the way everyone these mangos only come out like once every 10 yrs :D

Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Hey all! Today is a great day, or should i say yesterday was :) I passed my SAP certifcation with 93%!! unexpected, but I am glad. All Glory to God! what can I say to all who do not believe that God is God? I cannot deny his truth, I cannot deny that He has been looking after me since I was young, am I brain washed? unlikely, But if I am brainwashed by a creator of my life :) then so be it! everything up to this day has been true in what He has taught me! and this is just another one of them!

Matthew 21:21-22
21Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. 22If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

I did the above before I slept that night I told God both me and Hunaif (even though he is not a christain) and any others to help us in the exam and help us to pass it! Indeed it came true! we both passed!!! I believed that what I prayed for will come to pass true enough it did. On that same night I prayed and believed in Jesus name for the aircon in my room to stop making a annoying sound, which was disrupting my sleep, and true enough the sound stopped:) praise and glory to God!

“In that day you will say: "Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted.”- Isaiah 12:4