Sheltered Beneath your wings
Man Am I glad I have God sheltering me protecting me :D it's so awesome xD... You know I just found out I have exams next week?! hjahahha just one... times flying.. and my money is running short all of a sudden.. hehe Well whats my plans for me exams? Trust in God, thats one thing.. and probally skim through all my notes again... although half of them are drawings xD...So boring now a days.. nothign to do during breaks... and all hahahhahahaAhh welllzzz,,,, Hope you all like the drawings.. I couldn't decide which version to put so I will put all 3 xD.. write a story do you say? haha after the pictures then...
story oh Story..
Ever wondered what purpose is there to life? why we walk around.. having absolutly nothing to do... how we crave for love, power... hwo we crave for money and materials... oh what goood is all this? at the end they will allllll PERISH... Every day we say to ourselfs it's a new day somethign to do somethign to make this world a better place! then we try so hard, but never will it ever be beneficial to you coz u won't be using it... So as you drain your life away pondering about such things, you do not see the value of your life, why your parents said, I want a child... hwo much thier love abounds for you within thier hearts.. as they try to keep it all in and smile as thier child grows up... You blame them for bringing you into a world of suffering... you say this world is rotting there is no purpose in life! but oohhh how blind are you?!.. We live, we do... here's the gd news, God said that he will make some humans, and they will fellowship! with me... then some dude called adam and a chick called eve Defeated the whole purpose of our lives! then some cool dude called Jesus came to die for you so that bond that was once there before would be restored... so much privillage you have to commune with such as one.. angels see you and say wow, you talk to the master as if he was your own... animals see you and say hmm... why are you so blessed? Devils look at you and say DAmn you you look just liek the one in heaven... damn you that you are blessed and have so much power.. I shall steal it from you with decieving lies and try to snatch it, I will act for the pleasures of your sinful nature and then conqouer over all your blessings and life, I will make you ponder and want to die faster, I will make you say I have no meaning in life, I will make sure u get no more blessing form the one above! YES I SHALL STEAL THEM ALL... But they see you and realise.. why doesn't he fall.. then they see you covered, they tremble and realise the LORD is with you.... they run in ear... and hide in the darknesshunting for other people in the darkness... What is the purpose of life? commune with God, is that it? no we must fellowshipw ith one another, we uplift each other... we rmeind each othe how great God is... what if they don't believe in God? shake off the dust form your feet... but you say to yourself it';s UNFAIR hwo about those who never heard of God? then leave it To God to decide, you never knwo what happens when they enter into life after death... I Say you are all blessed, so much so that Jesus actually died for you.. but if you should reject him, I say gd luck, for your life will seem dull.. and your joy seem so temporary... you will have love.. but not the type you want.. you will always be hunting for the empty void in your heart... you will always be in turmoile.. you kill to survive thewn realise killign is wrong but you get lost and confused... you have SEX and enjoy it but you know it only lasts hwoever long you stay in that bed... You run left and right and scream! you say what's happenign, and God looks and searches for you.. but you are covered with the blockage of Sin! but u have never sinned you say? have you never lied? ever thought of having sex with some one? just in your mind? ever wanted to kill some onein your mind all this you have then you have commited sin itself, just as bad as you do it in real life.... then when some one preaches the word to you, trying to give back the iheretance you once owned, try to give you back your life, you reject it.. and God can never see you, Jesus will never know you... it's spoken to you but you never recieved... but I know one thing, I'm glad that I am sheltered beneath his glory and his everlasting love....
^.^ almost a story... but more of an eye opener, but I hope u all enjoyed it, FLAME ME, CURSE ME as you will... BUT I am blessed by the Lord and all curses have been broken by him... ^_^ but over all I hope always hope that you enjoy what I write .. God bless ya alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
For his yoke is easy and his burden light!