Sunday, February 29, 2004

Wow... Gez you RE AMAZING MAN WHAT AN EMAIL. a MAN OF gREAT INTENTIONS. Anyway to day has been weird I wokr up 3 tikes wanting to get up but i couldn't not fair yesterday i played RO so nice Relaxed week end fso far co zno more ASSIEGHMENT , ne howz nothign else to say this morn bye

Monday, February 23, 2004

didid back fo another post finished mt assieghment, FIANLLY. in playing RO but not it's in emrgency maintanence for an hour so like -_-. any wayz thats all for today ciaoz

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

hi hi loang time no update, thanks mit for reminding me. anyway, today has been just a fabulous day. BELIVE IT OR NOT I HAVE BEEN PICKED TO GO AS A MC IN A CAMP NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i was like in the meeting, and i was a new member of this club. they were asking us to go to 3 different types of thigns o i choose camping/beach. little did i know, they wanted us to participate in speeech firstly they made grouops of us. then they asked who wanted to be a leader they asked me and Ong (myfriend) but we refused. Later they wanted MC's which at that time i did not know what it was, so they asked me to go in as one i said ok lah in a malaysian mana. Then i went hmmm... turned around and asked whats a MC a girl said 'it's where u stand in front of every oen and sgive a speech' I was LIKE O_O NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! but it was too late *sob. Never the less i guess it's good for my plubic speaking. Now I'm just too lazy to do my work coz I'm at home; prehaps when I am at school I can do more which is friday :( 2 hours of liabary 0_O. oh well nothign else to say cioaz all